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our entries showing up in "Google" searches...

herewegoagain's picture

Just a head's up that our comments here show up in google searches...I was a bit worried, although I don't post specific things w/names, etc...but still, it could be just a head's up to everyone...not sure if StepTalk can do anything to prevent this...I think most of us come here to vent, and did not expect everyone to find our comments unless they specifically know about this site...


Admin's picture

Um, no. It's not that I won't make the site more private. It's that it takes a lot of time to plan and implement changes. Changes are coming.

BTW, this site has always been public and anonymous. The content on this site (all of it) has always been searchable. That's how you found this site. Think about it.


Conflicted's picture

Din't use your real name or anything even close to it. This is an annonymous site... Use a temporary/fake email address to set up your account, access it one time to get your sign on informatin (use a fake name an that email account too if you're worried). When I joined this site years ago I didn't hide my identity.... That was a BIG mistake! Caused a lot of drama when I was followed here. Now.... I am very guarded with my information.

unbelieveable's picture

Yes, fake names. fake everything, even location. anything that may make you stick out like a sore thumb - change or fabricate it. I don't think we have much to worry about.

Snowbunny's picture

I'm thinking of deleting my account actually, because of this. I started out with a normal name but then realized what a bad idea that was, so I changed by screen name and all my identifying info in my bio. Then when I Google searched my first name (the one I changed) the search brought up my NEW screen name! I was so frustrated. Even though that name is no longer in my profile anywhere it's still somehow connected. I don't get it but it's enough to freak me out.