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BM who doesn't GAF about her kid and stress vent.

QTsmum's picture

BM is legit crazy, never wants to spend time with her kid. She's a full on sociopath, narcissist, psychopath. Lives only to make my SO's life miserable, even if that meant throwing her child at a bus. Quick backstory: she was a nurse in the baby ward (How scary is THAT!??) and ultimately got fired because she was found on a website that solicits prostitution. So she's classy. Hasn't had a job since, as far as we know. Pretty sure she's on some kind of social assistance because she's a lazy twatwaffle. Anyways.

For almost all of the summer, we had SS. (almost 5 years old) It's supposed to be 50/50 split. Majority of her days, she drops SS off at his Oma's house (SO's mom). She went on a vacation (paid by one of the boyfriends) for 2+ weeks in December (I actually think she went over 3 weeks without seeing her kid in December and "forgot" to pick him up from school because she was "sleeping"). She just told SO that she's leaving Feb 6th to go to "Florida" for something work related (I honestly don't think she works). And we actually just spent ur kidless week in Florida for a 4 day intensive conference. She's supposed to pick up SS from school on Monday. SO asked her if she wanted any extra time with their kid before she left (HA. HA.) and she said "I'm in Toronto today and am leaving Monday" (she told him she was leaving the 6th). LIE. She just doesn't want him. SO took a screenshot of her given dates and the lie. She always lies. She can't even keep up with her own BS.

It's just so incredibly frustrating because we just confirmed a deal on a huge real estate property to move our business. We have to do SO MUCH STUFF the next 2 months, and it's going to be just chaotically insane and stressful and all of a sudden she's leaving again with NO notice. So we're going to have him for FOUR WEEKS STRAIGHT. (If you've read my other posts, you'd know I struggle having him around too. He stresses me the EFF out. He's like a little Caillou running around with a blow horn.

SO is going to submit the divorce papers to make it official asap and now we're stressing that she's going to contest it just to be an a-hole and make life harder, because that's fun for her. And if she contests it, it will likely boil over into a custody battle because there's no way SO is going to be paying child support to her when she doesn't even have him 25% of the time. (it's in their agreement that they both just pay their own way and split any medical) If anything, he should be giving his mum some freaking money.

I haven't seen my kids in a week and I'm going crazy. It's amazing to me that that in itself isn't a natural instinct for all who birth a person from their bodies.
So now we're going to have to try to navigate through the hardest business time in our lives with 3 kids in tow (my ex leaves for 3-4 weeks at a time)... I just feel like my chest is going to explode from pre-anxiety-anxiety! GAH!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

BM hasn't contacted, attempted to see, or anything else in about 6 weeks, and hasn't taken them for more than two hours since mid/beg of November... And that was to a wedding... To show them off... Before then she called on her birthday... To ask DH for money... And She ditched in June... Some people just don't want anything to do with the kid.

It doesn't sound like SS is going anywhere.. You and Dh need to get on the same page of what is and is not acceptable and start from there... Having a combined front can do wonders for the situation! Hopefully it'll get him better behaved so he won't drive you as insane...

it's good your DH is saving info... That shows he's thinking ahead. Good luck and keep us updated!!!

Acratopotes's picture

Today I simply don't get it, BM is being called names and what ever.... but have you ever thought about it... it's not her fault.

The problem is your SO, for allowing BM to ignore the child, and yes he does, cause you are there, your problem is SO, still jumping when BM demands, now your SO is scared BM will contest the divorce? what a bag of crap, he should stop being scared of her and start growing a spoine, then the kid will behave better as well...

Thumper's picture

Acratopotes is ON point.

The problem is with your boyfriend it seems.

EDIT to add, I have to hand it to your bm. At least she is being transparent, sorta.

She could be like others who insist on being a cp AND pawning the child to everyone while the child is in her care. AND has other people take the child to pick up and drops. Because she is just too busy.

True stories.

markwvualum's picture

I can relate only Im the step father. My wife's ex husband (my Skids' father) isn't quite that bad but he's a joke of a father really. The only good thing is he does pay his child support on time, although its practically nothing for having two kids he never has to look after or care for so I don't even see the point really. He doesn't even pay for their health insurance, my wife does. He's supposed to have his kids on Wednesday nights and every second weekend (yes the entire weekend) according the court orders. He has never had his kids for more than a couple of hours a week. He gets tired of them after a couple of hours and drops them back off and always has an excuse which is usually a lie he's made up 90% of the time. The truth is he's just selfish and doesn't care enough about his kids to be with them more than a couple of hours a week. He'd rather watch sports on tv, sleep, play video games, hang out with his girlfriend, go out with friends, etc. What is also annoying is he insists on calling the house almost every night to say goodnight to them. I encourage them to talk to their dad but most of the time they don't even want to so I have to hand the phone to them and tell them to talk to him literally. Ive also told my step kids to call their dad whenever they want. They are capable of using the phone. They never do. My wife told me he moved into another one bedroom apartment which is his excuse not to take them on the weekends or over nights so we have the kids all the time except for the two hours a week he decides he wants to take them to lunch. What a joke.