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I dub thee Quitty McQuitterson (AKA SS) as predicted...

princessmofo's picture

So, once again, my powers of prediction were correct... damnit.

SS or Quitty McQuitterson has quit yet another extra curricular activity. This time it's martial arts.

Dh is bummed, naturally. Dh was hoping ss (Quitty) would stick it out. Dh has his black belt and he enjoyed being a part of Quitty's life this way. It was something they bonded over, or so dh thought. When I asked why ss quit the only answer I got was, "Twat Waffle said he didn't want to do it anymore." Whatever.

I'm sure this has something to do with the fact that the kid broke his arm six weeks ago and his mother has him shit scared he will end up an amputee if he continues. But hey, not my monkey, not my circus. At least it's one less thing we have to pay for. That is until the cloven-hoofed one signs him up for yet another sport he will half-ass. The list is getting long at this point: T-Ball, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball and now Karate. All quit...

But hey, kiddo you participated now here's a trophy... :sick: *insert eyeroll here* :?


furkidsforme's picture

I fucking hate a quitter. Way to go, BM. Way to teach lack of perseverance. That will help later in life. Not.

princessmofo's picture


GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

OMG, this reminds me of the skids so much. DH and I tried to get them involved in activities because they did NOTHING. We got them both into martial arts. We paid for everything. The boys were excited about it. BM agreed to it. All she had to do was get them there twice a week on her weeks. No problem, said BM. She did well the first few months, then all of a sudden they weren't going at all on her weeks. She was "too busy" or "traffic was bad" or she "had a headache." Whatever. The boys weren't advancing and kept being held back because they were missing so much material. So DH and I said screw it and pulled them out. Though the both really loved it at the time, they didn't seem to care about missing it. SS16 (then 13) asked several times about being re-enrolled; we told him to ask his mother. It's too bad too, because he was actually really good. Neither of them had been involved in anything since living with BM FT. They sit in the dark in front of the TV or a video game screen all weekend and summer.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i WISH mine were quitters!!

i am so sick of the particular sport they play that i could freaking puke. dh too!

thinkthrice's picture

Dominatrix (SD 16.5) was enrolled in BOYS football until she was age almost 13. In this way the Girhippo could go around proudly stating that HER daughter was the CAPTAIN of the BOYS football team (another one up on the male species, I suppose)

She started getting pounded and soon thereafter (wisely) quit. Thought she could get by simply by yelling commands at the boy players. The team went down in unglorious defeat the whole time she was "captain."

My skids are mediocre at best when it comes to all the extra curriculars but both the BM and Chef view their children as chock full of talent no matter what. . .well not so much Chef anymore.

For Dom, if it didn't come EASY in about ten nanoseconds, she instantly started CHEATING. I guess that is preferred to quitting, but still it's a bad precedent in life--when the going gets tough, give up.

princessmofo's picture

Yes, it's adjacent from Quits-Mart at the corner of Hardknocks Hwy and Give-up Parkway.

Thanks for the laugh, Echo. Blum 3