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Dear Husband, I dont give a flying f#*!

floridianmama's picture

I did your laundry for the for the first 5 years we were married. There was only 3 of us then and DS was my kid so of course I took care of him. I continued doing everyone's laundry when our DDwas born almost 8 years ago. That was laundry for for 4. Five years ago when SS moved in with us and you lost your job is the first time I asked for help. Laundry for five is a lot harder when you're working 50 hours a week. Imagine my surprise when I could not convince you to do anything around the house let alone laundry. Kids were in school and daycare those first 6 months. Finally I told you I would not be doing your laundry any longer. You didn't care, you would wear the clothes four times before washing them and sneak a few things in with my loads. You didn't get my point. So very passive aggressively I told you that you had to do step sons laundry, he is your son not mine. Again you didn't care and I got fed up with stepson wearing dirty clothes and would randomly wash outfits for him leaving the majority of his dirty laundry in a big pile in his room for you to get pissed off about. You still only did one load a month have his half yours. That stopped two years ago. 16 months ago another DD was born and I was laid off because they could not afford to lose me for maternity leave. Mind you you have only work 6 months out of the last 5 years until 2 weeks ago. Now I stay home with the baby and you want me to do your laundry. HUH! Imagine that! Well guess what DH I'm not going to do it. Last night when you asked me if I was doing laundry and I said no but the washers open You chose to lay on the couch for two hours Instead of throwing a load of your own clothes in. Not my problem that you were late this morning because you couldn't find anything clean to wear. You made your bed now lie in it. For four and a half years I brought home the bacon, washed kids clothes, did the grocery shopping errands cooked and cleaned. You only would do dishes when I screamed at you. Most days I came home to a sink full of dishes which I had to wash before I could even start cooking dinner. Then I got to clean up from dinner and go do a little laundry no matter how tired I was. Now the shoes on the other foot but really you have it better because I still do the grocery shopping and cooking and cleaning all you have to do is take out the trash and do your own laundry. Excuse me but I already do 16 loads of laundry a week and spend 2 hours a day in the car taking kids to and from school an hours and 15 minutes which is your son who has to go to a special private school clear across town, a decision which I was not part of. I get that he has high functioning autism but his issues are social not learning. So no i'm not adding your in when for the five years you were unemployed you couldn't pitch in. Sucks to be you, how you helped out more things would have been different. Now its on you.


floridianmama's picture

He won't see it but he's verbally heard it. Over and over yet still doesn't get it.

DarkStar's picture

I used to do laundry for SO and skids, and I didn't even LIVE there at the time!!!
One day, SDthen13 asked SO, "When is DarkStar coming over? I don't have any clean jeans."
I haven't done laundry for them since.

misSTEP's picture

He must have recently got a job? I would like to know why you were responsible for kid/skid transportation if he had no job?

floridianmama's picture

Yes why the hell was I getting up at 615 in the morning to get them to the bus at 645 to turn around come home and get ready for work!

2 weeks ago he got a full time teaching position so now I do all the driving because I stay at home and that's fine. But total to two hours a day minimum usually it's 2 hours and 20 minutes. I have 4.5 hours during the day to do housework before I'm back of playing chauffeur. With all that said and done I'm making dinner. When he's not coaching soccer I'll be home every night at 445 he can certainly do this three to four loads of laundry that he has of his own clothes especially since I do the laundry for everyone else and have even when I was working and he wasn't.