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Pick up your stuff and more SUV dramalama

secret's picture

Exh came by today to pick up some stuff. He was supposed to do it by end if July, but something came up for me and I had to go shoot some extra film scenes last weekend, so I told him he could come by over the course of last week and/or this week.

He was going to come Tuesday... he didn't. THEN Thursday.. but decided to drop off some boxes Wednesday instead.. was going to come by last night and didn't... finally showed up at 1:30 today.

Took a bunch of crap from my garage that doesn't belong to him... I told him to put it back, he told me to fuq off.. so I told him I'll just make a list of the things he's taken, that's all.

Still hasn't signed over the SUV. 2 payments behind now. (I have the money set aside). I've made application to buy a new one.. an Escape instead of the Explorer. Dealership is aware of what's going on... they're just waiting for him to sign... the explorer has already been "sold" to some dealership in the US... pending signature from Exh.. who is unaware. As soon as he does... I get a nice cheque from the dealership. They know the history of down payment etc... they have it all on record from when we got it 2 years ago. Whatever.. all good. Except mofo won't sign. 

He also won't sign the divorce papers. He seems to think he stands to gain half my worth. He doesn't understand the difference between half my worth, and half the equity gained over the course of the marriage... he also doesn't understand that since there's not really been that much gain in equity... he won't really be getting that much.... plus he owes me money... on record... documented... so all in all... he's likely to owe me. He doesn't believe it. Lol

He did 3 trips in a pick up, with a buddy of his, who works with him... the poor guy. Exh was ranting and raving.. the buddy was super awkward..  I mean we'd met several times.. he'd crashed on my couch a few times after an evening gone a bit long.. nice guy. He was so awkward.. trying to tell Exh to stop swearing and stuff.. bah. 

And then there was the kid. Exh brought the kid throughout all this... kid thought he'd just run into the house to his room... I kinda stood in his way and said Sorry SS, this isn't your house anymore, you can't just go inside... he's looking at me confused.. told him "your dad is getting your stuff, don't worry," and Exh just screams at me from upstairs to leave his fuqin son alone, don't talk to his fuqin son, you fuqin country less a tree... and on and on.

Nanny cam got a good meal, lemme tell ya.

I was also on the phone with my mom when this was happening... of but of course... I'm the whore talking with one of my many boy toys... so I put her on speaker and she said hi.. didn't he just turn purple

Meanwhile his buddy asks me when Exh went in.. is he always like that? Well yes.. actually.. over the last year, yes he has... he didn't know what to say

We ended up getting into it though, because he's not getting his shit together and still hasn't found a place yet, but he's supposed to be out of my trailer... of course, I'm the cold hearted biotch in all this and he's doing his best, dontcha know... well shiiiiit if that's your best I'd hate to see your worst... oh wait... I have that t-shirt around here somewhere.

Ok the positive note... I went out with a long time guy friend... it was so nice to come home and not be accused of sleeping around! (For the record said guy friends wife joined us about an hour in once she was done work, and the 3 of us had a lovely time!)



CastleJJ's picture

Evict this loser from your trailer. Clearly he is trying to see how long he can mooch off of you. Cut the cord - let him sink or swim on his own. 

MissK03's picture

I hang out with my co worker of mine and his wife (who are both 20 years older then me) as a third a wheel and it's always a good time. That's what happens when people are normal! 

F your ex. AND.. he should never have brought his kid over either. Poor friend seems like he got in a bad position. Sounds like his opinion of him is going to change too after this visit.