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Munchkin SD14 and schooling

CLove's picture

Lets just say that distance learning and Munchkin SD14 are not the best of friends. She normally is an A and a B student. Her current challenge has been logging on to the zoom classroom meetings and classwork. 

Last Friday *yes the 13th! she was notified that work assignments are missing. She was with us all weekend and nothing was completed and submitted Friday, nor during the weekend although she kept saying she as going to "work on it". I am emailed notifications, no one else is. So I then got another on Monday, which is when she went back to her mother Toxic Trolls house. 


Our best source of info on the kids: school meetings

amodernstepmom's picture

Just got back from a school meeting with BM for SS6's school accomodations. I was representing DH because he's traveling and unable to make it.

I'm so glad we had the meeting because something very frustrating happened, as it often does: we learned more about the kids that their mother doesn't bother sharing with us.


ToxicTroll Rant

CLove's picture

Just a rant*** for ease-of-use-and-reading I am listing a few here:

  1. School Doesnt matter
  2. Grades
  3. Bunny#2

1. School doesnt matter

ToxicTroll has never graduated from high school. She left after 11th grade. She has been keeping Munchkin SD12 out of school here and there, for reasons such as "she has a headache" and "the grandparents are visiting (thats todays)".
