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Why do you care what they want to do with thier money?

floridianmama's picture

It's still bothering me a month later so I have to vent.

My mother and my father in law stated last year they would rather spend the kids Christmas money for them to do something rather than buying them toys and things they don't need. Kids came up with a plan to save their money for Disney last spring and father in law and my mother thought this was a fantastic idea :

After multiple occasions of the in-laws buying my kids gift cards for Christmas my father in law decides to and put his two cents and say that gift cards are not appropriate for Christmas because he knows our budget is strained and lighten the load. Now this is the first year my kids have actually asked for gift cards for birthdays and Christmas because they want to go to Disney. 3 days at Disney is $189 On our Florida discount price. In the four years we've lived here I've never been able to take them because I just haven't had that much cash to spare for a family of 5. They were counting on that hundred dollars each to bring them up to 160 dollars saved. I can cover the difference. So why the surprise argument a month before Christmas. My own mother decided that she didn't want to send them gift cards anymore as soon as she heard they wanted to save them for Disney and SeaWorld. So that took the season pass to SeaWorld out of the equation.

After a five minute conversation of trying to convince him to do exactly what they wanted and him saying well how about we do half on a gift card I finally said well then you break the news to them that they're not going to Disney after all and my mother in law stepped in and said let's just do gift cards like the kids want. Finally someone with some common sense. In fact my in laws have been holding all the money they accumulated in their own safe that way in January after taxes when I have the additional money to cover I can get the envelope from her and we can buy the tickets.

The three kids came up with this on their own last spring and have been looking forward to this all year. Why at last minute would you want to rip that away from them father in law when for your entire life you've been hands off when it came to gifts or presents? He knows they want to go and that we can't afford to do it make comments on it before when the kids talked about it or we talked about wanting to go. Not to mention you just went to Disney with friends and basically rubbed it in their little faces. Not to mention you always yell at me for over doing it on the kids for Christmas and have ruined Christmas Day on multiple times saying that I should take some of the gifts and give them to them throughout the year.

Why try to re nig at last minute when you thought it was a great idea last spring? Why do this two weeks after you went to Disney with friends and got them excited about going saying how they would love it? Funny how you agreed to stick with the plan once you realized it was you that was going to have to let them down. Funny how one of your arguments was that step son wanted something else instead which I have a feeling was the whole reason the other should not get gift cards. Funny the expression on your face when I said that step son can get what he wants and he doesn't have to go to Disney with the rest of us then. Boy how that comment changed things huh? Funny cuz when I talked to step son he wanted Disney over any gift just like the other kids. Even my own husband and I asked for gift cards for birthdays to put to Disney tickets. It's not like they're the only ones saving and that we will buy tickets out of our own pocket for us but make them ask for a gift. Its a thousand dollars for 3 trips for the 5 of us. I don't have that kind of cash on him to blow since I have been the sole provider of this family for 5 years.

It's also worth mentioning that my father in law insisted on sending my son to private school not just a private school but a certain private school for his high functioning autism. With grants there is still $30 a month tuition to be paid plus the cost of driving all the way across town. Father in law gathered all the information without my knowledge to give to DH And helped enroll him. DH Didn't even have a job I have been supporting my stepson financially for the last 5 years without the help of child Support from his biological mother. They offered to pay step sons tuition ... that never happened it came out of my pocket. So $30 a month plus an extra 50 miles a day on the car And gas prices on exactly cheap. They expect us over at their house twice a week as well sometimes three times to help with stuff. Do I look like I'm made of gas money? Sticking with your promise to help the kids buy tickets for Disney is the least you can do. Otherwise stepson can come out of his private school and will come over once a month and then I'll have the money to do it my damn self.


Disneyfan's picture

Maybe he thinks by giving them GCs, he's helping to fund your family vacation.

I love Disney, but I would really have an issue with this plan. I would rather give the kids spending money for the trip.

If I did agree to help, I would pay for tickets for my biogrands,not the stepgrands.

floridianmama's picture

We are local so it's not a vacation. He said " the kids get way too much for Christmas I would rather spend the money on something that they can do". He was speaking with my own mother in front of the children when he said this. She said the same thing so they came up with this plan on their own.

Actually if you wanna get technical they don't have any biological grandchildren or children for that matter since they adopted both their children. My husband adopted my eldest and has been in his life since he was 3. They've never verbally differentiated between grandkids they simply favor my husband's first two biological children.

floridianmama's picture

That's the thing they did promise the kids. We were at their house when the 3 kids formulated this plan. Both mother in law and father in law said this is a fantastic idea. I'm the one who agreed I didn't even initiate it. Its not a vacation vacation omplys you "go away " somewhere. We're local. The kids been longer on the school bus one waythan it would take to get to Disney.

purpledaisies's picture

From my understanding she already talked to them about the plan and they agreed then backed out when ss decided he wanted something else and Disney.

So if that is the case then I understand why op is upset. That was wrong of fil to try to back out when it was already agreed upon and told to the kids.

You can't take something like that back after promising it to them for almost a year.

floridianmama's picture

No that's why my in laws have held all the gift cards and money that they have saved in there safe the entire year. I didn't want to take a chance of my husband coming across the gift card and using it for something when he was short on cash. Literally every dime has gone in my in laws safe until tickets go on sale. Mid January they will come out with the Florida discount rate like they do every year which is three visits to Disney $189 for the children and they will have until May to use it with Spring Break blacked out. They're literally is no chance that they could spend it anywhere else because its locked away and not in my home. The only people that can access the gift cards are my mother and father in law and they're millionaires so I know they would never use the kids money.

Have a pretty good suspicion that my stepson mentioned in passing he wanted new Golf Clubs And my father in law being an avid golfer takes him golfing almost every Saturday. My step son doesn't need new clubs. We have kids clubs. I think it was away for my father in law to be able to buy him golf clubs. But my father in law knew that this would mean that my step son would not be able to come to Disney with the rest of the family so he wanted to pull it from the others too. When I told my step son he was going to have to choose between a present and Disney he said oh he wants to go to Disney. This was just a passive aggressive way to make sure the other kids didn't get to do something that their favorite grandchild could not.

floridianmama's picture

Apparently I left out the part that they promised this to them and after going to Disney a few weeks before with friends told the kids how much the going to love it. The cost of the gift card doesn't matter it said he wanted to re nig after getting them excited about it.

Disneyfan's picture

There's nothing wrong with changing your mind after thinking things over.

If the trip means that much to you, why don't you and your husband find a way to make it happen? I remember working two jobs some years in order to afford our disney vacations.

DF will be working all the overtime he can between now and May so that his girl can go ti disney with us in July.

floridianmama's picture

Thank you everyone else is making me feel like I'm out of line for expecting him to do what he promised without a fight. Father in law push to do your husband to enroll stepson in a school that cost me money out of pocket without my knowledge after my father in law said that he would cover it. It's not about the money it's about doing what you said you would.

Quite frankly my inlaws are millionaires so saying that they would cover the expense for my step son school and then not doing it puts me in a tough situation.

My husband has a tough time finding work and keeping a job because he was diagnosed with epilepsy after fall 4 yrs ago. He has seizures when he has undue amount of stress as well as normal seizures occasionally. He does not have enough seizures to qualify for disability however his longest job was last spring held it less than 3 months and had 3 seizures. He's no longer able to work around aircraft like he had while in the military. Luckily he just got a job when school starts back up as an assistant teacher. I am praying that it will be low stress enough to not have seizures on the job. When his last employer realized he had seizures she would scream curse and berate him for doing exactly what she I told him to writing him a written warning so that she could eventually get rid of him. My husband is actually a hard worker but when employers find out they find him a liability

floridianmama's picture

Working with the VA to try to get VA disability. Unfortunately when he was medically discharged for his back we didn't know that the episodes he occasionally had were seizures. They didn't fully manifest themselves until he had another episode while living in New England and the head trauma was severe enough to make him fully epileptic needing to take daily medicine. No luckily one of his seizures from early on is documented at a civilian hospital because he and his ex had to postpone her c-section because it happened while they were getting ready to have my stepson. So we're working to get those records to show that he had them while in the military. Occasionally he would justzone out like after cutting the grass or something and once he fell face first in the hallway. He didn't shake like you would have a normal seizure so I thought it was just heat exhaustion. He's been denied Social Security disaility twice because he doesn't have at least 4 seizures a week.

We moved halfway across the country to be near them after they sold thier multimillion dollar summer home. They bought our house here in FL and I pay them back the mortgage with a 6% interest rate so they make a pretty penny from me too. When DH is finally at a job for a year I will be able to get a mortgage through a bank and not have to pay so much interest. But year so far its been me supporting the 6 of us and them bullying us into doing whatever they want or think I should spend money on.

floridianmama's picture

I don't expect them to support me or mine but I do expect them to honor their promises to my kids.

And it would be nice if every time I say my DH needs to file for CS he doesn't argue that DH shouldn't because in the state my SD lives it says the patent has to pay for half of her college. It Freaking says he has to pay for half of it if its feasible to the parent. Clearly it's not. They don't want ex havingany kind of hold on my stepson so that means they do everything in their power to make sure she's out of everything. Which means I get to foot the entire bill for stepson since they're chirping in my dear husband ear how he should not file for child support. They're afraid that DH will allow stepson to go live with his ex. Then lose their favorite grandkid.

kathc's picture

Wait, WHAT?

YOU are paying the mortgage to your in-laws WHILE you are supporting THEIR SON and grandkids who are not contributing one penny?

They're assholes.

floridianmama's picture

It's not the mortgage. I don't expect a free ride. I'm not an entitled person. I just naturally assumed since they purchased the house with cash and they are millionaires that I would be paying the mortgage not interest. It was after the fact that I was told the interest rate was six percent which is higher than you could get from any bank. They know damn well I cannot get a home loan from a bank because husband needs to be at a job for at least a year. So they have me by the balls and making a pretty penny from me. That's the part that bothers me. Not paying the mortgage I fully expected to do that it is my home after all.

Disneyfan's picture

Wow,I'm sorry about your husband.

You can still pull off the trip without FIL's help.

Not sure how much Florida resident tickets are, but check out Undercover Tourist for discounts. If you use a link from, you can get tickets even lower than the rates advertised on their site.

Are you planning to stay onsite or off?

Join some of the disney forums for info/tips on various discounts. ( is great) Their kids stay and play free offer is awesome for those with kids 3-9. Kinda hard to beat free park passes.

Renting DVC points is also a great way to stay on site without spending a lot.

Also check out the military stars and stripe passes. They may be cheaper than the resident passes.

floridianmama's picture

It's not bad for a Florida resident thier special starts at every year in January $189 for 3 visits and you have 5 months to use it. It's better than any other discounts. My husband and I will be 199. We are local so we don't have to stay anywhere we can just go home. And honestly we can just park at Downtown Disney and take the bus for free so we don't have to pay for parking either. My mother in law convinced him to stick with his word so the kids did get their gift cards.

Of course on Christmas Day all I heard was about how I spent too much money on the kids and got him too much stuff. Then why the hell was he so worried about having to lighten my load?!?! He b****** at me every year that I buy them too much stuff. It just makes sense why my sister-in-law never invites them over for Christmas.