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Selfish Part II

frustratedstepdad's picture

Thanks for all of your opinions and thoughts on my previous blog post. I know I was being selfish and I really couldn't figure out why I was feeling that way, as I'm normally not a selfish person.

We cancelled our 4th of July cookout because my wife wasn't feeling up to having people over, which I understood. Luckily we were only going to have 3 people over so I didn't buy much food, but I needed to cook it anyway or it would go bad. SD24 came over earlier to help my wife create some posters with pictures of their uncle. She stayed all of 30 mins and started to leave. My wife asked if she was going to come back and help her finish the posters. SD24 originally said she wasn't coming back, but then my wife invited her, her boyfriend, and the grandson over for a cookout later in the afternoon, so SD24 said yes. It really pissed me off that SD24 wasn't going to help out more until there was food involved. I literally cannot stand to be around SD24 or the grandson (GS5 acts just like her. He's rude and disrespectful, and tears up our house every time he comes over.) but I figured it would make my wife feel better so I agreed.

Of course when SD24 came back over, she pulled her "I'm going to the store and will be back in 10 minutes" routine. That 10 mins turned into an hour of us watching GS5 run around like a chicken with his head cut off. Neither of us were in the mood to be chasing him around all day so we were both irritated. She still didn't bother to help finish the posters, and sat on her ass while I cleaned up after everyone ate. I was glad to see them leave.

I got the opportunity to speak with one of my long-time friends about this. She's known me since I was 16 years old and she knows me pretty well. We were talking about things, and I explained to her that I don't know why I was feeling the way I was, especially since we have the funeral to attend. She helped me figure out that for the duration of our marriage, everything has been pretty one-sided when it comes to her family. We're always helping out her family, attending her family events, and even for Christmas we buy all of her grandkids presents and we usually can't afford to buy anything for my side of the family.

She also pointed out that I've always made a big deal about her birthdays and try to always do something special or unexpected, and usually my birthday is just an after-thought. When something is actually planned for my birthday, it usually ends up being cancelled for one reason or another. Birthdays were not a big deal in my family growing up so I've never had a birthday party or done anything special. She helped me to understand that I shouldn't expect my wife or other people to make my birthday special just because I made their day special.

So we figured out that I wasn't actually upset about THIS birthday in particular, I was upset at all the years nothing was done for my birthday, and this was just the culmination of years of frustration. We can't do anything next weekend for my birthday because one of my wife's 2nd cousins is having a birthday party for her 2 year old that she wants to attend. Then the next weekend one of the grandkids is having a birthday party, so I told my wife to just forget about my birthday. From now on I'll just buy myself something each year and call it good.

Thanks again to everyone who weighed in with their opinions. We ended up not going to the birthday after the funeral because were too emotionally and physically drained after helping to set up all the food before and after the funeral.


frustratedstepdad's picture

I'm definitely going to start communicating more about how I feel, I just need to wait a month or two to allow her time to mourn.

I do think my wife has a problem with seeing me as her "family" too, and that's something that needs to be addressed. While we're speaking of birthdays, she has always wanted to skydive, so I'm thinking of surprising her and taking her to a tandem skydiving place for her birthday next month LOL.

DPW's picture

Can I be honest here? Truly honest? If not, don't read any further....

I have followed your blogs here as well as you own site. Throughout all your posts, I see a pattern of you taking it up the arse repeatedly from your wife. I don't think it's simply the lack of celebration for your birthdays, but it's a common theme in many parts of your life. I am repeatedly shocked on how your wife treats you.

It's apparent you will stay with your wife, and if you do, it's important for you to start being selfish and start doing things for you. Don't wait for others to do them as it's not going to happen in your case, or so I believe. I think the only time you will be placed first or treated special or whatnot is if you do it for yourself.

Sorry if that is harsh, but it's what I believe.

frustratedstepdad's picture

You aren't being harsh at all. The truth will set you free, but first it's going to hurt....LOL.

You may be right....if you've read my other blog you know what we've been through, and I think there is still some hidden frustration left over from that. I've often thought of just buying myself something or doing something on my own for my birthday, but I didn't want to seem rude or unappreciative. That's probably what I'll have to start doing though.

moeilijk's picture

When we're watching the Olympics and see someone win a gold medal, and then later they're on tv getting interviewed wearing their gold medal, they look really proud of their medal. As they should, they earned it.

It would be kind of weird if they refused to get up on the podium, or tore off their medal or spent their tv interview trying to hide it.

It's like that in relationships. You have put yourself in a position where you invite praise and admiration, and then stand there and accept it, and enjoy it.

You can't expect people to make a fuss over you just because you make a fuss over them. I wish that that weren't true, but it is. Given that, make sure you create tons of fuss over yourself, and invite others to join in.

For, me, I do most of the cooking at home, and I'm good at it... but I often feel it's just 'expected'. So now I often say, "Wow, that was a great meal I made. Did you enjoy it?" or something similar.

It's a balance between feeling like you're pushing yourself forward or hiding yourself away. Your idea about doing your own b'day on your own, that's still hiding away. You can make a special plan for yourself and invite your wife. She can choose to do something else, but your happiness doesn't wait until she's free.