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Middle school drama

SweetMom's picture

I know I just posted but I have to share this. After I posted I went into stepD room. I put some clothing away in dresser where I found a 5 page note front and back. It was were she claims she has been being mentally bullied at school. In the letter she rants about boys and how she has always been the the point of how her mother didn't have food or bought her nothing and how her sister use to eat her. She says she cut herself ( I've heard this before from my niece.) I wonder if she heard me talk about it so added it to her letter. She claims she went to counciling. She said her mom left her dad and the mother got a trailer and for some reason her dad would spend the night

Maxwell09's picture

Put the note back, it's not your problem. From the phrase, " I wonder if she heard me talk about it so added it to her letter," it makes me assume this letter is full of dramatics and not to be taken seriously so put it back and don't give her whatever attention she wanted from writing it. If you feel the need to share it with your DH or confront her about it then I suggest you avoid going into her room where you coincidentally find these little drama crumbs left behind. On the flip side, if you think the girl is at serious risk for self harm immediately tell her dad so he can confront her, in front of BM, to put her in counseling.

intrinsicmemory's picture

Ah, Middle school drama, just let it go. It happens, and it's a lot different than when we were all in school. It's absolutely terrifying sometimes. MY SD13 has had 4 boyfriends/girlfriends in the last 3 months, all of whom she was professing her love to, and leeching sympathy from the girlfriends about what a redneck bigot her father was, by saying he would "literally kill" her if he ever found out that she was bisexual. (We were actually hoping she would be a lesbian so we didn't have to hold our breaths waiting for a positive pregnancy test. Not to mention that DH and my mutual best friend, and the person who introduced us, is a lesbian.)

If you see actual signs of self harm, that is when I'd worry. She has a place in your home, just pay attention.

Little girls are also master manipulators, I know I never left anything around that I didn't want to be found.

Rags's picture

If she is claiming self harm... call the happy van with the padded walls and the nice attendants with the pretty long armed jacket and get her some help.

If this is a game she is playing.... having to spend a few nights in psych eval may just get the point across nicely.