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Step-demon Returns in Style

frustratedstepdad's picture

Sorry this is going to be a long one...

On my previous blog, we left it off at my SD being pregnant and her boyfriend broke up with her. That apartment DW co-signed for? Of course now there's a $400 judgement on DW's credit because of the eviction. So we let SD25 move in (again) back in November. The boyfriend found a job, so we agreed that when the baby is born he could stay there since he was working.

As soon as they moved back in, they started their same behavior of letting the 6 year old just run around destroying our house with no supervision. He was enrolled in kindergarten in his previous city, and it took them over a month to get him enrolled into his new school due to laziness. The teachers kept warning her that he is behind in school and they need to work with him at home to get him caught up. Every time I would come home from work, he would just be sitting downstairs by himself watching TV or playing video games. When the baby was born the behavior got even worse, as they used the newborn as an excuse to further neglect their child.

One night the both of them were drinking as we went to bed. A few hours later around midnight we heard a bunch of arguing and some stuff being thrown. We got up out of bed to go check things out, and SD25 had already left the house. The boyfriend had some marks on him, and we found out that SD25 left because he threatened to call the cops. Of course they were fighting in front of their kids which actually makes it a felony. We told the both of them that if they fight like that again, they are both moving out. We also told them that they were not allowed to have alcohol in our home.

A week later I was off from work that day, and I heard them arguing again. I chose to ignore it until I heard SD25 screaming at the top of her lungs for him to get out of the house. I went upstairs and told him he needed to leave. He tried to get mouthy with me, telling me I don't need to get involved in their relationship. Our grandson then comes out of the room holding a half empty bottle of Grey Goose vodka, which lets me know he's been drinking again. I told him he needs to get the hell out before I physically put him out. He tried getting mouthy again and I threatened to call the cops, so he left. I told SD25 that he was not coming back to our house and she needed to pack up his stuff. She got mad and stormed to her room.

Hour later DW calls me wanting to know what's going on because SD25 has been blowing up her phone. I explained the situation, and she agreed that the boyfriend can't come back home. SD25 start yelling and cursing us both out, and we told her she can get the hell out as well. She then proceeds to put on her shoes and leave the house, not even asking us to watch her kids.

Later that evening she comes back with the boyfriend and they both try to come in. The boyfriend was even more drunk than before and we told them no. They tried to force their way into house, but we closed the door and locked it. SD25 proceeds to call the police on us. While everyone is waiting on the police, I hear the boyfriend outside yelling at the top of his lungs calling me the "N" word and saying how he's going to "F*** me up". Of course some of the neighbors came outside to look since it was about 10pm. We also heard him banging on something outside, but we assumed it was his bike. The cops showed up and even with all the racial slurs and threats they force us to let them both back inside because they live there. I couldn't believe they didn't arrest him or at least cite him for communicating threats or disturbing the peace. The cops told me I could try to get a restraining order. (Cops are seriously lazy in our city, I guess they didn't want to do any paperwork) As they boyfriend walked back in, he had this smug look on his face and I wanted to break his jaw.

The next morning after I left for work, SD25 got up in my wife's face and said "I called your job and reported you as a drug user. Good luck losing your job, your home, and everything you've worked for." When DW went outside to her car, she saw the trunk was damaged. So that loud banging we heard the previous night was him damaging her car. She called the cops, and they didn't even bother to send out an officer to check out the damage. They just told us that the cop who came out last night was on vacation, and he'll add it to that report. The HR lady at DW's job told her that someone did call, but due to my wife's great work history they aren't going to bother following up on it. My wife has her medical marijuana card due to some complications from her gallbladder surgery, but she still could've been fired from her job.

Later that week my wife took me to the airport, and as soon as we left the house SD25 called the cops and tried to report DW for drugs. She tried to get the cops to search our house, but they wouldn't as SD25 is not the homeowner. When I got back from Vegas, I went to court and got a stalking order against the boyfriend. The sheriff showed up that same day and made him move out. A day later SD25 moved out as well.

Fast forward two months later, and the friend they are crashing with is kicking them out this weekend, so they'll be homeless. Now we are going to take in their two kids so they won't be homeless as well. We are having them sign temporary guardianship papers tonight, but we told them if more than 30 days passes we'll be taking them to court for permanent custody. Their poor 6 year old, all he knows is moving around from place to place with no stability. Pisses me off though that now we have to scramble around looking for daycare, which is likely to cost us about $1000 with the infant. I'm honestly at the point where I am sick and tired of my marriage constantly revolving around her kids in some way. I'm about ready to fake my own death and start a new life in Brazil or something.


StepLady's picture

I am glad you are taking in the little kids. That will be great. Sue for child support from the dead beat parents if you are able to. Both of them! Once custody is settled get restraining orders from both and change your locks and phone numbers. Go on with you lives with out these terrible trashy people. If you can press charges on them for anything they have pulled do it asap! Report them every time you hear from them.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

OMG!!!!!!!!! You poor thing. I don't know how you've dealt with this as long as you have! Is he the dad of the 6 year old? Crazy. In my state, if you get Child Protective Services called on them.. then CPS takes the kids away and gives them to the grand parents as foster parents and the foster parents get money from the state and child care assistance. Can you go that route? CPS also makes the parents jump through hopes like drug testing and parenting classes.

frustratedstepdad's picture

No he's not the dad of the 6 year old. The dad of the 6 year old is in prison. Her current boyfriend is a felon who just got off parole in August. Yeah, SD25 sure knows how to pick winners. There could be 10 guys standing somewhere, and nine of them could be lawyers or doctors. She'll pick the 10th guy who just got out of jail and has no job.

NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

Is she even contrite and apologetic when she asks yall to take in the infant and the kindergartener or is she still all "F*&( you and I'm going to destroy your freedom and your job and your livelihood... while you are supporting my children?"

frustratedstepdad's picture

No she's not apologetic at all. Now she knows better than to still have that attitude with us while asking to take her kids.

At her heart, she's a brilliant con artist. Will tell you anything you want to hear when she needs some help. She's in for a surprise though
because she will NOT be allowed to come to our house whenever she pleases, and if we have them long enough to get the 6 year old enrolled in school, she will NOT be taking the kids

frustratedstepdad's picture

It's funny you mentioned Costa Rica. DW and I were looking at Costa Rica, Mexico, and Panama as a place to have an early retirement in a few years.

You're absolutely right, its my life too and I've seriously been thinking about that.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yes. Fake your death. Your wife did a horrible job raising that girl and she did a hideous thing making you take them in. Noble to take the kiddies but it will just be another life sentence of misery and drama. The mom and dad will be hovering around your house life like wasps because you've got their babies. Your wife will raise those babies as poorly as she raised their mother. In ten years you'll have a teen baby mama on your hands and a very mouthy teen grandson/babydaddy who thinks his own mom and dad are way better than you!

I say go with the fake death plan. Save yourself.

robin333's picture

Please get an agreement from your DH that she will never fathom them moving back in. And a game plan for how to respond to the upcoming crazy when you get the grandkids.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but there is something seriously wrong with SD and given her alcoholic behavior, watch that baby carefully.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I get what you're saying, but there is no way that I could put my own grandkids in foster care and not have a guilty conscious.

Also, NONE of her kids are ever moving into our house again. EVER. Write it down. It ain't happening, at least not with me living here.

We are already making plans to move out the state (hopefully the country) whether or not we have the kids fulltime or not. My wife can have an early retirement after 3 more years, and either she goes along with the plan or I get my own place.