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Last-Wife's picture

Over the last few days, I've had 2 friends call me for parenting advice. One friend is also a stepmom, and she said she doesn't know any other SMs who love their skids the way I love mine. "Half the time, I forget the kids aren't even your own kids!"

The other girlfriend said she knows Loghead and I are good parents, because she always sees on FB pictures and comments about the skids' friends being over here all the time. "That's the kind of parent I want to be!"

Awww... my heart just melted, because I always wanted to be THAT mom; the one others go to when seeking advice. And knowing how hard it was to get here made those compliments all the more important to me...


Pilgrim Soul's picture

Those sound wonderful and love-affirming.
Well deserved! Congrats!

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