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Need your input on this...Ex is cold.

happy mom's picture

At the beginning of my relationship w/my husband, his ex was very nice to me. Now it's been 6 yrs and she is now cold and unfriendly towards me. Why the change? I can't figure that out. What do you guys think?


lylagarrett's picture

From my experience it is due to the fact that in the beginning the exes still believe they have a chance to get your husband back. The longer you're together the more they see their chance being taken away from them. It may not be that in your case, but it sure was in mine. The ex even had the gall to tell me in person that she always wondered if her and her current husband split if her and my hubby could work things out. Hubby and I have been together for 14 years now and the uglieness has gotten a lot worse over the years. Good Luck!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I think biomom in my case is always mad at me because I do a better job at raising stepson than she does or ever did. That is why I intimidate her and she is mad at me for being better than her in many ways.


Allyceson's picture

My husband's ex tried to be nice to me when we first got together as well. I say tried because she was still so jealous at that point that I could hear it in her voice everytime she spoke to me. I probably wouldn't have caught on that that was what it was, except that I knew that she had tried to talk him into getting back together after we started dating. I think that it was a combination of things. I think she originally thought that if she could bring me around to her way of thinking that I would talk my husband into things for her and also that if I was willing to talk to her, she would have a way into his life and possible reconciliation.
When I made it clear in no uncertain terms that I would not take sides with her against him and that I wouldn't give her any information about him, she wouldn't even say two words to me.
It all boils down to jealousy and resentment.