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SD21 is such an idiot and I have NO sympathy this time!

1989's picture

A little background info. My SD is 21 and has 2 kids already. One is 5 & one is 3. They all live w/her mother, 2 hrs away thank God! She has not been with the kids father now for a few years. She was going to a tech school and was supposed to graduate this summer and be able to get a job to support herself & kids etc.

Well, we just found out she is pregnant again (4 months along now). This time the father is another winner. He has 2 kids already, and here's the kicker......there is another girl who he has been seeing and she is also expecting a child wiht him too!!!!!!!!!

The first time my SD got pregnant at 15, i did feel bad for her, but now this 3rd time, I feel that she did it on purpose. I think she is a complete idiot who is trying to use the system, (very excited she can go back on welfare again). She does not try and better herself ever.

She is 21 and old enough where if she didn't want another child (that she can't afford anyway), she would be responsible enough to take her birth control.

In my opinion she is a loser. I feel bad for my DH because he knows it too, yet she and all her illegimate kids are his family regardless. Oh, forgot to mention, her 2 kids are white and she is now pregnant with a black child.......

My above comment has nothing to do with race, it was meant to show that she is very "Loose" and will sleep with anyone and does

SecondGeneration's picture

Yup its a crappy situation.
My step father has a son and two daughters, they had a very shaky relationships growing up. I knew them from when they were 10, they are all older than me.
Both daughters got pregnant at the same time as my BM and Step Father were expecting their baby together. It was very much a case of my BM was pregnant so both girls got pregnant, they were then 16 and 17.
The worst thing was they were both on a mission to get pregnant which meant the poor suckers they slept with got a little more than they bargained for. They didnt even tell the fathers until later and then cursed them when the men asked for DNA.
Eldest step sister has two children and two baby daddys; one father absent the other in jail.
Younger step sister has four children by three fathers; one father absent, one not heard of since he came out of jail and the most recent, no idea who he is.
They have mixed race and white children, sad thing is the kids are now of ages that they are asking why that is and are being picked on because their mothers have so many kids.

Amber Miller's picture

Ohi my goodness this is horrible. These poor babies! It makes me sad that there are wonderful couples out there that are responsible and have good jobs and they can't have children yet these idiots who can't keep their legs closed can have baby after baby that they can't take care of. This girl sounds like she can't take care of herself let alone her children. I feel like she's doing this on purpose as she must know by now where babies come from. I'm hoping that these children continue to be raised by the grandmother so they have a chance to grow up and be successful adults, granted that the grandmother is a good parent. Its seems so unfair that these idiots have all these kids, live off welfare and dump the children on family members. This is sick and wrong. My SD got pregnant on purpose for attention. She too can't take care of herself nor can she take care of a child. Its disgraceful.

1989's picture

No, the grandmother is a drug addict now. (Wasn't when she was younger). She only wants them all living w/her because she gets a bigger section 8 house. Its very sad. It irks me to no end that just because a girl gets prgnant, she can automatically get welfare! These girls might stop having babies if their gravy train ran out and they had to support themselves....

Amber Miller's picture

Oh no. The grandmother does drugs too? These poor children have no stability in their lives. This doesn't bode well for their future. I agree with you; they would stop having kids if they had to work. Very sad and disgraceful.

1989's picture

There are 2 reasons why she did it. Either she wanted to "trap" her loser boyfriend, or because she is finishing up tech school, she doesn't wanna have to go and get a job. Her mother did the same thing for years. She got financial aid and kept switching her major at the end so she would have to start all over again. Only problem w/ my SD is she got caught abusing the financial aid system. She would sign up for classes at college and then after her financial aid refund money came in she would drop her classes. Well, when f/a verifies every semester that students are carrying a full class load and passed their classes, or the can't continue to get f/a. I suspected she was doing this and warned her what would happen, but apparently she did not care and continued. Well, her f/a was cut off and that's why she ended up at some dumb tech school.....

1989's picture

Sadly, it was her own mother who raised her this way! Taught her everything she knows about abusing the system.

Orange County Ca's picture

I've always thought that having kids to get welfare was a long run loss because as the kid grows it gets more and more expensive. Then the day comes you realize your life is gone and you've got nothing except probably 20 grandchildren.

I really wish they had implemented the idea that once you're on welfare you can't collect more for any pregnancies after you first sign up except for one in the oven.

1989's picture

I agree. And, just because you get welfare, doesn't mean you can't work. She could even work a part-time job at night while her mother watches the kids. But nope, why do that? She'd rather call her father and constatntly complain about how she has no money and needs money for this and that. Well having a 3rd baby at 21, should help out that. The only good thing is that my DH & I agree that she is now an adult and we are NOT supporting her or her children. Time to grow up. You made this mess outta your life, time to clean it up yourself. I refuse to help yet again......she will never learn if we continued to bail her out.

Amber Miller's picture

I agree. She needs to suffer the consequences of her actions. No more children! She's got to stop this nonsense.

1989's picture

I agree. And, just because you get welfare, doesn't mean you can't work. She could even work a part-time job at night while her mother watches the kids. But nope, why do that? She'd rather call her father and constatntly complain about how she has no money and needs money for this and that. Well having a 3rd baby at 21, should help out that. The only good thing is that my DH & I agree that she is now an adult and we are NOT supporting her or her children. Time to grow up. You made this mess outta your life, time to clean it up yourself. I refuse to help yet again......she will never learn if we continued to bail her out.