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DH complained about money spent on BD10 and I went all crazy

Elizabeth's picture

Back story: From the time SD was little, DH WAY overspent on her. Nothing was too good for SD21. He even took $1000 out of his 401(k) to buy her a computer at age 6. Since then she got everything she wanted, including participating in club volleyball that cost about $1000 a season, for more than one year. Even up until a month ago, SD21 was living in her college dorms at a cost of $650 a month, a third of that paid by us.

So, BD10 is going to summer camp, overnights for a week. Cost is a little over $300. It's not cheap, no, but it's once a year and BD10 is NOT spoiled. She does NOT have her own computer or do a sport that costs $1000 a season. She does NOT have expensive designer clothes like SD had at that age.

This weekend we are getting ready to take BD10 to camp, DH and I get in a spat and he starts throwing a fit about how much this camp costs and how BD10 will NOT be going next year, he found a camp that costs half that and it's good enough for BD10. Yep, I went off about the disparity. This is the man who will refuse to give BD10 $10 to buy books she loves from her school book order form.

So I basically screamed at him that if he could spend $2000 for SD21 to play club volleyball, we sure as hell were paying $300 for BD10 to go to camp. Of course in his mind that's just me being petty and jealous of SD21 but I DON'T CARE! So sick of all his crap and the clear favoritism of SD21. Just wait until I decide to send BOTH of our BDs to this camp next year!


Elizabeth's picture

Believe me, that is a strong urge every time I think about how:

1. We had primary custody of SD for four years and BM didn't pay a penny of CS because DH didn't want to rock the boat.
2. BM then got custody of SD and filed for CS and got it and we paid her for three years.

If I compute even the minimum CS BM would have been ordered to pay, that's $12,000 down the tubes on someone who will never appreciate the sacrifice we made/make for her. And DH is trying to cut back on spending on OUR TWO BD's? Hail no.

Elizabeth's picture

So, in the car on the way home when younger BD was asking about attending camp, I told her she could go to THIS CAMP next year with BD10. Suck that DH!

Elizabeth's picture


Sorry, not laughing AT you. I tried this once. DH's response?

SD21 is older than our two BDs. Her needs are greater.


DaizyDuke's picture

GAH your DH reminds me so much of mine, when you shove their ridiculous behavior right in their face, the best they can do is turn it around to be because "YOU don't like skid" So dumb and annoying!

Elizabeth's picture

Oh, he's been hyperventilating over how much this camp costs for months. And I KNOW he's still giving SD21 money to pay for her apartment because I saw the texts. So he can pay $225 a month for a grown ADULT to have an apartment (he pays much more for her other college expenses, so that's only the tip of the iceberg), but a one-time cost of $300 for a once-in-a-lifetime experience for BD10 is too much?

thinkthrice's picture

DH is obviously emotionally enmeshed with SD21 and is pretty much psychologically incestual with her. But then again, you knew that.

Elizabeth's picture

Oh most definitely. I honestly do NOT understand their relationship. He is not like that with our two BDs. It's sickening.

misSTEP's picture

I don't like threats but geez. This guy needs to realize that $300 would probably be LESS than what he'd have to pay in CS for his younger two if you guys divorce! That is PER MONTH, too!

Drac0's picture

>Since then she got everything she wanted, including participating in club volleyball that cost about $1000 <


I played in a league a couple of years ago. Unless this fee is to help pay to fly over a referee from New Zealand every time there is a game I would say this is WAY too much!

Elizabeth's picture

Ya think?! Well, DH doesn't. I fought this tooth and nail, with no success. And we're talking about someone who is recreationally skilled at volleyball. SD was never going to get a scholarship for the sport, which would at least help justify the expenditure. It's just that plain old recreational league at $50 wasn't good enough for precious princess SD. Oh, and that $1000 cost doesn't even take into account all the weekend travel, so tournament fees and hotel rooms and food and gas...

Drac0's picture

$50 was exactly what I was paying for my league and I had a BLAST!!! What utter nonesense. And he's bitching at you over the $300 for summer camp???

I think you need to borrow the conversation I had with my DW last week. She got trikes for our two bios. They cost about $30 each. DW was on the verge of getting SS a $30 gift before I stopped her. "What for?" I ask. She said. "Oh but it wouldn't be fair to SS that BS and BD get toys and SS gets nothing.".

"Oh really!? I said. "Well if my Math is correct, you will be spending close to $700 on SS for tutors and summer school. So by following your logic, you owe $670 EACH to BS and BD to be 'fair'.

She quickly nixed the idea of getting SS a gift.

Gabriels Mom's picture

I would go slam the f&ck off! I cannot tell you how many times I have heard "DS is a baby, he doesn't know the difference." Guess what he's 5 now and he does understand. I can say all it took was for a broken hearted little one asking DH why MIL didn't buy him a cool toy for no reason like she did for SS for DH to flip out.

Elizabeth's picture

I should qualify that this sports participation was when she was younger. She is not currently doing it. But yes, the designer clothing kick continues. Michael Kors, to be specific. Sunglasses, purses, watches, etc.