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Contempt again...

justmakingthebest's picture

Welp. Here we go again.

DH and I are not flying out for this or anything but we told the lawyer to file. We can be present via teleconference like we have done in the past.

BM will not respond about holiday time, still. No word on the 5 weeks of make up time. She will not respond to anything- not even if she got SS his military ID . She will not let DH have a 1st day of school picture. NOTHING.

She has not turned in her income or bank statements. She is still lying about her job. 

So contempt again it is. Hopefully we will finally be at least awarded the money that she owes for attorney fees, court costs and spring break since that decision was on hold to see if she would follow the orders that were given last time. 

All we are going for is financial compensation at this time. No extra time or anything above what we got last time in court. 


tog redux's picture

He gave her one year to play nice.  Instead of the "immediately", he should have given her. 

advice.only2's picture

So in reality the judge could see this as harassment since poor little BM has a whole year to comply. I swear I am so glad I don't have to deal with family court anymore! I don't miss any of this crap.

tog redux's picture

Ditto. Such a broken system, a waste of time and money.  "OK, BM, you can continue to alienate for ONE YEAR, you hear me?  Then we come back and I extend it another year."  

justmakingthebest's picture

He gave her 30 days to turn over financials

She has to behave for 1 year to have to contempt dropped. Since she isn't behaving, he isn't going to be pleased- we hope.

thinkthrice's picture

if a DAD did this!!!  He would have been in jail years ago and still serving his sentence.  The BM know she can get away with everything

Thumper's picture


sorry again.

I would be very VERY surprised IF your Judge did something different. Have watched and listened to many people going thru the same thing as you and appears Judges don't make a teen do anything they don't want to.

THIS keeps decent people like you and dh going back to court. $$$$$

NCP in this awful position forget to grant wishes to their teen....Think about it, A Judge does ie no sanctions against mom because kid doesnt want to visit with dad, right? Judges wont strong arm kids to see ncp...right?

BUT---dads are bad men IF they give the child what they want. But wait, the Judge just did...

 "OK son, I will back off, no more court, no more asking you do visit. When you want to come here,  call me, ok. We will see what we can do, ok?"

When Judges do NOT sanction moms for contempt and interference---what they are saying it, your kid doesn't have to go IF they dont want to.

Something to ponder justmakingthebest ?


justmakingthebest's picture

He told BM she didn't have a choice, she needed to send him. He told SS that he isn't an adult and doesn't get to make these choices. 

I really think he is not going to be pleased that even after the lecture he gave BM she didn't even behave for 45 stinking days.

She also tried to make it seem like DH was witholding an insurance card- it was SS's military ID but we didn't know it had expired. Then she goes and doesn't even get a new one after DH got her the pass for base to do it. 

That on top of refusing to communicate- which she was told she had to, refusing to turn over financials- she had 30 days... I don't know. She doesn't give a F what the judge says. Hopefully he sees her actions a disrespecting him as well.

tog redux's picture

I hope so. But if he doesn't do anything, now is the time to drop the rope. Actions speak louder than words.  Judges say a lot of things, if they don't follow up on those statements, they are meaningless. 

--figureditout--'s picture

Things could go your way. My DH got primary physical of SD due to BM's disregard for court orders. This was in a mom-centric county as well, and my DH was active duty.

justmakingthebest's picture

I am not sure getting custody would be the right thing any more for us. I am afraid SS is too far gone at this point but the truth is we haven't been able to see him for a year, so who knows. 

However if we can be awarded the financial compensation, I will be thrilled!