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SD complains she isn't DH's favorite

SeeYouNever's picture

SD13 has started guilt tripping DH at every turn when she doesn't get her way. We have a toddler and a baby and SD is in competition with them, especially the baby. This wasn't an issue when we had our first ours baby but now that we have another SD13 keeps saying "it's because I'm not your favorite anymore" and pouting when DH doesn't drop everything to do or buy anything she wants. 

Every time DH holds the baby SD13 asks for something and DH MUST DO IT RIGHT NOW or she will whine and pout that she isn't the favorite.

I got news for you SD, with your entitled and sour attitude no you are no one's favorite! Babies and toddlers have needs but we fit our time and meals around SD on her weekends and she gets alone time with DH she just can stand seeing him cuddle a baby. My toddler has more patience to wait her turn for Dad's attention. No not exaggerating. DH is not playing favorites. I almost wish he would because SD is an endless pit if want and no matter what DH gives she isn't satisfied. 

Just like BMs think they are the the golden uterus that must be honored and obeyed because they dropped a kid, Skids think they must be the honored golden child because they were first, no matter what shi**y attitude they have. 

Im sick of it, SD isn't happy unless she is getting special treatment better than everyone else. Even at restaurants she has to obnoxiously order a custom meal each time and make a big deal of it and then complain all meal that the plain grilled chicken is too bland and oh can I have half your meal? But only the good part. ARGH. 

DH has no problem telling her no for most of her whims but the dramatic pouting is getting old so quick.


CLove's picture

And Munchkin Sd14 have this issue as well.

So its not just steps, its bios as well! Crappy kids do crappy things.

Jcksjj's picture

Oh great, another one who's going to be a different gender or whatever every day of the week. 

Theres advantages to being the oldest and advantages to being the younger siblings and having older parents. Shes gonna have to learn to play the hand she was dealt.

IDontCare3117's picture

DH:  No, SD, you're not my favorite.  None of my children are my favorite,  I love all of them equally.  Cut the crap.

halo1998's picture

yep I give the helpless baby more attention than you.    too ain't fair and sometimes you need more attention and sometimes your sibling does.  Get used to it..your WHOLE freaking life is going to be like this.  Now knock it the eff off or I will start treating you like a baby you think you want to be.  

Oh the mall to shop..sorry no can do your a baby....wait can do a baby doesn't get a phone. ....TV/streaming..nope no can do...a baby doesn't watch tv....and on and on and on...oh have to go to bed at 7 p.m. your a baby remember.

BTDT with GWR....who to this day is jealous over SD....anything that SD gets attention or otherwise.

Mschmid02's picture

The BM in our life definitely thinks that she has a golden uterus because she gave birth to a "special child" who is autistic. He is so important that he needs a therapist that isn't covered by insurance and  acts like my boyfriend and I son doesn't exist when filing for child support. Apparently, my boyfriend should be paying her close to $400 a month even though she makes $8,600 a month as a nurse and pulling VA disability benefits. Meanwhile, I'm 8 months pregnant while my boyfriend is sitting here taking out $30k in loans to pay off credit cards and lawyer fees that she made him rack up. I can't even work right now because of child care costs for my infant son and being in my third trimester of pregnancy. It sucks, I make $2,600 in social security and half  of that goes to rent. I qualify for food stamps and WIC. Meanwhile, BM has enough money to pay a lawyer to harass us and lives in a brand new house. She bought her daughter a car and herself a new 2021 vehicle. I'm so sick of it I am thinking of filing for child support to offset her ridiculous demands. 

notarelative's picture

Etsy has some favorite child shirts in sizes from infant to adult. Maybe shirt for all would make a point.