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SD got arrested for domestic violence & assault and battery w/deadly weapon!

1989's picture

I used to go by a different name, but I created a new account, for fear that someone could find me based on my user name.

Anyway, my SD who is 21 has threatened me in the past (in writing) with physical violence. She told me that she was going to beat me until I was covered in blood! I took the threat seriously and will admit I was a bit scared of her. She was raised in a rough city and I was raised in a small town area where we never physically fought anyone lol.

I wanted to file a police complaint on her, but after discussions with my DH, I respected his request not to. She has 2 small children of her own and if I filed a report, chances are DSS would get involved and he didn't want to do that to her. Fine, I didn't file one. I completely disengaged. I haven't spoken to her since she threatened me. I have seen her, but not spoken to her at all.

Saturday morning my DH gets a call from his other daughter who's 23 telling him that his 21 yr old was arrested for domestic violence and assault & battery with a deadly weapon. The 23 yr old found out when she went to see her sis and her 5 yr old nephew opended the door & said Mommys in jail!

She was apparently fighting with her other sister whos 14. My SD says her mom & sister jumped her and she was just defending herself. I find this hard to believe, but my DH believes her. Her mother (with whom she lives) called the cops on my SD, and told them she hit her sister in the face with a frying pan (hence the a & b charge w/deadly weapon). Her sister (14) went to ER and she has a broken nose & a black eye! Her mother also called DSS on her own daughter!

She went to court and was given a court date. I think she thought it was going to be dropped. Kids today don't understand how serious being arrested is.

In any event, I don't think it's a safe environment for the kids to be in the house still. I am hoping that the court at the very least makes her attend anger management classes! I knew that I was right to take her threat to me seriously. I don't doubt she would attack me if she wanted to.

Thanks for listening!

Rags's picture

I am glad that BM sent her criminal daughter to jail. Your DH should have had the balls that his XW had in dealing with the toxic spawn.

You and DH should have had SD hauled off to jail when she threatened you and now that she has followed through on her threats to do physical violence on people you should forward her written threat to the police and DA to help ensure that SD goes away for a long, long time.

You will be doing yourself, society and SD's children a favor.

If I had ever laid a hand on either of my younger brothers (one 6 years younger and the other 8 years younger) much less caved in their face with a frying pan my USMC father would have killed me and fed my carcass to the fish. My parents had a no fighting rule in their home and if the three of us boys had ever had a fist fight the consequence was that when dad got home we each had to go to the back yard and fight him one at a time.

My parents raised no fools. We never tested that rule.

Your SD-21 caved in the face of her 14yo sister. BM damned sure should have beat SD-21 to a bloody pulp then put her in prison for as long as possible.

Were I you, if that violent SD ever comes near you again I would just shoot her. You have documentation that justifies it as self defense. Disposing of her would be doing the world a favor.

IMHO of course.

1989's picture

Thanks everyone! My SD is out of jail and has her court date in a month. She will NEVER come and live with us. She is NOT even allowed at our house. I would not allow it. Her kids have a father that is alive and well in the same town as her, so he could take the kids if she loses them. Her mother is actually a loser too lol! THe only reason she called DSS on her 21 yr old daughter is to protect herself from losing her 14 yr old. She is a terrible mother who lives off and uses the system. Unfortunately My SD has been raised by her and learned everything she knows from her mom. She got kicked out of college for abusing the f/a system and now goes to a tech school lol!