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Poopsenders and other gifts for those you hate

Ljcapp1's picture

Earlier there was a discussion about what I would give BM on the last day of child support as kind of a 'Fuck you' and my idea was poopsenders. I know not all BM's deserve this but mine does in 3 years. }:)

I think I've changed my mind to 'bacon lube' instead of poopsenders. LOL


Ninji's picture

Send her a copy of my pay stub with a message "Sucks to be you" Actually I'd like to do that now.

robin333's picture

What great ideas! I would send mine the chocolate mist to encourage needed weight loss along with our pay stubs and the "sucks to be you" note. I might need to make some donations to adopt a banker in honor of the SK's for holiday gifts.

hereiam's picture

The best gift of all is a letter from the state that CS is DONE! Get a job, prostitute yourself, move in with your mother, whatever but don't EVER.CALL.ME.AGAIN.

kathc's picture

Same here, I love just knowing that she gets pissed off that my life is better than hers. How did that happen? I didn't spread my legs and pop out kids to sit on my expanding ass collecting checks. I got degrees and worked. Still working. Maybe someday I'll get to the White House, too. Our BMs can eat their hearts out over a bottle of boone's