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Only 2 more days. :o(

Willow2010's picture

Only two more days of freedom left!!! Grrrrr. It has been a BEAUTIFUL, non stressful 5 days with SS gone. I so hate for them to end. And he has been with his mom so it is going to be even worse when he comes back. He will come back with the “poor pitiful” SS syndrome. (Worse than he already has it) He will talk a lot about his supposed ADHD, he will want to start going to DR’s for every little thing in the world, and he will want to quit his job. I bet he asked to go to the DR, within 2-3 days of being back from BM’s.

He has only been back to see her three times in a year and each time he comes back, he wants to tell everyone how bad his ADHD is again, and, he wants to go to DR for some ailment. It is very sad that she still has that kind of pull on him. And gross.

I hate the way I feel right now. I feel like I can’t enjoy the next two days just due to the anticipation of SS coming back. Just pisses me off.

You SM’s with every other weekend, don’t know how GREAT you have it!!!


mom2five's picture

My stepkids finally spent a few days with their muuuuuuther. She didn't see them at all last Christmas. And she spent a total of three days with them last summer.

They got back on Christmas Day. And they have been horrible. It always takes me several weeks to get them back to normal after they spend time with the worthless Bag O' Antlers. That's what she looks like. A big bag of antlers...all pointy knees and sharp elbows. Eat a freakin' sammich you anorexic bitch!

Sorry...rant off. I know exactly how you feel.

emilymarie's picture

I know how u feel. My sd9 lives w us 24/7 and sees mom for 5days at xmas and 1 month during summer. Question...why after spending only 5 days w her does it take weeks to get back to Normal?! It sucks and mom let's her sleep w her so of course she can't sleeep when she comes home.

Willow2010's picture

A big bag of antlers...all pointy knees and sharp elbows. Eat a freakin' sammich you anorexic bitch!