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msg1986's Blog

Question about Halloween

msg1986's picture

I have a question about how you guys go about Halloween and really any other holidays. Do you still do all the holiday-ish stuff with them if it's not your year to have them? For example, this year is Bms year for Halloween and I wanted to take my 2bios to the pumpkin patch, they are not in school yet and I'm not working so I wanted to take them during the week because there will be less people but I feel guilty like I'm leaving ss out buuuut at the same time I feel like this is Bms year so she will (or should at least) be doing these things with him.

Needing advice

msg1986's picture

Wow, it's been a very long time since I visited this site but that's mostly due to my work blocking social media/blogging sites and Dh and I have a rule where we try to power down when we're both home together. Right now though, I'm happy to report that I'm home on maternity leave as I just had DD number 2 on 8/2 Smile


msg1986's picture

Hi all! Smile it's been a while but since going to court things have for the most part been calm. There is course have been snags here and there (some of which I have blogged about) but for the most part it's been fine. The reason I'm blogging today though is there is something that Bm has started up recently that I'm not sure how Dh should go about it.

Unwanted friend request

msg1986's picture

So today I got a FB friend requested from Bm’s mom. Wtf??? Has this happened to anyone? I’m definitely not going to accept her but I don’t know if I should delete the request or leave it pending? Should I block her? Should I find Bm and her posse and block them too? I have NO Idea why this woman would friend me. I’ve met her maybe 3 times (2x when Dh and I were dropping ss off and then once at a school event for SS) and she seems very indifferent to me which is awesome because I have no interest in knowing her whatsoever.

Bm strikes again with demands. Are we handling this right?

msg1986's picture

A while back Bm text dh demanding a change to the time Ss gets dropped off at our home for dhs visitation. Basically what was going on was that her dh had a change in his work schedule and so she was demanding to change drop off from 4pm to 8pm because they operate on 1 vehicle. Dh said no, drama ensued but dh stood firm on his decision and she backed off.

Bm suddenly wigging... Advice asap please :(

msg1986's picture

When Dh and Bm went to court it was established that Dh would get 3 wks in the summer. We're on our first week of that visitation and Bm text dh demanding to talk to Ss. I feel like she did this to try to see if Dh was off work this week with Ss-Dh is not off. Ss is with my brother who is babysitting him right now. My brother is 22. Dh said he's with the babysitter and now Bm is flipping out demanding that Dh bring Ss back to her because he's not physically with Dh and according to her, he's in violation of the CO.

question about Bm and health insurance

msg1986's picture

Bm contacted Dh today asking him to drop Ss from our health insurance because she said the co-pays are too much and that she doesn't need it anyway because they are only using her new husbands insurance for Ss's doctor's appts because co-pays are cheaper. I posted a post about this a few months ago when she told Dh that Stepdad was adding Ss to his insurance and from what I've found out, the person with the earlier bday is the primary. Well, Dh has the earlier bday in the year so that would be mean Dh's insurance would be primary and Stepdad is secondary.

The bullshit never ends. Need feedback…again :(

msg1986's picture

So when Dh took Bm to court (for VERY standard requests which will end up costing us roughly 6 thousand dollars because BM refused to agree to anything outside of court) he requested to pick up Ss every Friday at 5pm from Bm's home and for Bm to pick Ss up from our home every Sunday at 5pm. Well Bm had some bullshit story about how her fiancé had to work every other weekend from 6am to 6pm thus she just couuuulllllddddnn'tttt do any of the exchanges. Well the Judge said tough luck, you need to figure something out because she needed to do half the transportation.
