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No, no, no YSD

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

This kind of behavior should be shocking. But having dealt with BM and SDs and their alternate plane if reality for several years now. I can't say I am even the slightest bit surprised.

After talking with YSDs worker, I was informed that two weeks ago YSD was still standing firm on her decision she didn't want to see SO.

Then as of last week she is announcing to her worker and her mother she is spending a week with her father at my brother's lake house. She also mentioned her plans to go boating and tubing on this vacation of hers. Oh I forgot to mention she even invited one of her classmates along as well. 

So my suspicion of her sudden interest in seeing SO and myself was on point. Her motive has been revealed. 

I am intrigued by YSDs mentality that:

1. She can invite herself and her friends to someone's home whom she barely knows without even asking.

2. That her requests will automatically be granted due to her mere existence and genetic ties to my SO. 

3. That I would want to take a week off from work to so and with the kid whose last words to me were to "go F myself and die". 

I enthusiastically told her worker to let YSD know that she is welcome to spend as much time with SO as she likes working on thier relationship. But to not include me, my family or friends in her plans until such time as she has demonstrated to me that she can and will be respectful of me, my home and my rules. I said YSDs behavior damaged our relationship and it is going to take time and effort on her part to mend fences. 

The worker said she will happily relay our conversation to YSD. 

I then sat SO down and informed him of my conversation with the worker. I told SO if he is okay with having a relationship with YSD in which she only wants to use him and take advantage of him. That's on him, but I will have no part of it.  Unfortunately for SO once the worker talks to YSD it is unlikely she will ask to see him since their isn't anything in it for her. 


Harry's picture

Your SO is a puppy dog to his DD's.   Why does this shocking, or a surprise you or anyone ?   Either he goes, runs out of money and has a bad time, or he going to play Uber driver, Uber food getter. And maid and house cleaner. 
Don't go. Stay away, let him do what he wants, you know the end story is. And you know it will repeat itself 

The_Upgrade's picture

Oh what I'd give to see YSD'd face when she's told the lake trip ain't happening. I hope YSD's worker will say something to her about cause and effect and the way the real world works. Like if you tell someone to F themselves and die, they probably won't ever want to see you again. Gonna be hard to arrange a holiday to their family's house without them seeing you. 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

The worker is great and will not be sugar coating anything. She said she was going to explain to her she doesn't get to have seasonal parents just for the fun stuff and this is what happens when you burn bridges with people. 

The_Upgrade's picture

What are your thoughts on it? As in what do you reckon are the odds that this worker will be able to successfully rehabilitate YSD to become a semi-functional member of society? 

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

My thoughts are that due to the extreme dysfunction YSD is exposed to daily  being raised by a  severely narcissistic mother. Success in YSD case will be her graduating school and not ending up pregnant or in jail. 

We currently all have bets that OSD will be knocked up by the end of summer. 

I believe that YSD will always have mental health issues that will impact her ability to have healthy relationships. I expect she will always be this way. In that she expects people to do things for her upon damand. If they don't then it's not because she did anything wrong it's because they are jerks who don't care about her.  

That being said, YSD is capable of learning and understanding boundaries. My goal is having the workers help reinforce the boundaries I have set with YSD. So she understands clearly no amount of manipulation is going to change that. 

I believe the result of her conversation with the worker will be YSD experiencing narcissistic injury and turning that rage towards me. Which will ultimately result in her also taking it out on SO. 

I completely expect after the worker talks with YSD,  SO will be told by YSD she doesn't want to see him because his GF is an a$$hole who is interfering with her wanting to spend time with him. 

But there is nothing I can do about that. I refuse to be used, taken advantage of, abused, partake in emotional blackmail or negotiate with terrorists. 

The real issue is for SO to come to accept that if his kids wanted to spend time with him they would. It wouldn't be contingent upon what SOs girlfriend can provide. 



halo1998's picture

yet...despite losing everything from his father, my DH.  He still cannot grasp that you cannot treat people like crap and still reap the benefits.  That being said..I don't have much hopes for your YSD..but kudos to you for shutting down the use SM and her connections for a summer fun time.

GWR thought he would go to Hawaii with us after shunning his Dad and noping out to Beaver's.  Joke was him..Dh was willing to eat the $900 flight and not take GWR...and he did just that.  No relationship = no fun activties


Wicked stepmo.'s picture

Good for DH, it's awful how these kids think they can treat parents and SPs and that we are just supposed to take it. 

CLove's picture

Your family is now off limits to SD. Same with SD22 and SD15. 

Backstabbing and abusive behavior is not to be tolerated.

hereiam's picture

This could all be a manipulation tactic to make the social worker (or whatever kind of worker you are referring to) believe that she is reaching out to her dad (and to you), trying to re-establish contact and a relationship.