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Too nice...somethings up.

unbelieveable's picture

So after five days of crazy BM NOT allowing the fsd's to speak to FH and us recording it - and the fact that of course she let them speak to evil FMIL - she finally let them return his call on Friday. And...we picked them up Saturday A.M. with no issues...and she was as nice as could be...something HAS to be up. Who calls one week and threatens we cant see them for months? And I always love when she sends them with pockets FULL of candy every weekend and then tries to tell us we are the reason they have cavities when they are not allowed to have ANYTHING now with sugar in it when they come over - we buy sugar free everything now because she wants their teeth to rot out. Hi - I am 26 and have never had a cavity - the girls brush their teeth 3 times a day with me when we have them...

I also found out she called evil fmil and cried to her that FH is only nice to her when I am not around? She calls him at work...he tells her if it is not about the kids - not to call him. I have been around several times and she didn't know I was there - and he uses the same tone. WTF is wrong with her. evil FMIL also told me I have to be nice to her? Screw that woman - I don't even have to give her the pleasure of a greeting when I see her. She is nothing to mmmeeee. I feel that I have the privilige of deciding whether or not I should give her my time.

And here is a new situation - FH is getting the insurance statements in the mail for the girls - because he pays medical, dental, and vision insurance and he got one for the chiropractor? She has been taking the kids to the chiro? There is no reason for them to go...they don't have any spinal injuries...or neck injuries, etc. She takes them for fun when she goes to get a massage because her back hurts from carrying the baby - which is fine for her - but that's like abusing insurance - and I don't feel that is a good thing for a 7 and 5 year old. Booo.

I know FH talked to her about it tonight...I will update on what she had to say tomorrow...atleast I feel a little better tonight anyway.


unbelieveable's picture

Well - most BM's cannot compare themselves to the other BM - unless of course you find yourself acting like the one you hate...then you need to figure that out! hahah!

It's funny you said that - I didn't mention in my post WHEN the girls called FH - they were waiting in the ER apparently FSD7 had a slight sprain to her wrist...she got last Saturday...she was taken to the ER on Friday? hmmm...another WTF? We picked her up and she had her wrist wrapped in neon blue wrap...she was swinging a bag around...I made her take it off --I put the wrap away and hmm...not one complaint about her wrist. hahaha! Funny how that works...No problem - just another bill for the health insurance - does this biotch know how lucky she is my FH forks out another $180 a month for health insurance??