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Willow2010's picture

How much money would it take for YOU to move away from your underage bio kids?

10,000 more a year?
50,000 more a year?

Is there an amount?


Willow2010's picture

To fighting....

CS really has nothing to do with this. Say you are getting by, just ok, with your job. Not great pay, but not so poor you can not eat. Would you take a job out of state, away from your kids for better pay??

Edit to add...and who your kids stays back with is a good person to raise them.

HungryEyes's picture

In my opinion, Moms will answer differently than Dads. Women are brought up by society to be care takers and love the children and raise them. Men are brought up to know that they should be bread winners and financial supporters and that's their position. So it really varies.

I can't imagine moving away from my children but I'm sure there's a number as long as I could have regular access. My husband let his 2 daughters move with BM 5 states away but she has to bring the back monthly and she does. I can't imagine it.

QueenBeau's picture

Eh, don't do no good to stay with your kid if you're living in a cardboard box.

But if we're doing ok? I would never leave my child. I say that now, but I know things change in life. & I'd imagine for a 'better' paying job DH would move & leave SD. He's never lived closer than 3 hours (which is what it is now) from SD. Other than before BM moved her 6 hours away when she was an infant. So it's nothing new for them - it's just what they are used to.

BM lives in an area with zero economic growth. There are no jobs. BM can't even get a decent job. But she stays there because her family is there. DH was actually going to give up on living his life & follow BM there, even though they weren't together, just to be closer to SD. But he ended up finding a great job 3 hours away. BM is poor. What good does it do SD for DH to be close but neither of them have a job to support her?

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

There is no amount of money that would make me move away from my children.

BM2 moved to Georgia (from Alaska) and now only sees SD11 for 8 weeks a year, in the summer. A few months ago she was whining about how SD11 doesn't call her first or ask about Skyping her. Yeah, duh, SD11 doesn't remember she's alive most of the time unless she calls. Out of sight, out of mind.

Willow2010's picture

Exactly hereiam! I could walk away from SS in a heartbeat. But I would never respect my DH if HE walked away from SS just due to money.

Anon2009's picture

If I'm the NCP: CS has to be paid. The kids need food, clothes, and other necessities. Someone has to work to provide that. So if, and only if, I lost my job and found a better one elsewhere, would I move. And I would try to work out a reasonable agreement with my ex regarding CS and visitation.

If I'm the CP: I couldn't make that decision overnight. I'd talk with my ex about it, tell him I got this job offer but I wanted to try to work out a plan regarding CS and visitation that is fair for everyone, especially the kids. Hopefully we could work out an agreement that is best for the kids. I would talk to my ex before mentioning it to the kids.

It's the parents who don't even try to be in their kids lives who I have no use for. A lot of people have to move for work to pay CS but still try to be there as much as possible for their kids. I respect them. The ones who just move and walk away from their kids are the ones who I don't respect.

new to this's picture

No amount of money. If things were to where I needed to move I would take them or I would work 2-3 jobs to make ends meet.

Journey1982's picture

When my kids were 3, I referred to that phase as the "terrifying 3's"

Willow2010's picture

Actually you and your adorable baby are why I posted this blog. lol

On an earlier blog, everyone was ok with a father moving away from his kid because he got a better job out of town. They were not poor, he just wanted a better opportunity. So he moves away from his kid. Some on the that blog thought it was grand that he was moving away from his kid for more money.

Seeing your little baby made me could ANYONE, man or woman, move away from something that darn cute? lol

But I would still not move away from a tween or teenager. I made an 18 year commitment. Not just until something better came along.

Anon2009's picture

Agreed. I could only move away from my kid if I lost my job and a better one came up elsewhere. I could only move my kid away from their other parent if I lost my job and found a better one somewhere else.

It also seems to me like some think it's more ok for the NCP to move as opposed to the CP. I don't think either CP or NCP should move away from their child unless they lose their job and find a better one elsewhere. Just IMHO.

Willow2010's picture

It also seems to me like some think it's more ok for the NCP to move as opposed to the CP

Bio-Step-Mom's picture

When I met DH, he had just relocated to my area for work. He'd spent WELL over a year unemployed and searching after being laid off in '08. He has gotten lots of "how could you leave SS8" over the past few years and of course I got some of the blame - I had NOTHING to do with him leaving his hometown!

Part of being a parent is doing what you have to do. He moved and couldn't see SS every other weekend but then he could actually pay his CS (that was accruing at $1K/mo mind you) and help support his

I *do* think it's different for example, from him who had been separated from BM since SS was an infant and divorced when SS was 2...vs me who has been a single parent to my kids their entire lives. He spent months in an everyday scenario with his kid where I've spent 16 years.

So yes, it sucks for him to go from EOWE to alternating holidays and summers only but...

Anon2009's picture

Did he even research how to get his CS modified in his former state, and find the forms necessary to do so?

Bio-Step-Mom's picture

Exactly LadyFace.

It's easy to believe that all situations are the same as yours.

What makes DHs sitch even more outlandish is that at the time of the divorce, he was paying CS for his older kids. The judge calculated CS for SS WITHOUT taking into account his existing CS. Also ordered CS until SS is 24 years old.


BM made about twice what he made and fought and fought and I guess DH gave up as he couldn't afford to fight the case anymore (this is before we met).

So at the time of divorce, he made $40K and was paying about $1300 per month in CS. His CS is currently 60% of his income.

Generic's picture

Like I've said before.Wild horses could not drag me away let alone any dollar amount. But maybe that's more of a mom philosophy.

Willow2010's picture

he could actually pay his CS (that was accruing at $1K/mo mind you) and help support his

This is what I do not understand. Why oh why did he not get his CS modified?!

Bio-Step-Mom's picture

It is easier said than done.

Even now when SS being 8 and nearly $500 of CS is for "child care" he tried to get it modified based on the change and was told that BM is "accustomed" to receiving that amount.

I swear, some judges are assholes and no, they do not care about logic and right/wrong.

Jsmom's picture

I was offered a job making 50% more and turned it down. Didn't want to leave DH or uproot my Bio with only two years left of HS. I don't regret it.

For my Bio, no amount. For my SS - Probably an amount around 25%. He has two parents and doesn't need me to raise him. Also, my son is in college now, so if the opportunity is good, I would leave now and he would be fine with it.

Bio-Step-Mom's picture

Ah. True. True.

The passive aggressiveness shows now that you mention it.

Great analogy to military families as well

Lalena75's picture

This is why I'm jobless (sorta I'm way underemployed). I could likely have a job doing my dream job but I'd have to sell my house and leave my kids and I just can't!
The oldest sure soon as she graduates HS I'm okay with that, the youngest he'll follow me around the world. His dad may attempt court but if he can't pee clean no chance in hell, my kiddo would take the stand and I really doubt the ex would begrudge the kiddo moving.
That leaves SO, he would not be going with me. He won't leave his kids and I would not ask. BM will not give them up and her parents would fund a fight.
So I'd be selling a home, leaving a brand new adult child, SO and his kids, to drag my youngest off to......? Australia or NZ for 120,000 12 mo contract. That I'd leave for.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Depends how far. Two hours instead of 10 minutes for an extra 50k? I drive 2.5 hours once each week one way without traffic to another state for work. That's a no brainer if I'm the NCP.

For those who live in smaller towns or aren't used to driving the length I am, I can see why they would be hesitant.

Family is not about distance. Makes it harder, sure, but hey, my parents worked so much when my sister and I were little that they were basically NCPs while our grandparents took us during the week. It was all so we could have a better life. I don't know if anyone takes another job who has kids solely for themselves. What I earn, the investments I make (and this is what my parents thought too) are all going to be passed down to my child.

Then they got to a position where they had more than enough income in their own business to spend more time with us.

Some people have different ideas of what love is. I don't question my relationship with BD, just like our parents didn't question their relationship with us. Therefore there's no guilt to trying to earn more income because ultimately, it's for her. Being able to move away doesn't mean you love them any less, or will miss them any less, but a child centric world is going to ensure that you don't reach your full potential for your child.

It's not like I'd be earning money and then pissing it away. They're all going into property investments so I can one day be a full SAHM with only rental income. I'm already 75% of the way there. (Two rental properties and a private home for my family) and so that when BD grows up, I can gift her a house so that no matter what happens, even if she gets unemployed, married, etc. she can also have rental income that won't leave her broke and on the street. And that she won't have to take care of us financially because we got that covered too when we're too old to work.

What sort of parent do I wish to be?

One that teaches my child that sometimes you have to sacrifice some emotional things for practicality and the betterment of those you love.

zerostepdrama's picture

I could never move away from my BS while he is underage.

BS lives with me FT and his dad isn't around that often. So I could never imagine BS not living with me.