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nothing can be planned on a skid weekend lol

iamlosingit's picture

This blog is going to be all over the place, forgive me.

DH decided against leaving last Friday for the friends house and left on Saturday morning instead.  I had the house to myself...but thanks to these stupid antibiotics and feeling like complete crap I just sat on the couch like a lump wrapped up in a blanket with a mason jar of cherry 7-up and my pup, binge-watching Netflix.  Our friend's girlfriend was upset that I didn't go and was nice enough (sarcasm) to consistently send me messages throughout the weekend about how much fun they were all having, "wish you were here!", DH posted pictures of his drinks online, Friend send me a picture of the home-made pasta salad and STEAK they were eating for dinner ( I was choking down week-old cold turkey...thanks DH) I hate how we never eat like that unless its a visitation weekend.  I honestly can't think of a single time (other than our anniversary) that we didn't make steak or something special for visitation... then our weekend comes along and *poof* all the 'good food' is gone and we are eating crap or whatever we can find aka 'mystery freezer-burn meat' and rice.  I need to get better at my meal budgeting but I don't want to spend my non-skid weekends grocery shopping so DH doesn't use "our meals" for skid meals.

I got mad after seeing the picture of her plate and went online for grocery delivery.  Went a little nuts and ordered cream cheese wantons (sp?), cheese pizza, ice cream, and a package of Ramen for the next work week.   Not exactly in the budget but not being able to drive anywhere without severe nausea is the pits.  1.5 days left of these stupid pills.  I don't think they are working.  I also don't know what is going to happen at my next appointment on the 28th.  Fingers crossed that it hasn't spread.  So far it's constant nausea, random blurred vision, loss of appetite, room feeling like it's "on a tilt", driving with my head out the window like Ace Ventura in case I puke,  and the newest one: an odd disgusting substance that seems to coat my tongue and leave a disgusting taste in my mouth even if I brush my teeth four times a day. 
Can't wait for this to be over.  I hate not feeling "normal".

Sunday SIL heard I wasn't going with DH and felt bad so she stopped by to hang out and watch a movie.  She was nice enough to bring wine...that I couldn't drink lol  We talked a bit about the "friend" in the hospital.  I was curious because SIL is closer friends with this person than DH but she is really staying off FB and not commenting or saying anything about this.  She said "I hate how everyone on FB doesn't get it.  I saw "friend" a few times a month and we talked almost every day.  These people that are spending all this time at the hospital and creating websites and GoFundMe's and such haven't spoken to this "friend" in years.  They don't know them like I do and they are all getting involved.  "friend" doesn't want to be hooked up to all these machines, "friend" wants to die and everyone is being selfish and won't leave them alone in peace."  I guess the kids don't even want to visit because they haven't seen the parent in so long and they don't care.  They are mad it got so bad.  SIL has been to the hospital once.  Funny how different opinions are between DH and SIL regarding this whole scenario.  It's sad.  DH wants to "save" them, SIL wants everyone to GTH. 

Schedules and skids.  Oh lord.  This entire week DH is on call for work, meaning we can't do anything this non skid weekend because he could get called at a moments notice to go in to work.  Given that it's daylight saving's time, he is going to be at work for sure changing all the clocks.  So there goes this weekend.  Next weekend is a skid weekend and SIL husband has a birthday and the following day one of our mutual friends with no kids is having a birthday celebration at some go-cart thing at a mall.

DH is losing his mind.

He feels like last visitation wasn't 'good enough' because even though SS had a friggin BLAST on his play date, DH says " I had no time with him".  Monday DH got mad at BM because she was doing something with SS and DH LOST 15 MINUTES OF "HIS TIME" in retaliation DH kept SS UNTIL drop off time THEN drove him home, making SS a 1/2 hour late for drop off. I know BM does that crap all the time with DH, so I don't blame him for doing it back....but damn it's just 15 friggin minutes...seriously?? It is very petty and makes DH no better than BM.  DH is also already obsessing over "take your kid to work day" next month...(I hear about it every other day)...he will get 8 extra HOURS with SS that week...but he is going to throw a fit over 15 minutes? 

Anyway, add on the "no time with ss" last weekend and DH is mad because SIL says she has arranged for a babysitter to watch everyone's kids next Friday for a few hours while we all go to a brewery for her husbands birthday.  Saturday is the go-cart thing.  I personally think it is rude to assume you can bring your child to someone's birthday celebration when there aren't going to be any other kids.  DH friend isn't going to want to watch DH entertain an 11 y/o when the focus should be on celebrating birthday. 

DH is throwing a mantrum and is debating refusing to go to both things because it "takes away time from my son".  OMFG I am SO tired of this.  DH even let SS call the shots all last weekend, going as far as letting SS chose the day they were leaving to go to the play date, and saying "if you don't want to stay over let me know and we will come home whenever you want to".  SS CHOSE to stay and play...and now DH is all butthurt about it when it was DH idea in the friggin first place!  These Disney-Dad's OMG I swear I'm going to lose my mind if I hear DH say "my son/my time/time spent" one more time like his kid is friggin gods gift to the world. *puke*

The 30  minutes of "make up time" was pointless because SS was just sitting on the couch  playing on DH laptop.  They weren't having a conversation, not doing anything together, weren't even sitting next to each other but somehow "sitting in the same room for 30 minutes doing nothing" is "time well spent".  Yet SS playing with friends actually doing something away from an electronic is "wasted visitation".  DH makes no sense. 

Sorry this blog is all over the place.  Maybe I can skip the last stupid day of these antibiotics.  So tired of feeling like an alien.

Anybody else deal with "disney dad" when it comes to non-skid events on skid weekends?? 



iamlosingit's picture

no, I got two/three shots of some antibiotic I've never heard of and then two pills twice/day for 14 days: Doxycycline and Metronidazole.

advice.only2's picture

You might have thrush from the antibiotics, I think there is a mouthwash for it.

All I can assume is this man is amazing in other areas of your relationship, because you really have painted a very unlikable picture of him on here for the rest of us.

You do not have children, therefore you are not responsible financially for your spouse's child, if he cannot support all these Disney Dad antics, that is his problem, and not yours.

You seem to do a lot of woe is me, but very little to change or better your situation, maybe some self reflection on why you think you deserve to be a doormat to this man.

Not trying to be mean, just giving you my perspective.

ndc's picture

Totally agree.  OP, I hope in the midst of all this you are saving your money and preparing to execute your exit plan. Life with your husband and his brat sounds awful.  I understand venting - lord knows you have a lot to vent about - but you're going to have to save yourself from this and really focus on how to do that before you waste more of your life with these losers.

iamlosingit's picture

This unexpected health diagnosis hasn't helped my finances (separate health insurance from DH and it's a high deductible plan) but I am waiting on my tax return to get more in savings.  it's going to be a process but I'm working on it.  If these pills don't work and I need surgery I will need DH or SIL help, I don't have any family or friends nearby that can help me.  Step 3 (these antibiotics are step 2) is complete removal of fallopian tube to prevent spreading.  DH is an a$$ but I don't think he'd neglect me if I ended up needing this surgery.

Chmmy's picture

I guess the "joy" of having the little skids 90% of the time and the older skids 99.9% is that we dont have to worship the time they are with us cuz most likely of the 4 nights BM takes them, she will cancel one or more so they are rarely gone. At least we quit going to EVERY ACTIVITY on BM time. Thank god, i mean really she takes them for 36 hrs and we're going to spend 2 of those hrs with her/them. No thanks, I'm going to the gym.

I would totally vomit if DH talked like that but even when he didn't have custody, he saw them a lot because they lived close and someone always wanted something from him so he didnt miss them too terribly.

Chmmy's picture

I guess the "joy" of having the little skids 90% of the time and the older skids 99.9% is that we dont have to worship the time they are with us cuz most likely of the 4 nights per month BM takes them, she will cancel one or more so they are rarely gone. At least we quit going to EVERY ACTIVITY on BM time. Thank god, i mean really she takes them for 36 hrs and we're going to spend 2 of those hrs with her/them. No thanks, I'm going to the gym.

I would totally vomit if DH talked like that but even when he didn't have custody, he saw them a lot because they lived close and someone always wanted something from him so he didnt miss them too terribly.

SteppedOut's picture

"nothing can be planned on a skid weekend lol"

There is NOTHING "lol" about this.... NOTHING!

My formerSO had full custody of the demon child formerSS. He rarely went to see BM - RARELY; like once every 3 months or so. And IF he did, it was usually on a WEEKDAY. If I asked that we go out for dinner on those rare occasions formerSO would ask "without SS???" Then if we DID go (amazing how many times he didn't feel like it) of course we had to stop by his parent's house (they lived about 2 miles away) THEY would ask WHERE IS SS?? You are going to go without him??.

Like, REALLY?! Going without him ONE TIME is SOOOOO HORRIBLE? It's not like the kid never got to go out to eat...

And formerSO would text him pictures of the food, etc and "wish you were here bud". Of couse SS would be agast that we went without him! Typically formerSO would get something "to go" for him to eat the following day - so he "didn't miss out".

Forget about asking to grill steak when SS was gone.... and steak wasn't all that unusual for us - probably had it once a month or more frequent. Seriously, I'm pregnant and craving steak, but oooooh no we must wait for SS. I would cook it anyway. "Oh, well don't tell SS". WTF. Like I'm going to brag about the "normal" dinner we had - sorry dude, YOU are the one that sends pictures and sappy wish you were here nonsense.

UUUUUUUGH. Yeah, totally do not miss that weirdness - and it IS weird! OP, I don't know how you can stand to keep putting up with this type of crap. Seriously.

iamlosingit's picture

We had one month last year due to the holiday schedule where DH only had SS for one weekend and a few days during the week...I got to experience DH without constant Skid/BM involvement and it was GLORIOUS.  We got projects done around the house, went out to eat, saw a movie, laughed, had FUN...I felt like I actually had a husband.  It's the never-ending saga of BM and 'daddy guilt' that turns DH into a monster because he over-thinks everything and constantly worries about being a "crappy father".  DH didn't have a "father figure" and BM constantly nags and guilt-trips him since they split, he is always anxious about anything regarding SS and it's borderline obsessive.  It gets worse the older SS gets because DH has heard one to many horror stories from his friend with a son who is a little older than SS.  This kid has been in trouble with the law regarding drugs, and he and SS are SO close in age that DH is frantic..... anything less than "rainbow-unicorn-perfection" every visitation day is going to "push SS away" and turn him into a delinquent.

elkclan's picture

I have my son only every other weekend (and part of the week - 4 days in 7). I do NOT go out when it is a kid weekend unless it is a kid friendly event. So I get it. You dont have kids, so I can also understand why you don't have this mindset. I wouldn't either. Unfortunately things I wanted to do recently were on kid/skid weekends. I'm not doing them. A friend's 40th birthday is coming up on a kid weekend and I'm leaving SO with my son (and his two) and I'm going. But that's rare and I know this party is going to be hopping. 

If I had my son and my SO had his all the time, it would be different. We would go out. Not all the time because we're too cheap for babysitters but we would. 

BTW - we eat waaaay better when the kids aren't here. I make lovely meals (and he does some too) and they are as kid-unfriendly as we can possibly make them!! And yes, we also make sure to make the absolute most of our kid free weekends.

iamlosingit's picture

While I can somewhat understand that viewpoint, the world doesn't "stop" because you have kids.  You can't expect every non-kid friendly event to be scheduled on days that you don't have visitation.  I'm not saying to make it a habit to find a sitter, but if it isn't something normally done I see nothing wrong with finding a sitter if it is something you really want to go to.  It isn't fair to assume you can force your child on someone else's event because you want to go.  It's also unrealistic to never go to anything because it is a visitation weekend.

edit to add: I meant "you" in a general sense, not directed at "you" personally. To each their own.

Harry's picture

DH pays 2/3 of the bills you pay 1/3.   Any of your money left over you can buy yourself food.  What you want.  You pay no money towards SS.  If SS needs anything it’s up to DH 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

I had to do a two week course of antibiotics for H. pyroli  and the only way I got through it was by doing hypnosis first. The first time I tried the pills I immediately through them up. The hypnosis helped me keep them down. You have made it this far, don't quit now!

I agree, the "yuck" in your mouth could be thrush, like babies get. It is a form of yeast that is overgrowing because the antibiotics have killed of the good bacteria.

Hang in there, you have got this!

SO is going to need to realized that SS is growing up, and if he acts like a normal kid, he is going to want to spend more time with friends and less time with Dad.