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Trying so hard to not be HCBM

justmakingthebest's picture

I am really struggling with my ex. Since I did not agree to reduce child support there is now a new game they are playing where they are promising things to my daughter to go live with them. 

I'm sorry, but I have issues with that. I have been the one raising my kids for their entire lives. When we were married he was home maybe one week a month. He has been a long distance parent ever since. She has her whole life here. Friends, my whole family, schools, sports, medical specialists (3 different Dr's for her migraines). 

My daughter (13) is making the transition into a pain in the a$$ teenager with all of the attitude that includes. She decided last weekend at her dad's house that she doesn't like her new softball coach and wants to quit. I told her no, she has to finish the season, but that she doesn't have to play anymore after this season. She does this every year, loves the sport and has played since she was 6.

Well, her SM told her and then called to tell me that she thinks I should let her quit. Then came the texts from my daughter she she wants to live with her dad now. She is home, we have made an appointment for a family counselor. I see the manipulation. This is not the way to play this game. She just thought she won at playing households against each other- something I thought we had been working on preventing since they were toddlers, but now since he wasn't to play stay at home dad... Sure, uproot your 13 yr old from her entire life here so you don't pay CS. (PS- my son15 said no way in hell would he live there)

Anyway, I have been trying to cut SM out of communication about our kids and just talk to their father. I sent an email to him, he forwarded to her and she responded. I SOOOOO badly just want to say, please have my children's father respond. The path of least resistance would be to just work out the schedule with her. What do I dooooo??? 

I already know DH would tell me to respond but not to her, to my exH's email with the answer.


advice.only2's picture

Sounds like you need to get a lawyer and go after him for the full amount of CS and also request that all communication now be done with a court appointed parent app. I know it seems overly harsh so fast, but it sounds like they are going to play hard ball and honestly if he's brushing you off and having his wife deal with it, it just proves he's not the one running this show.

Winterglow's picture

I'm with your DH, this is between you and her father. Make it clear that the discussion is between you and him. Does your ex think that the women should sort out all the kid stuff? That would be a bit rich coming from someone who wants to be a SAHD...

MissK03's picture

I don't take this situation as you being a HCBM. You are doing what's right by you and your kids. Sounds like your ex is having his wife do his dirty work by having her respond to you. I wouldn't respond back to her email but, respond back to him and flat out ask him why HE couldn't respond to you. I would also add that your daughter has a responsibility to her team for softball and needs to finish the season out and that letting her quit is getting her out of an obligation she committed too (aka a jab at him trying to pay less CS) Because I am the way I am... I would also add.. your child support payments help pay for softball and  I don't want it to go to waste by just letting her quit..  or something along those lines. 

As for your daughter.. I doubt she would actually make a move to his house. She's probably just blowing smoke and they are adding fuel to her fire to get out of your ex's responsibility to your kids. 

TheAccidentalSM's picture

To misquote Al Capone (can't find source) and Rhianna (FourFive seconds) - They are mistaking your kindness for weakness.  You can play hardball without being a HCBM.

Winterglow's picture

So, you think that he wants his daughter there so he can cut back on CS, right? Have you considered that she would be such a convenient babysitter for the new baby ...? She would take a load off of his hands. Especially if she's doing remote schooling ... He could kick back and have her do all the donkey work all the while claiming that she does do her school work.

And I bet your daughter hasn't considered the noise (and smells lol) that comes with a new baby. Not to mention that she wouldn't be getting the attention she expects. She'd be wanting to come home in a matter of days!

justmakingthebest's picture

She loves babies and her brother. I think for the short term visits she loves it and does a great job at helping. 

DH also said exactly what you said. I have also been informed that there is another girl in their neighborhood that is a military family and homeschools. Apparently that is what my DD would want. So yep. Built in babysitter is fun for a weekend when he is a sweet baby- days on end when he is a toddler, not so much.

Unsureofthis's picture

This is so wrong on so many levels. You should be able to communicate with your DH without his wife getting involved. I feel your pain because I'm dealing with the same issues with a very clingy SM at my XDH's end. XDH has left all communication up to her to the point where I get daily texts and emails from her about random stuff that are completely unnecessary and none of her business. We had 50/50 care for many years but as soon as they were old enough to decide for themselves DDs decided to live with me 100% (last 2 years) - still doesn't stop the texts and emails from SM. To this day I don't understand what her motivation is. Only time it stops temporarily is when I suggest they should contribute to some of the living expenses (which they currently do not - they pay for nothing, yet are highly paid; doctor and lawyer). DDs still see them often as we live close.

Maybe let your DD work out for herself that they are not being genuine about their intentions and she will ultimately want to live with you. Chances are your DD and the SM will clash during the difficult teen years anyway... Only a mother can put up with the teen attitude. Unfortunately I don't think you should hold out hope that your XDH steps up. Seems he is delegating anything unpleasant to SM to deal with.

ESMOD's picture

I would nip this in the bud.  I had a labor relations professor tell us that "companies get the unions they deserve"... ie if they treat their employees well.. no need for a union right?  Your EX gets the HCBM he deserves.

I would flatly ignore the email she sent you.  I would respond to HIM and tell him that in no uncertain terms.. HE is who you will talk to about your joint children.  From  your POV.. his new wife's ideas, needs or wants mean nothing to you.  That you have spent X years being the reasonable and responsible parent to both of your kids and bending over backwards to be accomodating to him.  It is flat out.. HIS option as to whether future communications are friendly and non confrontational.  He has been told clearly that you will not entertain any attempts for him to shirk his moral, legal and financial responsibilities to his children.  

Tell him that his wife's interference in your parenting decisions will end NOW.  She doesn't get to weigh in on what activities your child takes part in.  It isn't her place to tell you that she should quit softball... and while you aren't going to force your daughter to do a sport she hates.. that you will require her to fulfill her obligation to the season and her team... THEN she can not go back if that is her preference.

Tell him that you will flat out fight any and all attempts at changes in custody with tooth and nail and document every attempt by him and his wife to try to alienate your child from you and your household.  

Put him on notice that it is HIS choice whether things go back to the friendly co-parenting relationship.. vs a completely high conflict fight over these kids. . HIS choice.  His wife's attempts to undermine you as a parent are unacceptable.. and will not be tolerated.. put your wife on notice buddy.

Perhaps a very strongly worded.. not threatening.. just FIRM.. that you are done being a weeble.. willing to wobble whichever way they want to push you.  Mama Bear has emerged from hibernation!

tog redux's picture

This is parental alienation, and it's being driven and supported by the stepmother.  I would call it what it is and stop communicating with her entirely.  

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

decisions regarding what goes on at their home, etc. are discussed with DH, even when it is DH's bio kids, it is a joint discussion, but as SM's we do not communicate what we decided or thoughts, etc. to BM, that is up to DH to communicate with BM. I totally understand why you are upset because it definitely is showing there is manipulation going on. I also agree with another user it may also be not only to reduce child support, but to have an at home babysitter.

I would send a message to your ex husband and say that you will not be communicating with the SM regarding DD and you will only discuss it directly with him. Obviously it is irrational to think the SM doesn't get to put in her opinion etc. on matters revolving DD, but that is for her to discuss with her DH, not with you.

ESMOD's picture

That is the root of the distinction.  Of course his wife will have opinions and be support for him in decisions he may make.. about custody.. how their home workds.  BUT... while she may give him ideas  and be a sounding board.. she does not get to insert herself in the conversation as if she has some kind of equal standing in the coparenting dynamic.  SHE does NOT.  

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

It is up to SM's husband to communicate these thoughts/ideas to JMTB, not for the SM to message JMTB directly like it is just a discussion between the two of them.

justmakingthebest's picture

DH just called. We talked about it and he said to Thank everyone here for not letting me be a push over!

My exH and I have been writing our own visitation plans for the past 10 years. We have not revised it since he came back from CA. I sent a new one over to him yesterday with the same terms we had when he was in DC, with the exception that he gets a little longer in the summer than he did then. 8 weeks instead of 6. 

DH said that if he doesn't sign it then we need to contact an attorney and move forward with court before I allow visitation again. What are your thoughts on that? He said that I should just say that due to the current co-parenting climate, I don't feel comfortable sending the kids to another state without a current visitation order. 

tog redux's picture

Send Ex-H an email:


Sadly, it appears to me that you are attempting to convince DD13 to live with you, I assume to reduce child support since I didn't agree to your plan of decreasing it by X%.  I am not in agreement with that plan and request that you stop trying to convince her that your home is the better place to live - if not, I will be forced to get a court-ordered custody agreement which will no doubt include you paying full, and possibly back, child support.

I hoped we could co-parent well until the kids were grown, but at this time, it appears that has broken down. Since I am concerned you will try to keep DD13 with you after the summer given your recent discussion with her about school options, etc, I will not be sending her until you have signed the visitation plan that we agreed on. Also, going forward, I wish to communicate with you, not your wife, so I won't respond to message from her, only you.



NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

them again? Personally I would be cautious on bringing up the possibility or thought of not allowing the next visitation.

Perhaps instead of suggesting that, say that you do not agree with changing custody more than allowing him 2 additional weeks in the summer and if he does not sign and agree to the new plan you sent over then you will have no choice, but to go back to court for an update to child support and custody plan and will have to do so prior to the next visitation out of fear you will not get DD back at the end of his visitation.

justmakingthebest's picture

May 21st is supposed to  be the next one. 

Our current CO is for when they are in California, which if we followed that they wouldn't be going until the end of June. It is more reverting back to an old order since were are no longer 3,000 miles apart, just a few hours. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

because it sounds like you already agreed to May 21st since he moved or I was going to suggest to not allow the extra time until a new CO is in place that reflects his move. Is yours California specific? The reason I ask is our CO does not outline a specific state, just out of state guidelines because it has been known we will not be in the same state as SD.

Sounds like you were being kind and offered additional time before realizing what ex DH and SM's plan would be. Unfortunately to me it sounds like you are going to have to send an email/letter that outlines your concerns and states if he does not agree then it will have to be settled through the court system. I just had for you to threaten to withold DD for the next visitation and you end up in front of a judge and the judge having issues with that. I mean you are the BM in this case so it may not matter since it is family court, but I wouldn't want something so silly go against you.

I saw below you mentioned about the concerns with DD's migraines etc. and I would include that in your letter. Worst case it ends up being brought to court and you have proof you outlined your reasonings of why it would not be in DD"s best interest, etc.

I'm sorry it didn't end with your ex just moving on after you did not agree to the reduction in child support. Unfortunately, to me part of the issue seems that SM got TOO comfortable since you all have a pretty friendly/amicable relationship and is overstepping plus them trying to take advantage of you being so nice in the past in regards to custody/child support/etc.

justmakingthebest's picture

I think I may have to go back and consult with that attorney again. File the paperwork and he can fight it in court if he wants. I am only going back to what we had before and even adding another 2 weeks in the summer. I am not being unreasonable. That schedule was HIS idea!

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

to the reduction in child support so now he is being petty/trying to find a way to still get what he wants anyway. He is acting like a child.

simifan's picture

Your Ex's wife is way too involved. She is comfortable telling you what to do with your children. I'd inform my ex that parenting is not a three-way & she needs to back off ASAP or you will be seeking max child support & a third party interference clause. 

CastleJJ's picture

Third party interference basically states that all communication goes through BM and DH - no other 3rd parties are allowed to interfere in communication or custody decisions. My DH tried to have one implemented against BM's GF who was emailing DH about parenting decisions. 

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

We get along great now but we definitely had to have a come to Jesus meeting.

She was trying to dictate what pre-k my daughter went to based on what was close to her.  Nevermind it had a kindergarten readiness rate of 20 percent and wasn't anywhere near my home or his home.



BethAnne's picture

If she is being such a bratty teen you could suggest a trial switch for a couple of months over the summer and let your ex and his wife see what dealing with a young teenage girl is like. - If it were me I would have her switch before the end of the schiool year so they get to experience taking responsibility for her schooling too.

The other thing that you could do is say to everyone that you are ok with it in principle but that your daughter needs to not make make this decision on a whim. If she still feels the same in x-months then you will talk with her dad to see what you can arrange. 

Just trying to think of ways that you don't have to be the one saying no and can let everyone else work out that it isn't a  great plan for themselves.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am not really comfortable doing that. Like I said she has specialists here that she sees. A 504 plan at school due to her migraines (They were not normal migraines, they were relentless and she was in the ER constantly to get any relief from IV meds that she could just for a couple of hours of sleep). She is finally ok now after a year of hell and a special tutor coming from the school to homeschool her becuase she couldn't even be in a classroom.

I am really not willing to give up custody without a fight. 

simifan's picture

I don't blame you. While I believe a child needs both parents, I would never have given up primary custody, especially knowing how my Ex parented. It is obvious who wears the pants and makes parenting decisions in your Ex's household. You would be giving your daughter up for the SM to raise. 

tog redux's picture

Yes, and especially since he's never showed interest in having them full-time until this whole child support piece came up. That's not indicating to me that he's really interested in being a full-time dad so much as saving money so he can "retire". 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You've tried to play nice and it's not working. Time to lace up your b!tch boots and do what's best for your children. If that means going to court, so be it. Your exh is being a major POS.

DPW's picture

Enough is enough with those two. You are not a HCBM, they are playing games. Lawyer up and get a new custody and child support order in place. I suspect these two will be relentless. 

The_Upgrade's picture

It's ok to feel sad that a previously good co-parenting relationship is coming to an end. It's ok to feel frustrated that things could be so much better if only some people pull their heads out from their behind. It's ok to wish that things would just go back to the way they were before.

All of us on this stepparenting board entered into our relationships expecting things would be different. We were all willing to do the work to be the best stepparent we could. And for all our good intentions, sometimes things just can't be salvaged if we're the only ones doing the work and the other party refuses to participate. And after we've acknowledged there's nothing more we can do all that leaves is boundaries. An iron clad set of rules dictating acceptable behaviour. Consequences if rules aren't followed.

PS. JMTB, I’ve always admired the way you’ve handled your SS’s crazy BM2 and neglectful BM1. Unlike you, a lot of us would have trouble separating the anger and resentment we feel towards those mothers from our DH’s offspring. You really don’t deserve to have your kindness used as a weapon against you. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

The SM in your situation is definitely overstepping. It's one thing as a SM to be involved in routine daily care, making sure basic needs are met.

But at no time should SM be making"parental" decisions when both parents are involved in the child's life. 

An example SO would like SKs to go to church. BM is against it. DS goes to church, but it's not my place to overstep BMs decision whether I agree with her or not and start taking SKs. 

In the other hand.

SKs hadn't had a primary care Dr. From the time they were 5 and we're behind on school vaccinations. BM didn't want to get them a Primary and fought SO on getting one. I made SO get them a Primary Dr. because not doing so was neglectful. Kids have to have yearly physical and SO was getting notes from the school that the kids would not be able to attend the upcoming school year PreCOVID.  If he did not follow through the school would have contacted CPS for both medical and educational neglect.