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BM's indoctrination into the thug life

AJanie's picture

The BM's new boyfriend makes my skin crawl.  You know those extremely bad vibes that just flow right off of a person. 

I honestly feel bad for my SO right now - I would not let this guy be around my dog, let alone a young child.

He is mid 20's, covered in cliche tattoos like "Loyalty" ... "Respect", talks like a thug but lives in the woods (example: posted when he got out of prison... "back in deez streets") (what streets? the fucking dirt road your mom lives  on?) and is apparently well known by law enforcement as a heroin dealer. Although he is is reformed and changing, according to the BM.  He declared that he is "sick of whores and thots" and apparently is ready to settle down with BM - mere days after she booted the last guy... new guy's truck was in the driveway. When my SO dropped his son off she had the guy hiding in the bedroom.  

I look at his facebook.  It is completely, ridiculously entertaining.

I must admit I have such a general distaste for young adults who glorify "thug life."  It turns my stomach.

I sincerely feel sad for that little boy having these types in and out of his life.  That has to be one of the hardest parts of separation/divorce, if the other parent brings the child around shitty people and you can't control it. 




notsobradybunch's picture


momjeans's picture

“Reformed” and “changing” is relative, when it comes to an addict. I guess time will tell, but in the meantime, yeah, it’s unfortunate that your SO’s son is going to be exposed to this type of person. 

I remember BM’s revolving door of “men” when DH and I were dating. I felt so bad for DH at drop-offs, seeing BM with her thug life bro of the week behind the wheel of her new BMW. It was quite cliche, it was painful to watch. 

AJanie's picture

Your BM had a revolving door of men as well? Did she eventually keep one around? I feel bad for the little boy because he really liked her last boyfriend, he talked about him all the time. The guy was a loser but not as bad as this one, and he played with the kid a lot from what I hear.

My SO tries to be stoic at the drop offs but I can tell he is coming unglued on the inside when he sees this clown's truck in the driveway.  Ugh.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo's revolving door of men included 22 LIVE-INS within 24 months. Lord only knows how many there were who did NOT move in. Bad

justmakingthebest's picture

Are the tattoo's at least spelled correctly? LOL

In all seriousness, what the heck is BM thinking. There is no way I would let any one who has ever done drugs around my kids! Let alone been in prison! Good gracious! Your boyfriend should think about talking to his lawyer about preventing people with a criminal record being allowed to stay over at BM's. 

AJanie's picture

LOL they probably are not.

I know, its shitty to have that guy around her son. He really is a cute little boy (for now). I have taken a liking to him faster than I did my former skids, in the 5 months I have been dating SO.  He is just... quirky and cute.  Former skids were sort of assholes like their mother.  This little boy looks like the BM but the sparkle in his eye is my SO, all day.

Anyway, this guy's last arrest was less than a year ago. Change is NOT that quick. Lord knows I have little faith that heroin addicts ever change. Even on methadone ...relapse seems like a ticking time bomb. That drug seems to totally and permanently change a person. Legitimately like half the town is addicted to the shit. We have been hit so hard in this region.

SO is going to bring it up with his lawyer. Maybe she can do something. 

notsobradybunch's picture

Because some BM's don't think..they're so freaking desperate. The BM in my story is engaged to her 2nd joke.

AJanie's picture

Ewwww.  My parents have an acquaintance who just got divorced.  Her ex decided to take on his FIRST cousin as a lover.


notsobradybunch's picture


momjeans's picture

AJanie - Yes, and she always referred to them as “mommy’s friend,” and never her boyfriend, I’m assuming to prevent skid from telling DH that mommy had a boyfriend (as if he would have even cared in the romantic/physical sense - only the character and safe person kind of sense). 

She did end-up keeping one around, or at least for now. She married certified public accountant dude bro in January of this year. It will be interesting to see how long this marriage lasts, as BM is quite the queen bee... if you know what I mean. Plus, she always lived a very certain lifestyle (always dated college basketball players, and wanted that pro basketball player’s wife life), so DH and I found it interesting she settled with this guy. 

Speaking of Facebook, I noticed that dude bro recently updated his profile picture to one of him and BM. They’re at one of the many charity functions they go to throughout the year - dude bro is actually really involved in the community, so he does have some positive attributes. 

I laughed and laughed and laughed at the comments of “best looking couple in town,” and “best people ever!” and my personal fave “power couple!” 


AJanie's picture

HAHAHA "power couple."  That must have MADE her day.  

BM posted one of her and this guy in their sunglasses making these serious Kim & Kanye West type faces.  She believes she is now a celebrity because she is dating this small town gangster. 

It almost makes me miss being a little younger.  Here I am pinteresting tips for my tomato garden and rock painting activities for this woman's spawn.

momjeans's picture

BM isn’t currently on Facebook, or at least that I know of. Her last stint was when she friended my dimwitted FIL and went crazy with her first-wife-esque comments on photos of in-laws and skid. My DH told his dad to knock it off and to unfriend her. Hahaha.

I was sad to see she’s no longer on Pinterest, too. I always got a kick out of her pins. Such high class taste for a waitress who works at her parent’s greasy spoon restaurant. 


AJanie's picture

HAHA I like to scope out the pinterest, too.  My SO's mother and one of this siblings is still friends with her on Facebook. It's... odd...

thinkthrice's picture

had several unknown tom, dick and harrys that she found on the internet.  She would have them BABYSIT for her.  The skids were, at the time, 7.5, 5.5 and 2.



ESMOD's picture

This is one of the problems with divorce and kids... parents lose control over who their children are spending time with when it is not their custody.  Now, many GUBM's will insist they meet the new woman to make sure she is acceptable to be around their children.. but ultimately  everyone loses that control to some extent.  Now, of course if the person is obviously a sex offender or something perhaps Child Services can intervene but it may have to be that drastic before anyone takes action.

Sorry the child has to go through that...

DaizyDuke's picture

First.... this is hilarious... oxymoron much?? "He declared that he is "sick of whores and thots" and apparently is ready to settle down with BM "

Second- Is BM dating my SS19?  Because he's from a little goofy town, wouldn't know the first thing about what it's REALLY like to live on the streets or be in a gang,  but walks and talks likes he's some kind of gangsta thug wanna be.  Pants saggin, acts like he's on horse tranquilizers and can barely string a coherent sentence together. It's kind of comical.... as long as it's not in my house.

AJanie's picture

LOL sounds like this gem.  

BM is now posting about how she is a "freak in the sheets" as well. For all friends and family to see.

She did post a token photo of her son. Caption: "my world."

DaizyDuke's picture

It must be that time of year.  BM1 hasn't posted on FB much more than 15 times in the past year, I'm assuming because she either A. hasn't paid her cell phone bill or B. hasn't had a cell phone because she lost it, broke it whatever.  Well she must be balling on her free tax return money now, because she's been on FB all day every day for the past couple of weeks AND I saw that she just got a new $2,000.00 puppy. 

Can't pay CS, hasn't worked since Jesus was a baby, can't provide ANYTHING for her kids (5 kids with 3 baby daddies), lives with her brother, been evicted from every single place they've ever lived, had every car she's ever owned re-po'd... but at tax time, she's ballin!  Then in 2 months, she'll have no money again and nothing to show for it.. but some FB posts and a puppy.. if the poor thing survives... Not sure what exactly happened to the puppy she just got 2 years ago? 

These people make me sick and should NOT be allowed to procreate (or buy puppies)... much less multiple times  Stop

AJanie's picture

Ohhh... tax season rich. INFURIATING.  They all seem to love to pay large sums of cash for dogs, too. It is like the white trash version of buying prada. 

This one had a private facebook up until very recently. I think she wants the world to see her new man because right before his debut she made it public.

Her parents posted the other day congratulating her on one year sobriety. (She smokes weed all day every day and gets drunk, but apparently isn't on heroin).  

Seriously irks me that her half wit parents don't seem to see her choice with this new guy as a reckless one.  2 recovering addicts together, brilliant.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo has 5 kids by 4 men. She was TRYING to get preggers with Mr. Pinhead's baby - after all, Spawn is 10 - but her body decided her overused babymaker should be permanently Out Of Order. Thank goodness!!!!!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

AJ!!! 'Ho doesn't have personal issues.... LMAO!

I'm certain 'Ho would have pooped out at least 1, maybe 2 to keep the money rolling in.