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BM is homeless once again

Pecanflower's picture

So, DH heard from BM once again. She is staying in a "Mission." Her sister kicked her out. And I guess she is now working with a financial helper to get her bills paid off properly. This person actually handles her funds; and pays what she owes; and allows her to have anything that is left.

So...No birthday acknowledgement for SS14 when he turns 15 is expected from her. She said she didn't even think she would be able to send a card.

She did admit to DH that she got "taken" really bad by the soldier scam (see previous blogs to catch up if you don't know what I am talking about there).

Then mentioned that one of the bills she was trying to pay off was still left over from when DH and her were together (be advised DH and I have been Married for over 5 years now...together for about 7).

My Southern got up at that point. OH HELL NO. DH is not helping and is not sending a thing. She better not effing ask...she does and I am going to advise that we ask for Child Support (she isn't paying because...wahhhhh...she is on disability...wahhh) (so is DH and he pays). And we are going to ask for BACK support and support for SS14 until he is 18 or out of High School which ever takes his little autistic butt longer.

DH got the message.

And So did she.


DaizyDuke's picture

Did she seriously say that she probably wouldn't be able to send a birthday card to her son. You can get cards at the damn Dollar Store for 50cents. What a piece of crap.

sunshinex's picture

Sounds like BM in our situation. If we ask her why she didn't send anything for SDs birthday we get a response of "What do you want from me? I don't even have 5 dollars to my name!" lol she sounds awful. Once while SD was with her in the summer, she had the nerve to ask my husband to send her money to take care of SD because she can't afford it. He told her his sister would be able to take her (who lives right nearby) if she couldn't, or we could come up and get her, but he won't be sending her money to take care of her own kid, especially considering she's never paid child support and we have her all year.

Deadbeat BMs are ridiculous. How can you go 9 months carrying a baby, go through the pain of labour, than decide that baby isn't important to you afterwards??? I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I've found the best thing I can do is stay out of it. I've asked DH not to tell me about her crazy situations no matter how hilarious they are and I just ignore it all. I find it keeps me sane.

InLimbo's picture

Ah ...yes.....they can never afford anything.....but you can believe that they have money to buy their hit every week. The BM that I have to deal with is going back into rehab.....lived with someone that was a complete wench and manipulated her (yes- her "girlfriend") and had the step kids living in some hell hole in the worst part of town. It's what they do. It's their pattern. Cry poor, kids feel sorry for them and you are stuck to pick up the pieces although get no appreciation for it whatsoever. It's their world- us stepparents just live in it.