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BM giving IPADS for Christmas

causeilovehim's picture

So BM says she is sending 9 & 10 yr old an IPAD, well she called it Touch Pad for Christmas. WHY WHY WHY would you buy two children that age something like that? And that is the ONLY gift they are getting from her. OH MY GOD! She makes me so freaking sick!

Asher10's picture

WHAT?!!!!i'm not even in the situation and i'm totally pissed about this!lol
i had to pinch pennies for MONTHS to be able to afford an ipad for myself and it was for business so i didn't have to lug a laptop everywhere for small stuff.unbelievable.why is a 9year old and a 10 year old in need of an ipad??!!

causeilovehim's picture

Because she lives far away and they need unlimited use of the internet is my guess. That and she has to be the one to give the bigget most extravagant gift. Always has. TWO years ago they both got small laptops. They lasted about 4 mos and then were either lost or broken. This from a woman who does not work and WONT work, even stated she isn't capable of working. Guess she used her new husband's money to but em. Lovely BM she is!!!

Asher10's picture

I'm a mean stepmom then because i would let them know they can have the ipads when they're old enough to show they can be responsible for them and when they're old enough to be able to use proper judgment when having that unlimited use of the internet and until then they can use the family computer for internet purposes.i'd put the ipads away safely until they were older.if mom lives far away the kids live by your rules and unlimited internet and a super expensive ipad is not something to hand over to a young kid.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Let her buy the expensive gifts it's her money who cares. She's an idiot and when the Skids are in bed you get to play with the gadgets! Money can't make up for the fact that she's not around. It'll work for now but not forever. Don't stress this crap, it's bullshit.

causeilovehim's picture

I'm not stressed..just yet again her way of showing what a dumb ass she is. I very seriously doubt they are actual IPADS I'm sure they are a clone of some sort, cheaper version. There is no way in hell she could spend $500.00 each x 3 for Christmas, her new hubby has 4 kids himself. Ha ha haha! I just think its stupid thats all. But then she is stupid so gift matches her.

Unfreakingreal's picture

causeilove you wanna see stupid? Go check out my blog from yesterday. You'll pee your pants.

bebegirl22's picture

She might just be talking... BM used to tell the kids that her and her BF where getting a Escalade and then it was a brand new Mustang for SD's 16th birthday, on and on and it was just talk and she never pulled through. Needless to say she hasn't bought them Birthday presents and hardly even Xmas presents, let alone cars for EVERYONE! Smile

mom2five's picture

Why are you upset about it? Is she behind in child support? I could totally understand it if she owed y'all money. But if she wants to buy her kids ipads...awesome! We love ours! The only thing I would be concerned about is if the kids dropped them. I've almost dropped mine several times. And my kids have dropped theirs...luckily only on the carpet. I got cases for everyone and that helped a lot.

Asher10's picture

i would be upset about it because that's the other parents way of upping the stakes on presents.since 'mommy dearest' is non-existent in their lives but sends super expensive gifts she makes herself look like a hero and when you don't get them something just as cool and expensive it makes you look like a total who the heck buys a $700 electronic item for a 9year old and 10 year old? isn't anything special anymore??doesn't anyone respect the value of a dollar anymore?why DOES a 9 year old need an ipad??it stinks of entitlement and screams materialism.