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touched rock bottom

dalhia's picture

im so depressed right now that i dont even care aynmore. after so many years of frustrations, fights, and all that, im numb. i cry a lot and i cant seem to find the energy to get out of bed. im scared and weak and cant eat. i'm not a depressive person at all, so i can tell that this is deep and bad and im not sure how i will get out. my hubby is close to me and helping but i think this time i broke bad. all the tension, all the bad stuff for years, all the responsibilities, all the thigns i did right and all the things i did wrogn..just the shear amount of energy... just got to me big time and i broke. i hope you ladies figure things out before you gave everything you got, you did everything you could and then you find yourself depressed empty and hurt. i now, even from this "lowest low" that im strong and that this will pass and i will learn from it but damn it hurts right now!.

Bsmom's picture

Would you consider going to an Alanon meeting? Your loved ones do not have to be addicts or alcoholics. I went because my SD13's counselor told me to look at her as if she is a little alcoholic because the behaviors are similiar-lying, drama, manipulating, etc. I have been going since June and it is WONDERFUL. I have met other stepmom's that are helping me. You can find local meetings on the internet.
We didn't cause it. We can't control it. We can't cure it. But we don't have to contribute.