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Twit Left Message About Drunkie --- He Has Liver Damage

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

All that boozing is having its toll. DH called her back on this because, well he is concerned. Twenty minutes later he finally got the story. Oh, wailed Twit, how could this be. Drunkie has told her that he hasn't been drinking and she hasn't allowed him to drink until recently... What a crock. Once a drunk always a drunk unless they want to get help. Anyway, the docs told him it was because of heavy drinking and they are going to have to do tests to see how far the damage is etc.

Sad, this lad is only about 24-25. It was not unusual for him to pass out long before he got that drunk driving ticket, and he didn't change after.

Yet, on top of being told Drunkie has liver damage by the doctor he is STILL drinking, but only a little, he's cutting back, according to Twit. Da, what the H*LL is the matter with her. Drunks can't just cut back.

Oh, she cried, her husband is giving her no help with handling this. He is currently out of town for a few more weeks, and Twit says he feels Drunkie needs to hit bottom before he gets a clue, if then.

Evidently she had a long 3 hour talk with him about his drinking and he says he is going to cut back. DH could only shake his head at hearing this carp. Now she is scared and concerned about him. Um, she should have been that a long time ago.

I could hear what she was saying because I was in the room and she is so loud when she cries etc. Another Twit crisis.

Folks, I feel bad for the lad, and so does DH but there is nothing we can do. DH says he is not going to get involved in this at is HER problem. Sad, so young to be ruining his body like that. Sad that he has no desire to change his ways either. Sometimes the young are so stupid that they think they are immortal, illness etc. only happens to older people. Perhaps his mind is so gone he just doesn't get it.

After DH got off the phone he said that it was her problem. The last time she cried about not getting any help with the Drunkie (after he lost his license) from her husband, DH and I even offered to help drive Drunkie to AA meetings so she could go to Al-Anon meetings to get help on dealing with this. That was just talk from Twit. She didn't want help, she just wanted to cry and get pity.

Sadly, another young adult has screwed up his life and is in denial that he is even doing it. You can't help those that don't want help.

Hope this makes sense. I care about these young adults, and I hate to see this happen.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Oh, I am also very glad that we are going to be moving far away from all this drama.

Oh,I left out he is also going to have brain scans to see if there is any brain damage.

Seems Drunkie would pass out for hours, and then at other times become confused and pass out like he was drunk but claimed he wasn't drinking. Don't know much about this type of stuff.

This young adult has done booze and drugs for a while. He got thrown out of high school for having drugs that were found in his car years back.

The tragedy here is that Momma Twit would rather be a martyr than get this son the treatment he needed long ago.

notasm3's picture

I had a relative who died at 30 from cirrhosis of the liver because she was an alcoholic. Really sad. But absolutely nothing anyone else can do if the drinker just wants to "cut back" rather than quit drinking.

SS30 freaks out and goes to the ER every time he hiccups. I think deep down he knows that drinking a quart of vodka every night (on a slow night) is not healthy. He brags about how he's "cut back". But he's still a heavy, heavy drinker.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Your SS sounds like Drunkie on the drinking. He loves his vodka because it is odorless.

I guess I am just stunned by Twit saying that she had another one of her 3 hour talks with Drunkie and he is cutting back on the booze, ciggies, and whatever else he takes.

As I have said, all of Twit's "babies" have problems, and they didn't start overnight. DH and I weren't around, but something is and was oh so wrong in that house. We know that Twit has major problems and she might be the root of all evil here. Now she just doesn't understand why this is happening, the poor Twit "why me" pity party.

As I posted, Twit said the Doc. told Drunkie he has to stop drinking and that his problems are stemming from alcohol and yet Twit is okay with him drinking because "he is cutting back" What the hell! She makes excuses for him. Me? I can tell you I wouldn't be watching him kill himself with drink and drugs in my house. I'd probably tell him that I loved him, but because I can't sit by and watch what he is doing to himself under my roof.

Oh well, sad news.

notasm3's picture

I have a dear friend who has been a recovering alcoholic for 30+ years now. She is a licensed addiction specialist and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has worked in a major, well know psych hospital for addiction for the past 25 years.

She's such a wonderful resource for me. She told me that vodka is the spirit of choice for so many alcoholics. I have the utmost respect for those that do the work to overcome addictions. But unfortunately "cutting back" is never the answer.

My friend says that vodka is not really odorless - she can smell it a mile away. I'm not that familiar with alcohol odors unless someone is just reeking of booze.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Thanks for clarifying that. I do recall that when Drunkie got that DUI ticket and DH and I ended up with ALL the booze they had so he wouldn't get into it (and they had a lot), he was apparently going for anything with alcohol in it including the cooking sherry.

That is when I think opportunity presented itself to Twit on this, should have asked the court to order him into rehab whether he liked it or not. But then Twit wouldn't have the drama and attention she craves.

I do pray that this young man gets help because he isn't going to get any from Twit and she isn't going to let any family members know there is a problem until it is too late.

DH is going to talk to her husband and ask him what he is going to do to get real help for his man up...or start making plans for his demise. Same with the 400+ lb. one. But then if they don't want help what can one do except watch and pray.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Drunkie is not Twit's husband, but one of her 3 loser sons....all adults...of which Drunkie is the youngest. The oldest is in his 30's, weights over 400+ lbs and only works part time as a shelf stocker in a grocery store. Momma Twit buys his cloths, car, etc.

Found out on Father's Day that he is also a BIG drinker. Never knew that, neither did DH. It surprised him as well. As I say, something is very wrong.

Twit has long talked about how perfect she and her family are. Seems her delusion is coming apart at the seams and as it does she will too.

Thankfully, we will be hundreds of miles away by than I hope.

I wish ill on no one, but I also don't want to have to pick up their mess as it is not mine.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sugar, your remarks are interesting. The oldest of Twit's "babies" (in his 30's) is 400+ lbs, the food addiction, he too gets drunk and, according to Twit, calls and talks about killing himself. Twit thinks this is funny! This carp came out on Father's Day and DH and I were stunned.

The youngest, Drunkie, has long had a booze and drug problem; all the way back to when he was in high school.

None of us, being human, are perfect; I know I'm not, but darn, that is way out there in my world.

I think that when someone claims they are perfect, they are holding a lot of secrets, and in Twit's case they are all coming out.

notsobad's picture

You know what might make Twit feel better, Baccarat crystal paperweights! DH should run right over and give them to her.

I'm kidding of course but hope you know that and got a laugh out of it. }:) Smile }:)

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Hi Notsobad. Yep, no doubt she would love those, but she is not getting them unless she shells out some bucks. Yes, I did get a laugh out of it.

What I am waiting for, after this, is for her to cry to DH about helping her put in new doors and windows. DH is already on this and says no way, no how. Let her hubby and "babies" learn to do something constructive.

DH says he feels bad for her and his grandson, but it is not of his doing. Have to say, that feels good to hear from him. He really changed when I got sick and then the Twit did or said whatever at the end of March. That seem to have been the real cut off point for him.

Any family can have a bad Twit. DH's other two adult children are quite nice and not at all scary like the Twit is. BUT, when you have 2 out of 3 that have problems, and the jury is out on the 3rd; well something is really wrong in that family.

notsobad's picture

I'm glad you got a laugh.

I don't know what makes a good kid or a bad kid. Is it genetics or how you raise them? Nature vs Nurture
DH, SS and I were talking about this.
SS(24) has a GF who is one of 6, she is the only girl and in the middle.
She wants 6 kids and SS is scared to death! He wants kids but doesn't want to be in crazy debt and isn't sure he can handle 6 kids. Two of the GFs brothers are not the brightest crayons in the box.
All the kids were raised basically the same, by an intact family and 2 of the 6 have problems.
What came out of our conversation is that the 2 with the problems are the oldest and the third oldest. So I said to SS, if they had stopped at 2, they'd have one with a problem and one without and you'd have no GF!

still learning's picture

My ex-Stepfather died in his early 50's of the same thing. Major alcoholic all of his life, died living alone in a small trailer in CA and wasn't found for days. It's a sad way to live and a horrible death. Sad that drunkie's so young, hopefully he'll change his ways.

Cooooookies's picture

Vodka is not odorless. ExH drank that stuff like water and nearly died. I can't even look at a bottle of it without cringing and don't ever want to smell it again.

No one can do a thing for an alcoholic until they do it themselves. They might hit rock bottom or they may not. It doesn't matter what anyone does unless they are ready. It's a horrible, life destroying addiction.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

That is one of the many strange things with Twit. She doesn't get it, doesn't want to face it or deal with it. Having a 3 hour talk with an alcoholic about his drinking does absolutely nothing. Saying that he is cutting back because she is controlling how much she is ALLOWING him to drink absolutely blew my mind. How damn crazy can she be? No answer needed to that, we already know.

Allowing someone like Drunkie to live there, rent free, buy him a car, he doesn't work (because he passes out etc.) is just crazy. Yet she talks like she has control over how much he drinks (yeah, right) and her half day lectures are going to straighten him out.

I really pity her, for years she made my life with DH hell.

I, too, would like to move things up before the carp really hits the fan down here.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

DH discussed this situation this morning at breakfast. He is heartbroken for his grandson and quite angry at Twit. Says he expects to hear more from her - boo hoo, sob, sob - and he is going to tell her outright that she is enabling what is going on with her sons. That she is just as much, if not more, of the problem than they are.

Oh boy, THAT is going to go down well. Going to be seeing a mushroom shaped cloud rising above the Twit house when that happens.

Told DH that he could do what he wanted, but to leave me out of it and not bring her around here. He agreed.

You know, the whole sorry story of Drunkie has been going on for years. As you know, he got caught for drunk driving (which Twit claimed the police lied about etc) got sentenced after over a year, lost license and currently has a "hardship license" to drive to work (this DH found out when he asked Twit why Drunkie had a car) YET Drunkie has no job. He is on probation.

Yet, Mamma Twit is still making excuses for this loser and once again it is a woe is her, look what she has to deal with. Just sick. If she had any real love for her son she would be getting him into treatment instead of "allowing" him to just cut back on the booze.

Am I right to think that once the liver starts to go even a small amount of booze adds to its further deterioration? Don't know.

ctnmom's picture

*raising hand* As most of you know, I'm a recovering alcoholic. "Tapering" is a myth. The only tapering that works is the kind that is medically supervised. It's done in cases where the person is physically addicted to alcohol because (think Amy Winehouse) you can die from alcohol withdrawal. Drunkie needs to get to treatment and AA!

uofarkchick's picture

My mom is Twit, minus the whining to daddy part. My brother is in his mid twenties and drinks Vodka as well. He has torn up his stomach from the liquor and has to wear adult diapers sometimes because of the diarrhea. He does not have wet brain yet but it's coming. It sucks. He is an amazing singer and song writer. He could have really been something. He still could be but he refuses to give up the alcohol. Alcoholism is indeed a family disease. I think the drama that it creates can be just as addictive as the alcohol and women like my mom and Twit are junkies in their own way. My mother hires expensive lawyers to try and get my brother out of DUIs (he's facing a felony DUI and looking at prison next month) and gives my brother money. She knows full well where the money goes. She thinks she's loving him and she refuses to see that what she's doing is helping her son kill himself. When he dies, his blood will be on her hands. Ultimately, it is his choice to continue drinking but what she's doing is loving him to death. My heart goes out to Twit because I know she's in a lot of pain but she is addicted to the pain and refuses to get help. I have the feeling that deep down she doesn't want him to get well because then she couldn't get her fix. Give that hubby of yours a hug and be proud of him for refusing to be a part of the sickness.

sandye21's picture

"I have the feeling that deep down she doesn't want him to get well because then she couldn't get her fix." She sure is!! When Drunkie was going to court for the DUI Twit knew more than the lawyers. It's easy to assume she knows more than the doctors so now she can pump her ego up on that. More emotional fuel for her narcissism. What Drunkie really needs is an intervention without Twit present. In fact, the best thing Drunkie could do would be to move away from Twit. It's like Munchausen by Proxy. It is sad he is willing to give up his life for the booze but if anyone had to live with Twit they would be looking for self-medication too.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Hi Sandye - Once again you are right on. I, too, was thinking of that Munchausen disorder too. Once again it is all about her. If it weren't she would be doing something to get the drunkie actual help. What kind of mother thinks that just cutting back on the booze is all that needs to be done.

She is not looking for a way to help drunkie, she is just playing the ole poor me game again.

I wonder what and how something tragic affects Twit's type. Like if something happened with Drunkie, would they care at all or????

When I was involved with her and her family, I never saw it because Twit is extremely secretive on some things. DH was just recalling how when Drunkie first rolled one of his cars (he was drunk then too) his father gave him the thumbs up. DH said he never understood that, nor do I.

Now, not being involved with her or her family (best to keep distance from all the nuts), I see a lot of things I never put together before. Sigh, hind sight, as they say, is 20/20.

notsobad's picture

"I wonder what and how something tragic affects Twit's type. Like if something happened with Drunkie, would they care at all or????"

It will just be fuel for her. I doubt she'll feel any real emotion but if he dies she'll be the mother who lost a child.
She'll wail on about what a horrible disease alcoholism is and how she's lost a child to it. You will not be able to say anything against her because it will make you look like the insensitive ogre.

uofarkchick's picture

I am going to have to remember that one, "More emotional fuel for her narcissism." If that's not the God's honest truth, I don't know what is. And I hear you on the self medicating to survive.... My brother has been drinking and smoking pot and K2 (synthetic weed) since he was 15. My mom loves to just wail and moan about how horrible her children are and about what a victim she is. She is an emotional vampire. She sinks her teeth in to unsuspecting victims and sucks out their joy, their worth, and their sanity.

catsmom01's picture

SO GLAD YOU'RE MOVING!!! OMG...what a mess. Yes, drunkie needs to hit rock bottom because it seems he doesn't want to change. He needs to go to a rehab, then go to AA, and get the heck away from his enabling mother. Twit and her DH should go to AA as well so they can learn how to not ENABLE this kid.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

When Drunkie got that DUI, the lawyer told him to go to AA meetings 2, 3 times a week so that he could show he was trying to recover. Since he couldn't drive Twit took him and cried to us how she wanted to go to Al-Anon meetings which were always at the exact same time.

Being the way DH and I are, we volunteered to drive Drunkie to AA meetings so she could go. She never did and the Drunkie going to AA meetings didn't last long either because Twit said he had no interest in giving up booze. Heck, if it were my son and I was paying for the lawyer and providing the Drunkie with room and board and spending money, you can bet going to those meetings would be mandatory - even if he just sat there - or he would be out of my house and I would not be paying his legal fees. Actually, that would have been the best thing for him.

But Twit doesn't want him seen at AA meetings or her at Al-Anon meetings because SHE is PERFECT...her family is PERFECT, etc.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Sorry to talk about this but it is disturbing to me to hear this news about Drunkie. Not that we didn't know it was coming if he continued, but, well he is oh so young.

And sad because Drunkie doesn't stand a chance on surviving with Twit because IMHO, she loves the drama and his dependency on her. Very twisted.

I care for the grandsons, but I can't do anything for this Drunkie or the others. Even if I could, Twit doesn't let any one get around them....they are HERS.

Makes me think of one time she went off on me and told me that she had instructed (note that word, instructed) her sons not to have anything to do with me ever. That, I now see, showed that she thinks of them not as people, but possessions. I come to this only with seeing a lot of other things, a pattern.

DD says to just pray for him and let it go.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Good question. Right now he is overseas for 6 weeks on business.

According to Twit he dumps it all on her [poor her again]. I don't know if he just gets pushed out by Twit 'cause she is in charge or what.

DH said that since Drunkie lives with them, he should be put in a rehab/detox center or thrown out. I think he is still under 26 so he is still on their insurance. Regardless, what is money when someone's life is at stake. DH says, even though he doesn't want to get involved, he is thinking about talking to the husband and telling him he has to man up about taking charge and getting the Drunkie help, or if it continues he will be burying him. That this is serious and they have been given a "5 minute warning" so to speak.

Me? Not my problem, I'm staying out of it. I can feel bad, sad and upset about Drunkie, but it is not my place or my responsibility.

sandye21's picture

"DH says, even though he doesn't want to get involved, he is thinking about talking to the husband and telling him he has to man up about taking charge and getting the Drunkie help, or if it continues he will be burying him." Good move for DH and good for you too for letting him handle it. I sincerely hope DH can get through to Twit's Husband.

notasm3's picture

My LCSW addiction specialist at a major rehab facility says that the drug addicts feel like they are going to die going thru withdrawal - but that the alcoholics truly could die during withdrawal if not done properly. Alcohol withdrawal for a heavy, heavy drinker does need to be done under medical supervision.

But medically supervised withdrawal is NOT the same thing as "cutting back".

I have a much younger relative with addiction issues. More than once he's gone cold turkey off of alcohol and ended up in the ER. He's the sweetest guy in the world, has never stolen from us, nor does he come around unless he is clean - which means we only see him every few years. It's so sad. His father was accidentally killed when he was about 5 and his mother had severe mental problems although she was not mean or abusive.

It's easy to wish you could "fix" others, but unfortunately it seldom works out that way.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I'm so glad you're moving. Clearly, there's a lot of dysfunction in Twit's household; the excrement is going to hit the fan at some point, so the further away you and DH can be, the better.

And shame on Twit's husband. He has chosen to bury himself in work and stay away instead of seeking solutions to help his sons. He should have divorced that crazy woman years ago.

notsobad's picture

"He should have divorced that crazy woman years ago."

I wonder if he stayed because even though he's had to deal with Twits craziness, he would at least be able to see his kids.
You know that Twit is the BM who would have those kids PASed before he was gone a week. In fact she probably minimalizes him even though he lives in the house.
I'm not surprised he works so much.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Can anyone tell me what comes first with an alcoholic, liver disease or brain issues?

I have been looking up some information and know that from what we know about drunkie he has a lack of thiamin (B-1) and is going for a brain scan to see either if there is damage or how much damage there is. Didn't get that.

BUT, he has already been told he has liver damage and they are going to do a liver biopsy, or so Twit says.

Guess I am curious as to just how severe this young man far gone is he.

From what Twit said on Father's Day, Drunkie would shake, lose control of his limbs, look and sound like he was drunk and sometimes pass out. Said this happened when he wasn't drinking. Don't know about this kind of stuff.