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Totally Lit into BM Yesterday.

TJH100911's picture

So yesterday's events were fun. Always a classy experience dealing with BM.

The backstory:
BM calls my husband at work and announces that she "lost track of time" and wasn't going to make it in time to get kids from school. (She was off, not working). She wanted DH to leave work, go get kids, and bring them back to work until she could get there to get them. DH had already used his two breaks for the day and could not leave work to go get kids. I happened to be working at the same location as DH that day - we work for the same company. DH found me and asked if I would run down and get them. Work is located 5 minutes from the school. BM asked five minutes before the kids were supposed to be picked up from school. I grabbed my keys and ran out of work. I hurried down to the school and got there in time, got the kids and went to bring them back to work with me. As I was leaving the school, I noticed BM's car two cars in front of me. She pulled into the front parking lot at work and I pulled into the employee parking lot where I always park. My intention was to get the kids to DH so that he could do the exchange. I felt this was best to avoid confrontation due to BM's many previous outbursts.

As I was getting out of my car, BM flies up in hers. She gets out of her car and approaches me saying, "How about you don't pull away....."

I did not allow her to finish. I replied, "How about you pick your own kids up from school when you're supposed to and I won't have to leave work to do it. You only have to get them two days this week. You couldn't get them one of those two days?"

She says, "You didn't have to leave work. I called (DH Name)."

I said, "He is also working and shouldn't have to leave work either. Maybe you could try making your kids a priority."

I dropped the kids book bags at her feet and walked inside while she screamed at my back "Why don't you kiss my ass you fucking cunt ass bitch. That's right you better walk away."

DH then receives this classy exchange via text:
BM: I owe your fucking cunt wife a punch in the mouth. Next time don't worry about your kids. You both could give a fuck less about them anyway.
DH: You are the biggest piece of shit waste. Everyone goes out of their way for you and you act like an asshole. Unbelievable.
BM: She talks to me like that in front of the kids, she's done. Tell her I promise that.
DH: What about SD's meds? (SD has pinkeye. BM was supposed to get SD meds after she picked kids up from school.
BM: Oh yes, (DH Name) it was me. Always fucking me. She saw me sitting there. She pulled all the fucking way around the back.
And that wasn't for me you selfish prick. IT was for your kids.
That bitch has no right to be anywhere near my kids.
DH: What about SD Meds?
BM: I don't know. Couldn't get them just then. Needed to cool down before I said anything else.
DH: Guess you don't care about your daughter then. That sounds like something stupid you'd send to me. I'll meet you at 8 at (location) later with SD meds. Not going to get into some stupid argument with you though. See you then.
BM: Oh honey, you're so cute when you try to insult me.

BM sent her other son (not to DH) to get the meds.

Out of DH and I, I was able to leave work without getting into trouble.


BSgoinon's picture

Wait, she called you all of those lovely classy names in front of the kids, and YOU are the bad guy? Typical.

BethAnne's picture

Let her call the school and tell them she is picking the kids up late next time. It is her problem, she can deal with it. She is sounds crazy.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yeah, next time I think the kids are better off if they have to wait in the school office. Then they know who is at fault (BM) and they will not be subjected to her filthy rages wherein she blames you. She'll still blame you but it might be just that much easier for kids to see where are all the drama is coming from.

TJH100911's picture

I 100% agree. Also the school offers an after school care program they could go to. It costs $1 per day. DH says he will be telling BM to utilize that next time. I like how threatens DH and me, telling him to tell me that if I don't act like a doormat and take her nonsense lying down "She's done." and that I don't have any right to be around her kids.

Yeah BM, threaten me with a good time.

TJH100911's picture

was trying to take care of my skids and my DH. But it's not worth it for them to have to see this display. Guess they will have to rely on DH and BM and wait in the principal's office, be carted around to whoever whenever, and all the other consequences incurred from BM not being a responsible parent. I can't solve her problems anymore. They're not my kids. And DH can't solve them if he's working. Sorry kids.

Cadence's picture

I can't solve her problems anymore. They're not my kids. And DH can't solve them if he's working. Sorry kids.

No, DH can't solve them because BM's problems are not his problems. It doesn't matter where he is.

The two of you cater to her (rushing to pick up the kids because she's lazy and irresponsible, taking the medication TO HER instead of making her figure it out), are targeted by her, and then wonder why you feel empty and angry. Every favor you do for her gives her more ammunition to start an argument.

Cadence's picture

So now you've seen that doing BM favors get you entangled enough for her to find some small issue to rage about, right?


BM's call should have gone to voicemail. When DH listened to it, he would have determined it is not an emergency and left it. Kids would have to wait at school until
BM shaped up and got them. BM would be held responsible by school officials, as she should be. The kids will be mildly inconvenienced and embarrassed, but at least they'll know which parent is at fault. And they won't have to witness arguments full of expletives.

Non-emergency problem on Mom's time: Mom's issue to solve
Non-emergency issue on DH's time: DH's issue to solve.
This one was on Mom's time, therefore it's on her, not the two of you.

Summary: it is to everyone's benefit (you, DH, and the kids) that you let BM be the grown-up she is and face potential repercussions for failing to be a good parent to her children. The only one benefiting from everyone running around to accommodate BM (but calling it "for the kids") is BM. Stop enabling her under-functioning as a mother. Stop.

oneoffour's picture

Ew! She called you those names?
I think the BM here would sooner DIE than utter such filthy language. I can say that for her. She NEVER curses. She may whine but NEVER curse.

Just let the call go to VM. Or if DH answers the phone and it isn't urgent he can say "Can't do it. In an important meeting about layoffs. Gotta go."