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Another MOTY excuse.

MissK03's picture

Well.. SD has confirmation Sunday. BM will not be attending because.....

She thinks the city it is in is "gross" and she doesn't want to sit there alone. **Poooooor BM** Apparently her husband has something to do and can't go with her... 

I call BS. She has something to do. She is though taking SD Saturday to go "shopping". No idea where but this is the first time she has taking her shopping in literally at least 5/6years. 

SD thinks the only reason she is bringing her Saturday is because she isn't going to her confirmation... she's probably right. SD said she didn't question really anything.. SD isn't at that point yet... 

Another example of BM making a situation about her and not being there to support her kids. MOTY!! 


JRI's picture

I'm sorry for your SD.  And, you having to deal with this.  Stay strong, MissKO3.

caninelover's picture

Really your toxic BM sets a new standard.  Sorry Miss K.  And even sorry for SKs to have such a pos as a BM.

Please stay strong, as we know you are, lady!!!

justmakingthebest's picture

Just wow....

I hope SD knows how lucky she is to have you!

MissK03's picture

Isn't she the best?? I'm curious how this "shopping" trip is going to go. She doesn't know anything about SD sizes etc and SD isn't the easiest to shop with... 

We hope she moves sooner then later.