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OMG!!!! What a freaking morning.

Unhappy's picture

Why do things have to be so tough in the mornings? Why? When DH tried to leave this morning at 6:30 I was still in bed because I don't have to get up for another hour and I love my sleep. Apparently SS, almost 6, decided that he didn't want DH to go to work and thought that it would appropriate to throw a screaming tantrum out in the laundry room. DH told him to go to his room and to not wake me up. What do you think SS did. Came running down the hallway screaming ran into his room and proceeded to beat on his expensive blinds covering his windows. DH went back to him room and SS got in trouble. Do you think SS stopped? Nope. After DH left I ended up having to get up and tell him that if he keeps crying that he'll get another check on the naughty board. (He already had one for the screaming tanrum that he threw.) Does he stop? Nope. So I get up again and walk down the hallway and put another check on the naughty board. I then returned to SS's room and told him that if I have to come out again that I will put another check on the naughty board and will continue to do so until he listens. I also explained to him that he lost his movie in bed tonight due to his behavior. (The kids have no school tomorrow so they were all going to get to watch one movie in bed tonight.) At that point he finally stoppped after he had woken everybody in the house.

Fast forward to breakfast time. SS is sitting in his chair at the dinning room table blowing snot and boogers out of his nose onto his upper lip. So he got another check on the naughty board for that one because he knows that it's innappropriate behavior while sitting at the table let alone anytime for that matter. After that little moment he proceeds to tell me that he doesn't want to watch a mavie in bed anyways because it rots your brain. So I asked him if that's true, do you want to lose your movie in bed on Friday night? Apparently it only rots you brain on Thursday nights and not on Friday because SS didn't want to lose his movie again.

When I asked SS to put his coat on he grabbed the coat from his mother's house. I told SS to wear the brand new down coat that his GM got him and not his mothers. (BM will freak out on DH if she finds out that SS is wearing the coat that she purchased on DH's days.) Do you think he listened? Nope. He grabs the coat and just hangs the hood on his head and doesn't put it on. I had to ask him another three times and then threaten to put yet another check on the naughty board before he would listen.

So, SS is going to bed 10 minutes early for every check which would make it 7:30, lost his movie in bed, and I'm not sure if he's getting his treat tonight at this point.

Is this normal behavior for an almost 6 year old little boy? Throwing a temper tantrum because daddy has to go to work which he does at the same time Monday - Friday every day of every week? Attaching his blinds when he's told to go to his room? I feel that SS is very imature for his age.


StickAFork's picture

Normal? Eh.
I think we ALL throw our little temper tantrums from time to time. I've even heard about adults doing it. Wink

I think it was good that he was punished for it, and just stay consistent. Kids can be little creeps sometime.

Unhappy's picture

Thanks guys. I just don't understand it sometimes. He knows he's going to get in trouble for that behavior so why do it? It's not worth it. I guess there's only one way to learn for SS.

RedWingsFan's picture

I'd say that's pretty normal for that age. Glad you were able to dole out proper punishment and be consistent. He apparently is having a "day"!