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What are some crazy things Bm has told skids?

msg1986's picture

So this weekend we were driving and Dh mentions something about drugs, I dont even remember what he said but suddenly Ss pipes in and says "My mommy used to do drugs!" So I turn and look at Ss and say "what?" and he goes "yes, my mommy told me she used to do lots of drugs but she doesn't do them anymore." I kind of just smiled and was like "oh, okay."

I know Bm is wack job but seriously, why are you telling your 5 year old that you used to do "lots" of drugs??? lol. I mean, don't get me wrong I seen a lot growing up but my parents never told me "hey msg, I used to do drugs!". It was funny yet sad at the same time...

So out of curiosity and of course for some entertainment What are some of the crazy things your skids have told you their Bm's have told them???


ENuff's picture

BM found out daughter wasn't a virgin any longer ~ and asked SD how was he ???

Also told SD that she was concieved in the Burger King bathroom ~ which SD is proud to admit. By the way that story I was told was untrue. WTF ???

ENuff's picture

^ ^ ^
So wish I had your quick wit !!!

My chin was hanging for the words that actually came out if her mouth. And thinking my fiancé was such a pig to get a quickie in BK. She is so complete n utterly delussional ~ my fiancé went out with her for a couple of months decided she was too crazy ~ broke up w her. Month later she came back n informed him she was pregnant.

She has always been looking for that white picket fence with him ~ he can't stand her. Nickname for her is AH ~ asshole.

Don't get me wrong this woman is beautiful ~ she was a freakin lingerie model. Just to show you crazy comes in all shapes n sizes. Crazy a$$ bitch !!

ENuff's picture

I was thinking if upgrading to possibly Wendy's ~ he could get a baked potatoe n a frostee !!!

No you ladies made my day !!! Thank you

msg1986's picture

WTF!?! LOL...

The first thing that comes to mind is the song by Digital Underground where Humpty says "I once got busy in a burger king bathroom!"... Maybe she's a fan and wishes that's how her child was conceived??? LOL!!!!

ctnmom's picture

Lol you guys crack me up! This thread reminds me of one of my brother's favorite sayings- "Welcome to another episode of White Trash Theater"!

AngelOfMisery's picture

Years ago the BM would pipe into her kids mind that Her and the Father were married, gave it a good pipe dream twist. The kids got in the car one day and the 7yr old (back in the day) Asked the father why him and mom divorced? did you stop loving her? and ran on and on about how once they were a loving family and have family pictures to prove it, Next thing I know He blew up in the car I NEVER MARRIED YOUR MOTHER!!!!!!! needless to say 3hrs of quietness to the house.

msg1986's picture

Wow... that's just creepy! Why would you want to create an illusion like that for your kids? Talk about confusing. Sadly, I don't doubt Bm here would try something like that.

SMH... I can't get over how creepy that is to lie about something like that. What a friggin weirdo!

AngelOfMisery's picture

She is an illusionist. More then you know. Someone that tells a lie but forgets what she said to back the lie up. A karma train over and over again.

BSgoinon's picture

BM tells SS all kinds of inappropriate things. I wouldn't even know where to start. She talks to him like he is her bestie, instead of her son. And has done so since he was a very little boy. He is only 10 now. She tells him about her friends and their problems her men and their problems... he is privy to any and all information that BM has.

msg1986's picture

I have the feeling that this is the road Ss is going to go down with his mom, unfortunately. Sad

Whatever new guy Bm is dating she introduces to Ss right away and takes him to sleep at their house. When Ss was 3 he came over talking about how "mommy's boyfriend" broke Bm's windshield with a bat and now "mommy needs to take him to court."

QueenBeau's picture

When SD was 4 she had trouble wiping herself good after using the bathroom. She had to have babywipes with her or she would leave stains in her underwear from #1 & #2. One day I was explaining to her how to wipe for the 100th time, "Front all the way to back". She had a small stain in her underwear (it was bath time at the end of the day, it wasn't a bad stain, for a 4 year old, I wasn't going to say anything) & she looked at it & said to me...

"It's ok right? Mommy says everyone gets stains sometimes, even mommy has stains sometimes"

DH & I were both in the room & DH look at me & I looked at him... Later on he was like "Did she really tell that kid she doesn't know how to wipe her ass??????"


thinkthrice's picture

HI-larious!! It would be fun to send SD back home with a gift wrapped bottle of "Shout" for the BM (for Xmas)

Tuff Noogies's picture

more of a question she asked than her telling something -

coupla days before YSS's b-day she calls "you got a birthday coming up, dont you?"

umm.... words failed me.

asgoodasitgets's picture

Haha! What is it with these BM's?? My SD also told me that that BM & DH used to be married (they never were). I corrected her "No, your mom & dad weren't married." She replies "Yes, they were - Mommy told me!" Oh well, she was only 3 at the time. She'll get it when she's older. How do you tell a little kid that Mommy's a liar & a jealous psycho? Btw, this all came out immediately after DH & I married.

BM also told her that a pedophile lives in her neighborhood. I checked the online registry & that's true, but why would you tell a 5 year old that?

3LittleDragonflies's picture

I don't know about stuff she's told SD3, but...

She told her mother she was a virgin when she met DH (very very not true)
She told anyone who would listen that DH punched her in the stomach while she was pregnant and said he never wanted SD.
She said DH left her
She asked DH 1.5 years into our marriage why he married me and not her.
Then proclaimed her undying love for him.

ctnmom's picture

Whorebag to SS- "We didn't want you, nobody wanted you, I wanted an abortion Gran talked me out of it". When he was 14. As you guys now SS is actually my nephew, SIL's kid she had when she was 15. Oh, how sweet it would be to kick her whoring, bitchy ass! I've had mixed maternal feelings for SS over these last 30 years, but when I heard she said that to him (and God know what else that I WASN'T told) I just thought, "my poor baby".

Mercury's picture

I don't have anything funny to contribute. The things she said to those kids when he left her make my skin crawl. Divorces are messy and painful. I get it. I guess she failed to understand that her kids are not her girlfriends. They don't need a play by play account of all the things he did wrong in the relationship -- real or perceived. The things she said were not only age inappropriate but also intended for the sole purpose of PAS.

When he talks about it to me now, years later, his eyes tear up. What makes me sick is that they will never know what she did to him during those years of hell because he would never tell them about it.

The daughter spent a good deal of time refusing to stay with DH on his time but then came around. As far as I can tell, time has been good for all of them. I think the kids have been able to separate the "he said...", "he did..." stories that their mom tells from the way he actually acts towards them and most importantly how he acts towards me (OMG>he's not a horrible husband!)

The son did say something hilarious to BM after a weekend with us once though. He talked about how DH and I never fight. He was if it was unfathomable that husbands and wives can be civil with each other. She brought it up the next time she talked to DH and he and I got a good laugh out of it.

AngelOfMisery's picture

HahAhahaha Hi'larious OMG!

What is up with that irish thing there. The BM has the youngest daughter posting on her FB she speaks irish! What the heck?

tryingmom's picture

BM lies as she breathes.

Some gems that the skids have shared with us:

BM can't work full time because she doesn't have a college degree, she can only work part time.

BM feels protected and safe with current BF/Fiancé, she's never felt that way with any other man. :jawdrop:

BM knows everything there is to know about asthma to treat SS10, she's convinced him that she knows better than a Dr.....thus cannot understand why CPS got involved when SS10 was in ICU with asthma issues and BM continues to go against Drs orders for treatments.

BM is trying to go back to college so she can get a better job. Ummm, she'd have to get her GED first. }:)

BM and DH got divorced because they fought too much and it hurt the skids' hearts. When in reality BM and DH disagreed about BM being married AND continuing to date/sleep with other men. (I know, skids don't need to know about all that but she makes it out to be some type of fairy tale)

DaizyDuke's picture

BM2 told SS that she has out of body experiences and SS told me all about it once when he was like 9. He went on and on about she was outside of her body and could see herself and blah blah blah and I was just like mmmmmm... Ok. Fucking fruitcake... who tells a 9 year this kind of crap?

Oh then one day we were in the car and we saw a VW Beetle. So I said "Punchbug" SS who was about 9 says, "Oh, my mom hates those cars" I asked why? He said that she thought that her BF was cheating on her with a girl that drove one. Again... who the hell tells their 9 year old something like this???

Jmom's picture

DH gives SD13 a $20 allowance every other week and couldn't figure out why she was still broke all the time. SD13 finally told us that she gives the money to BM for gas because BM said all the running around town was for her. She had to pay her share.

msg1986's picture

Omg, that's horrible... This actually makes me sad that a parent would take advantage of their own child this way. It's not surprising, however it's still really sad. Sad

AngelOfMisery's picture

ooh the BM would pull this. I see this happening. She has a history of taking the kids birthday money by giving a sob story.

AngelOfMisery's picture

ooh the BM would pull this. I see this happening. She has a history of taking the kids birthday money by giving a sob story.

Jmom's picture

Yep. Sob story all the time. DH even tried to open an account for SD and was transferring the $20 into it every other week. He'd even put in a little extra if she was going out of town. BM found out and saw gas charges on the debit card. DH stopped using the account altogether.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

:jawdrop: From SS9 (when he still spoke to us):

"Mom said she makes peanuts for money."

"Mom couldn't take us to school cuz her car is dead again."

"Mom promised me Burger King but they turned down her debit card."

From SS14:

"Don't blame Mom: it's my fault we didn't get to school cuz I didn't wake her up on time."

"I wish I could get a job to help Mom with the bills so we wouldn't be upset all the time."

"Mom said, "If your dad and Ghost are so wonderful, why don't you go live with them? I'll move out of state and you'll never see me again.""

I just...can't fathom her. Don't want to.

thinkthrice's picture

The 6' BM told SD (at the time about 6 yrs old) that she was BLOOD related to biodad!! Umm yeah well it is White Trash Nation, NY but STILL!! It was her way to make it known that I was an "outsider" because I had a different last name than biodad, the BM and the skids.