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Willow2010's picture

As predicted.  BM is now withholding my DGD from my son.  UGH.  He went to pick her up last night and they were not there and would not pick up calls.  So he called to make a report and the cop was a giant ass to him.  Why oh why do they have to be like that sometimes.  I get it...they have much more urgent issues but no reason to just be out and out rude and condescending.  

DSs next parenting time is tonight for the weekend....Im sure BM will withhold her again.  I don't hate people but this stupid girl is getting close to making me.  DS is just so upset.  


Aniki-Moderator's picture

That sucks. And I completely agree with you about the police. Sure, they are concerned with criminal activity. Unfortunately, the police are the ones who must be contacted in these situations. It's not done on a whim. I'm sorry. Sad

ITB2012's picture

Can he call in a wellness check since he cannot get a hold of them and may be worried something is wrong? They already have a report of BM and her dad freaking out.

Willow2010's picture

He did.  And I guess he will have to do it again tonight.  Only problem is the cop is so ugly about this that it is unreal.  He is making a bad situation even worse.  

Exjuliemccoy's picture

The cop may have been a jerk because yesterday was a "party hard" national holiday, which means first responders and hospital ERs were all stretched thin.

Or, he might just be a garden variety arse. If so, your son should report him to his supervisor and request a copy of the report.

Ursula's picture

Does your son have a lawyer?  He really should contact them to see what his options are.  My husband has filed contempt on BM for withholding during his parenting time and also for not allowing him to speak to SD on the phone.  She was found in contempt and the judge informed her lawyer that if BM didn't knock it off my husband would file for a change in custody and he would get it (currently 50/50).

I realize not everyone has the same experience and some states are more favorable to the mother. But if he wants to be in the kids life he needs to figure out his options and do it while the kid is still young.

Willow2010's picture

He did have a lawyer.  It cost DS almost $10000 to get this visitation.  Been about 6 months or so.  Maybe a little longer.  He is going to try and file contempt on his own now since he is still broke from the last lawyer.  

justmakingthebest's picture

Don't blame him a bit. We would fight on our own if we were in the same state. Glad he is filing contempt!

Siemprematahari's picture

I feel for you both and my hope is that BM snaps out of this BS and stops using the child as a pawn. She's only hurting the child and she has no idea the damage she is causing by not allowing the baby to spend time with her father. He should file for contempt on his own and hopefully that will help.

tog redux's picture

Ugh, this is hard. And the child is what, 2?  He's got at least 16 more years of these shenanigans (except that BM will undoubtedly alienate the kid before then).

I wouldn't advise starting the contempt petitions, etc -  he might as well just throw his money (and sanity) down the toilet. Document everything, see his child when he can, and focus on how to cope with having a high conflict BM in his life without getting himself into trouble or losing his mind.

BM wants a fight, don't give her one.  If she doesn't get angry reactions and fights from him, it will be less fun for her, after all, remember - that's what she wants.

Thumper's picture

A court order is a court order. Its value is the same as a no contact order albeit, just a piece of paper that will not protect a perp...nonetheless it IS a order signed by a Judge.

Police (much respect by me) must follow the laws.

What is your states codes for custodial interference? code for Willful disobedience of a Lawful Written Court order.

I am aware of ncps who have done followed thru with this:

File current custody order with PD, inform pd that your custody order is a lawful order much like a retraining order. inform PD that you will be filing criminal charges on MOM is she doesn't comply with CO because she is violating Penal code #, willful disobience of Lawful Written CO #, interference with child custody AND # Keeping or hiding child to the Rightful Custodial (yes bm is hiding child from ncp). Request Criminal Report number and cite the penal codes to PD

Penal code violations are punishable by civil and/or criminal prosecution. Its not up to PD to decide whether BM is innocent or not.  Its PD's job and duty to enforce the law or get compliance.

FYI, there is a difference between an incident report and a criminal report, incident report means parties involved settled the dispute among themselves with zero charges pressed. Criminal means someone is sited /or arrested for penal code violation. Thats a lot of work for PD...she has to be read rights, arrested, ride down town in paddy wagon, in processed, sup while she makes bail, out process her. Report given to DA for review. IF accepted then it goes to trial. That means more pd followup.

It is far better for the police to tap tap on the door...hey lady hand over the kid it's dads visitation. IF you don't, well stuff will hit the fan and dad will get temp custody to boot while your trying to make bail. It may not end well for you BM so knock it off.