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Apparently they'll just let ANYONE into gifted and talented

boogeymom's picture

Call me crazy, but when I was a kid not so long ago, you had to actually be gifted or have some talent in order to get into gifted/talented. Now, apparently, they'll just let ANYONE into g/t. SS10 got accepted about a week or two ago...this kid can barely find his own ass, and he's the SMART one. I almost feel sorry for SS12, who is neither gifted, nor talented in any way, but I think he acts dumb on purpose to get attention. At first I was thrilled because I thought it would mean he would actually have homework on the weekends (remember that?), thus keeping him too busy to irritate me. Then I realized it wasn't gonna happen, and that it just means the work he does at school is harder, but that they wouldn't actually be sending any of it home. Apparently today's g/t is a lot like the remedial classes of yore, so maybe it's not that he's extra smart, it's that g/t has lowered the bar since I was younger. That would explain it. Or maybe it's that he just started and I haven't seen the full scope of it yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it gets harder in middle school, because I remember having MOUNTAINS of homework on the weekends. The best part was, when DH told him he got into the program, his parents were with us, and they seemed not excited at all. I have my theories as to why, but they're long and drawn-out. (This kid just said he peed on the toilet seat because the toilet is too small, btw, like just this minute.) The sad part is, though he IS book-smart, he's dumb as a box of rocks outside of academia, and lazy as hell. He'll just be wasting what academic gifts and talents he does have when he screws up the rest of his life by not thinking. My biggest fear is that he'll become a dad at 16 (or younger because he has the unfortunate combination of being attractive to the ladies, having negative amounts of self-control, and the conviction that nothing bad will ever happen to him, so why use condoms). Boom, there goes college money being spent on diapers.


boogeymom's picture

Yes, I experience what both of you are talking about. The school district SS's are in was stellar when I was growing up, but has really declined in quality ever since they had to start "teaching to the test." SS's both conveniently forget that they have homework until the last minute, too. I know they have time between getting out of school and coming over on Thursday nights to do their homework, but honestly, I just don't think their homework is that hard. SS10 also reads at an adult's too bad he refuses to read outside of school and acts like it's punishment when I suggest it when he's bored. These two kids BEGGED their granparents for all the Harry Potter books, which they got in hardcover, and I think SS12 read maybe the first chapter in the first one. I hate to see books just sitting there gathering dust, maybe I'll read them, I haven't read any of the HP's yet. Maybe I should write a thank-you note to my in-laws for buying ME the entire HP series in hardcover.

boogeymom's picture

Wow. They don't put kids in full-time special needs classes unless they REALLY need it, too. Really, why lie about it? Maybe it's easy for me to say since I don't have kids so I don't know what it's like, and I teach special ed, so I'm just used to it.

LPS's picture

My brother calls it the pussification of America. Kids don't have to earn things anymore, everything is handed to them.

momoftwinz's picture

My SD10 is in the gifted program. It drives me INSANE. She's smart but she's not gifted. She was an early reader but not all early readers are gifted, they're just reading early. BM teaches her the tests, coaches her non-stop then acts all shocked by how well the kid does. Well no duh she did well- you spent weeks teaching her the freakin' test.

The real scam with gifted/talented is how they make all these excuses for how gifted kids struggle and need help to be motivated. If gifted kid doesn't test well, they make all these excuses how gifted kids are bored and unmotivated and need encouragement. That's what BM keeps whining on and on about SD. BM says SD10 just use to coasting by and that's why she doesn't act gifted, she's a kid who'd rather be drawing or watching Naruto than studying. That doesn't sound gifted to me.

SD does get a ton of homework. I'm kinda shocked by the level of homework. All the more reason to put her in normal classes. Let her be the smart kid with regular kids than put her in gifted classes where she's doing 3-4 hours of homework per night. Not all might be for school. BM has her in all these enrichment classes after school 'cos she's never home and SD needs stuff to do after school, so it's off to all these lessons that DH has to pay half of.

boogeymom's picture

I hate to say this, LPS, but I kind of agree with you. I remember having to work for things and earn them when I was a kid, and that's what made it satisfying when I DID win things or do well. If I didn't, sure I felt bad, but it motivated me to fix what I needed to fix and try again next time. I remember when everyone wasn't a winner, you had to work for your gifted status, or work to win the soccer championships, etc. Now they just give trophies for participating. I think it takes away from the satisfaction of obtaining things you really want. I guess I won't hold my breath about the homework, I'll just hope that high school will actually be a challenge. I mean, my theory is that college still doesn't play games, you have to work your ass off (and it hasn't been that long since I've been to college). What are these kids going to do when they DO have a ton of work at the university level? Essays aren't 3 pages long in college. I remember writing 25-30 page papers with at least 15-20 GOOD references. My final notebooks from grad school are the thickness of phone books. I feel like it's really setting these kids up for failure by letting them slide like this.

It's almost unfair how easy schoolwork is for SS10, but like I said, he's only book-smart. His street-smarts are in the negatives, and I think it takes both to really be successful. You can be a genius all you want, but if you screw up at work, or if they figure out that you completely lack motivation, you're gonna get fired and your g/t status won't help you. And like I said, even though people seem to think he's cute (I don't), that will only take you so far, too. You'd better be ready to back it up with substance, and he contributes nothing in that arena.

boogeymom's picture

That's really disappointing to me. Why is it that people all of a sudden have such low expectations for kids? I hate to ask this, but is it just in America, or is this the new culture of child-rearing, just to hand everything to them on a silver platter? I mean, there are those of us out here who truly have high expectations of the next generation, and I know you all know what I'm talking about, because from what I read here, everyone seems to feel the same way I do, or pretty close anyway. I already know I'm going to end up in a nursing home if I should live to be that old, I'd like for the people taking care of me to be able to tell time.

beyond pissed-off's picture

128 is gifted/talented??? Wow - majorly low standards! But anyway - your DH honestly thinks that SS is mentally gifted when he is unable to figure out how to deal with his own bodily functions? Yes, I understand that he MAY have genuine difficulty controling his bowels but even a person of moderate intelligence would understand that shit needs to be cleaned up and (forgive me for being vulgar) that you keep wiping or washing until you no longer see anything brown....

Elizabeth's picture

Ha! A new girl just got put into the gifted/talented program in our school district. I was at the school and saw a paper she had written for her class and she spelled her last name completely wrong. And I'm not talking a letter missing or reversed. I am talking completely mangled. THAT is gifted/talented?!

Doubletakex3's picture

My father taught school for 32 years. He swore that kids got dumber over the past 20 years. He blames video games.

DeeDeeTX's picture

I last attended school about 15 years ago. I was never challenged in elementary school. Never in middle school. A bit for one high school class. Hardly at all in college, except for a class here or there. (though, t be fair, I was a liberal arts major...)

My IQ was tested once, and it was 140, which is a very smart level, but definitely not "evil super genius" level.

So I do not know where we are getting the idea school was so much harder back in "the day". It wasn't, at least not in my day.