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End to a time of peace

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

DH is on his way to pick up SheSloth. This brings an end to peace in my home for now! It has been a good weekend. DH was given tickets to F1 qualifying, so we spend yesterday at the track. SheSloth was not happy about this! It wasn't because she didn't get to go, but because she had to get up at 6 am to be dropped off at BM's because we needed to head out to the track! She was being a total b***h and I wanted to ask DH if we could just open the door and boot her out of the car as we passed the area of BM's house! I was ready for her to be gone!

This morning was very pleasant at church without SheSloth. Starbucks was not an argument, didn't have to deal with irreverence, etc. It was very peaceful!

I think DH caught SheSloth in some lies based on tidbits of stuff I heard when they came home after the game Friday. Maybe her web is unraveling! She did say during the game that her and "Robbie" broke up. Strangely, she didn't seem upset about it at all!! Find that very strange! A bit before she was talking to a guy from the band who did not appear to be her usual kind of guy...he looked too put together and particular, if you know what I mean. The kind of guy who has to have EVERYTHING in his life on point! Grades, appearance...even when he was talking to SheSloth he had the posture of a soldier telling a wife her husband was killed in battle...standing perfectly straight, hands at back, feet at shoulder width pointed forward, etc. and his expressions were very unemotional and to point. Kid looked like he'd been in military school his whole life! This may have been Robbie, and if so, I can promise he was not dating SheSloth! I do find it strange how this unemotional and drama-free break-up happens right after emo friend attemps suicide! Yeah...emo friend is now in a treatment facility supposedly after trying to end her least that is what she told DH. Still say something is rotten in Denmark! This Robbie relationship was supposedly as long as the boyfriend last school year. When that one ended, girl moped for month! This big deal? I guess when it is only a cover, it isn't! That is probably what "Robbie" was telling her Friday night...that he was don't being her cover.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Just opened my email to an email from SheSloth's English teacher. Don't know why it was sent to me...need to email the teacher about that. Last week of the grading period, and she is failing English. I forwarded the email to DH, and told him, "Check your inbox. I don't know why that was sent to me!" He's now off yelling at SheSloth! Man this popcorn is buttery!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

She tried to blame the teacher? "I asked him in class if I was passing, and he said if I turned in my project yeah. I told him I would turn it in after school, but he wasn't there when I went to his class!" Really? What is wrong with turning it in when it was due? No, it's the teacher's fault! So, now she is going to turn it in tomorrow and try to get a note from the teacher. I'm betting she never even went to his classroom after school!

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Kids these days are so frikking weak it's unbelievable! SD13 has pulled that crap with us, except she is way too shy to go talk with a teacher. Thankfully she didn't fail classes, but she sure had some low grades on assignments. The new marking period starts on Wednesday and I will keep my mouth shut. Damn Skid just got 2 new pairs of shoes this weekend. Right when we walked out of the store, DH asked SD13 to wear the loafers one day a week to school. We bought them with a "boy outfit" for an upcoming wedding. SD13 looked at DH with horror and asked, "You want me to wear them to school? One day a week???" There goes $60 out the window. Thankfully its from BM's SocSec money. DH said we had to "justify it and buy SD13 more things." Well, gosh DH, maybe you'd better quit upgrading your cell phone every 6 months, and your laptop every year.

Sorry, side rant, but my point is, these Skids are used to getting what they want. I actually read the article on disengaging again today because I just can't stand this crap anymore. At least your DH gave SheSloth an earful. I'm sure she'll have some excuse why she can't do her project IF she gets an extension. I'm sure it won't be HER fault.

Pass the salt for that popcorn.

~ Moon

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

SD13 declared that she wanted to be a boy right before school started. DH and I are being supportive. Her therapist says she's still very much a girl. We'll see.......

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

How bad can this girl lie?

So, when DH went in to yell at SheSloth about the email, she was watching Supernatural on her computer...DVDs she borrowed from one of the guard girls. Well, at bed time AFTER getting yelled at, she suddenly has homework she is doing! Seriously...gotta lie better than that! I'm willing to bet it was the English project she was working on...that she never really took to the teacher after school on Friday.

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering...they don't have lockers at SheSloth's high she did not leave her project in her locker, she didn't have it finished, and probably thought she would try to finish it in another class and get it turned into save her arse. BUT...she didn't, so she didn't turn it in.

My "alter ego" also took a look at her Instagram this morning. Hmmm...some post about flirting with one of the college boys from the visiting band Friday night! If that really was Robbie, that may have been the reason for the "breakup"!