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Oh I am So Bad --- Not

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

After noticing Twit cruise through our cul-de-sac slowly earlier today, I decided enough was enough. I waited for DH to go shopping and I called the police and reported that there had been a car that cruises our street, slowly, obviously checking out places; and this had been occurring for a few days. I gave them the make and model and noted, as part of my description, that there was this company logo in the window.

They sent an officer out and I gave him all that information and he said he is the one that checks on our area and will keep his eye out for this vehicle. I told him I only called because it always just drove around the area slowly and I was concerned someone was casing out the area (we know Twit is).

Made me feel better, like blowing some clouds away, taking the Twit situation in hand.

Of course, friends, I am not saying anything to DH about what I did.

In the last few months there was a burglary nearby. The main street here is a dead end that our cul-de-sac goes off of. So it is not like someone is just driving through to get to a highway etc.

Glassslipper's picture

Ha! Good job She Drives! Now call the police department and request a copy of the report and keep it in the "BM stalker" file!
At least she keeps rolling, my BM would park out in front of the house for 20 minutes watching our house.
I collected all the dates and reports and hauled her in for an RO after the county sheriff's department told her she was no longer allowed near our property!
Stalking is illegal!

sandye21's picture

Good to hear you are taking your power back. And ---"I am not saying anything to DH about what I did." I totally agree. If you have to get a restraining order on Twit so be it. Remember the time you called the police when Twit came to your house and started yelling at you? Your DH knew he could not hide her craziness from the police. If they catch her slowly driving by your house again he will not be able to dismiss that either. I know I am a b#@ch, but I hope she gets caught.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I have a copy of that report. And yes, I am going to add this to my "file". Boy, would I like to be a fly in her car when she gets stopped (and she will sooner or later) and gets the shock of her life having to explain what she is doing. THAT should put a wrench in her least for awhile. }:)

lintini's picture

When you catch her doing it again, make sure you call the police back and give them her license plate number! Also I recommend recording her doing it if you can record her through a window discretely. You have a paper trail now and it's time to document and record everything you can.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Oh I intend to.

And, most importantly at least to me, is that no matter when she gets stopped, etc., there is no way she can trace it back to me.

The police are watching around here because there have been two burglaries within a 1/2 mile area in the last month or so.

This is probably one of the most healing things I can do for myself these days.

lintini's picture

I completely understand. This is a great step in the right direction.

I had an enormous amount of healing after xsil keyed my car, I called the cops and they didn't care, but the home owners association caught her on camera, following in a car to get in the gate. So then I had proof she was there. License plate and all!!

But I had to start my paper trail on her because the level of harassment was extreme. My next step for her is if she gets DHs phone number again. She works for the school district office where SS goes to school, so she just pulls up his info and wallah.... she gets what she wants. Can you say illegal?

We've changed emails once, and phone numbers THREE times. Block her? Not possible. She just buys a cheap phone from Walmart and she is back.

Karma has hit her hard, 2 dui's, jail, and lost her license. She's well on her way to losing her kids. I'm surprised she hasn't lost her job.

I can go on, she tried to attack me, and has been a cancer in my life for years.

The cherry on top is everyone thinks this is BM when I talk about her.... I'm like no, she's married/separated from my DHs Brother and they have two kids!!! This is XSIL!!! Not bm!!!!

lintini's picture

Unfortunately you can't really control that level of crazy. It would probably only fuel BM to do it more knowing that it bothers the OP.

If anything DH could have filed for the police report. But he probably thinks she'll eventually get tired of the game and give up....

I wanted my DH to put in a RO on his xsister in-law and he wouldn't do it, like he was a wussy baby for having to defend himself from a female. It's some ego crusher. He just felt bad for her and thought she would go away eventually....4 years later she was still being a crazy drunk lunatic.

Powerfamily's picture


Can you not sue the school district as she access private information to harass your family.

Well done SDM, if your dh says anything about it, tell him no one around here buys her pots and pans and even if by chance some ones did it does not warrant her driving in to you cul de sac every other day and not stopping, getting out of the car and going to any house.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

I don't believe DH will find out what I did, and if he suspects I will just claim, like Twit does, that I don't know what he is talking about. Heck, anyone on our cul-de-sac, or the long one way street could have put in such a report. Don't like it, but sometimes one has to do what one has to do.

My file on Twit is in my safety deposit box, JIC. DH doesn't snoop in my things, and I don't in his, but JIC.

I told DD what I did and she loved it. Sigh, I should have thought of that sooner instead of seeing her drive by checking us out.

lintini's picture

I really messed up by not calling the school district when she mysteriously got our brand new phone numbers again.

I'll need them to see that she actually was accessing his files from her computer. There was no other way for her to get the #. Everyone knew not to give her our #.

It will be my first call if she happens to get our information again.

I suspect to hear from her in fall when SS enters high school and DHs info is probably refreshed in the system for SS. DH has not given his new cell # to the district unless BM did this past year. We live 3 hours away and wouldn't be the top person to call if SS was sick.

sammigirl's picture

Good job! Keep up the documentation, it may take some time. If you encounter her any time, any place that is not comfortable, document.