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Stupid BM, you are pushing him farther and farther away...

BSgoinon's picture

So, the kids and I went to pick DH up from his office and head to the Dodger game. ( the sad sad event that game was) I send SS in to get his dad and one of the people that works there (don't ask me WHY she would say this to him, she doesn't know him but she does know that BM is NOT around and I am his "mom") anyway, she says "Hey, I saw your mom today". SS was so confused. "You did? Where?"... HERE, she came in here. SS just kinda shook his head and went upstairs to get DH.

They get in the car and OF COURSE He asks what she was talking about. So DH tells him, I'm not sure why she came here, she went a little KooKoolaROO on us today. SS asked if he talked to her and DH said "no, I was working. And, I don't have anything to say to her, so I didn't come down stairs".

Meanwhile DH hands me his phone, open to her crazy text messages from the day, so I start reading them. She says "I just left SS's school. I spent an hour talking to the school counselor". GREAT. That's ALL SS needs, her embarrassing him at school. The text was sent at 1:40 that is 10 minutes before school lets out. So she was there when SS was there. So, I ask him... did you get called up to the office today? Ummmm, no why?

So... DH tells him, your mom went in to talk to the counselor today. WHAT??? WHY"??????? Not sure kiddo... but don't be surprised if they call you up to the office and ask you talk with the counselor about whats going with you and her. He said "I don't want to talk to the school counselor". So I told him "you don't have to. I don't think it is a horrible idea for you to. Remember I asked you a little while back if you wanted to talk to her. But we won't push you. If you don't want to talk to them, you say so". So, he says "what if they MAKE me". I said, you tell them to call ME immediately. And you don't say a word if you don't want to. BM doesn't realize that he REALLY doesn't want to talk to anyone, and HER forcing it will only make her mad at HER.

I don't disagree with him talking to SOMEONE about what is going on. I think it would be good. I have asked him several times if he is ready to talk to someone. He just says "not yet" or "I'd rather talk to you and dad". I DON'T think his school counselor is the right person. School is his safe place where he doesn't have to deal with ANY of this. He doesn't want to get all upset in the office and then have to go sit with his friends in class. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to see the school counselor either. I would like for him to see a counselor OUTSIDE of school, when he is ready.


uofarkchick's picture

I guess I'm a little concerned about why the school did not contact you that Crazy McMeth-Pants was up there asking questions. Please make sure the office has a copy of the custody order. And I think it's time for an RO. One that keeps her away from his school. I can totally see her coming in and tricking someone that doesn't know your situation in to calling him up the office or allowing her to go to his classroom. She has stuck her ugly face in to two places where she has no business already. It might be time to go on the offensive.

BSgoinon's picture

Most likely because she DIDN'T see SS. She probably asked and was told no. The people up front all know the situation. The principal and vice principal both know. And now... I am sure the counselor knows. It doesn't bother me that they didn't call me with that. At that point it was likely considered a "therapy session" for HER, and the counselor could possibly get in trouble for divulging information about it.

notasm3's picture

Better wear haz mat protective gear or your foot might rot off.

classyNJ's picture

Again I am amazed at the level of crazy she is.

Oh and looks like you just took our catcher Chooch Ruiz. We will miss him. Sad

twoviewpoints's picture

I don't like this 'mother' being at the school. At this point she has no custody, SS doesn't even have to have any contact with her ad she's a whacked out meth head. Is it even safe for this nut to be allowed in the school building? I don't like that she attempted to discuss issues with the school counselor nor that it was an attempt to bypass what guidelines the judge ordered.

She's stalking the school , Dad's place of business, IDK, something needs to be officially done to assure this child's safety (both physical and mental). She is not in any way, shape or form able to comprehend her son's needs and best interest and separate her own self wants and desires. My 2 cents thinks there should be zero contact/communication with any of you until she completes the 60dy rehab and then possibly a revaluation on whether contact restart is to SS's benefit or not.

WalkOnBy's picture


School needs to be informed that as of NOW, DH and YOU have custody and as the custodians, you do not want SS involved in any of MethMom's shenanigans.

OP - I don't know if you remember back when DH got custody and stayed in SkidTown until the change of the school semester before bringing the skids to MyTown. It was about three weeks. The FIRST thing I did was march my ass into the school with a letter from the Judge and a letter from Awesome Attorney informing the school that since Medusa had ZERO custody, and therefore no business being at the school, we would appreciate them not allowing her near the skids if she came up to school.

Of course, she DID go up to the school, with her usual "I am the mother and I can see my kids anytime I want" bullshit, and the school removed her from the property.

You guys need to seek a protective order or a no contact order or whatever you need to keep Meth McHomeless away from your SS.

robin333's picture

It's harassment. I hate that SS and your family are dealing with this. Your BM really continues to surprise and disgust me.

WalkOnBy's picture

Right? If school knows the situation and shows up to talk to the school counselor and the counselor was all "oh, hey, come on in for a chat" that seems odd.

BSgoinon's picture

The secretaries and Principals do. It is very likely that a student aide helped her, and the counselor had no idea what was going on. If he bought in to her stories, they would have called SS up to the office. Really, it's ok. I have called the school and let them know NEVER allow her on campus, and he is NEVER to leave with her. EVER.

Tuff Noogies's picture

i'm wondering if she even talked to the counselor at all - if so, i strongly doubt it was for that length of time.
