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Anyone NEVER been acknowledged by BM?

MrsMiserable's picture

BM is very high conflict and a horrible person. DH has nothing but problems from her constantly and it has apparently been this way since before they even divorced. So I would certainly never expect her to be friendly to me nor do I want that. But I can't help but find it very strange that she has never acknowledged that I even exist.  I have been on her kids lives for three years and basically spend as much time with them as she does. We have all been in the same room many times for school plays, sports games, even just meeting at a public place for the kids exchange and she has never said hello, waved, put on a fake smile or even so much as looked at me. Is this normal BM behavior? Any time my ex has brought a significant other to an event I have politely smiled and said hello... I just can't imagine pretending like this person who spends so much time with my kids doesn't even exist lol! 

Mandy45's picture

 Probably her way of saying  How dare dh find happiness with someone else other than her. Some exs just cant get over themselves. Try and make you feel inferior to them. Think there more important than they really are. Try and treat you like your a passing faze.  If it was me I just be like hi how you going?? If she didnt say anything I be like that nice I'm good too. Laugh and wonder off. Just to rub it in. 

MrsMiserable's picture

She absolutely tries to act like she is better than everyone. I told DH next time she walks by us at a school function and stares in the opposite direction I'm going to casually yell "Hey BM! How are you?" and just wait for her head to explode

nappisan's picture

I had the same with the skids BM,, 7 years and still wouldnt look me in the eye ,, but quite happy to try and dictate our lives !  Ive spent more time with her bratty son than she ever has.  Just smile everytime and be polite say Hello,, this will make her more uncomforatble showing that you dont care and that your a mature person,,, they hate it .  Be super nice and you can always have a silent giggle to yourself that she still cant move on after all that time 

Chi123's picture

Mine only wanted to meet me once to "set boundaries" . After that when I go with DH to pick up skids she sees me and gets the most angriest look on her face lol I guess she just mad that her kids dont mind me and like me. And that I married DH 

Imhereagain's picture

I don't even see her. Never will. As far as I'm concerned, I'm on earth and that chick is on mars. 

Irene H.'s picture

You just described my situation. Five years here. It's weird. She's nuts, just awful. But I've never done anything to her, and I just don't get it. She has dated since the divorce. How come it's ok for her to be with someone, but not him? I do a lot for her kids, and we're 50/50 custody, so they really do spend just as much time with me, as they do with her. If I were her, I'd want to know who my kids were with. She even gets pissed if she calls and I answer the phone IN MY OWN HOUSE. Weird, just weird!*unknw*

MrsMiserable's picture

That is exactly my point. I WANT to have some kind of communication with my ex's SO since she spends a lot of time with my kids! The last time BM dropped the kids off at our home when the exchange was done on a weekend she tried to insist that I not be there LMAO that sure as hell wasn't happening!!!

Irene H.'s picture

OMG! Are we dealing with the same crazy heifer? Ours has also tried to make demands about when I can and can't be there. When we were first dating, she tried to tell DH He shouldn't have me at the house when he had the kids, at all. Then she asked him to make sure I wasn't there when she dropped them off and/or picked them up. Then she asked him if I could at least be kept out of sight, like I'm supposed to run and hide for the couple minutes it takes them to load in or out of her car. Ha!

Rags's picture

I have seen the SpermIdiot twice that I recall.  The first time was when he came to pick up my SS from my DW's GM's house while we were dating and I had flown to SpermLand to see my DW and meet her family.  The next was in court several months later.  He was visibly uncomfortable around me.  I pretty much have always considered him a turd to scrape off my shoe.

Aunt Agatha's picture

She literally stalked me for a year or so, but being blocked from everything and finally getting the lawyer involved (plus time - I never responded to her until she finally gave up because I wasn't giving her crazy a$$ an attention fix) and she's down to only once in a great while attempting anything.  And no, I was not the cause of my fiancé and her divorce - I met him about 2 years after their divorce.

But we have recently learned (via email as she left her email account on a tablet she gave 17 yo DD - my SD) that she is now stalking her on again off again BFs new women (because we have learned he's apparently quite a player) that he's been seeing, including one woman that has threatened legal action against BM for stalking.  

So frankly, I'd be thrilled to bits if BM ignored me, as apparently a whole slew of women her Boyfriend has dated would be as well.

SeeYouNever's picture

She pretends I don't exist, won't look at me. Deliberately ignores me and walks past with her head fixed ahead like I am Medusa or something. She refers to me as "your woman" to DH. 

I think the first time she actually looked at me for a couple seconds was when I was pregnant. She still acted like I didn't exist and only spoke to DH. 

MrsMiserable's picture

Same. She will stare straight ahead with her head fixed forward and a look of disgust on her face. And I am always "your second wife" when she refers to me to DH. I could understand this a little more if I was the cause of their divorce but I met him six months after she moved out and deserted him and their two kids LOL!!

sandye21's picture

You're in luck!  this means you don't have to deal with her.  BM only acknowledged me once and said, "Hi."  Never afterwards, which was fine with me.  I was thankful for it.  One more thing I didn't have to contend with.

I DO think though, that SD communicated our interactions to her, because 17 years after DH and I had been married we went to an event where BM was also.  She didn't say anything to me but was very rude, and it was obvious she was angry with me - for some reason.  At that time I found out she had told other people I had caused the divorce.  I didn't know DH, or even live in the ares when they divorced.  So you never know.

HowLongIsForever's picture

BM here struggles with me like whoa.  She demanded to meet me maybe 4 or 6 months after I met SSs (so over a year and a half in making it closer to 2 1/2 from divorce).  Which we thought was both hilarious and ridiculous.  So she got to check me out during a drop off when we were on our way elsewhere.  She said NOTHING to me.  But I made sure to tell her it was nice to meet her. 

Since that time all those years ago she's spoken to me twice.  Once at a birthday party for older SSs friend (on SOs time) that she felt the need to show up to "because other parents were going to be there."  Yes, to drop off their kids.  But I digress.  She struggled to sputter out "My sister in law is complaining that she went to the wrong place" as if that somehow meant anything in or out of context.  It fit with her standing around like a weirdo waiting for when we dropped SS off. That was also hilarious and ridiculous.

The second time she spoke to me was when she barged into my house and broke my brains (I blogged about it all whiny like). That wasn't so much what she said but how she said it and the fact that she barged into my home to say it.  I'm not to the point of finding it hilarious (I'll get there) but definitely ridiculous.

See a pattern?

SO and I have been together longer than their marriage lasted and are pushing up on their total time together.  She hasn't come to terms with my existence yet.  I'm not sure she ever will.  No skin off my nose.  

I get that she takes issue with me because I'm the illogical representation of everything she "lost." That aside, I think I'm a little more perplexing because I am absolutely nothing like her.  That just contributes to her perpetual victim trope, questioning everything that's done to her (she's never, ever an active participant).

We still have a long ways to go in dealing with BM under a court order.  I don't know that we will ever reach a place where she's not, y'know, the current version of herself.  I also don't know that I'd really care if she managed to rise to the occasion and be a decent person.  She's not my kind of people and she's been such an indirect PITA that I just don't see myself easily embracing any change she does make.  Too little too late scenario.


Husband's wife's picture

I never acknowledged the BM, never spoke to her, never said "hello", never will. Do not honestly see the point of acknowledging each other.

Why would you want to ?

Siemprematahari's picture

I rarely saw my H's X and the few times that I did not a word was said or any type of greeting or acknowledgement was had. It didn't bother me, I just smiled, looked straight ahead and went about my business. I never had any expectations and truthfully it didn't matter if she did or didn't acknowledge me because what she felt/did wasn't relevant.

I do get what you're saying....It would be nice as a human being to be decent to the person that spends a lot of time with your child but bitter and resentful people are not built that way.