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Update - dull because all is good

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Things have been on a fairly even keel so I haven't been posting or venting.  I've realised how much less tired I feel when I'm not stressed all the time.  Work has been manic but work stress doesn't come close to home stress. So all is good plus have a late season get away for a week skiing with DH in a week or two.*biggrin*

YSS medication was changed after his last episode when he had to hospitalised for 2 weeks to get the epilepsy drug that made him psychotic out of his system.  He had some down time while the tried out various different meds but with some out patient support he didn't have to move in with us for more than a week.  When I say "us" I'm being inaccurate because I decamped to a hotel for the duration of his stay.  He and I can get along but not for extended periods of time.  Lunch is fine but all day doesn't work.

DH and I took him out for Easter Sunday lunch.  It was fine and the conversation revolved around his new job.  Fingers crossed the stress won't start triggering his grande mal seizures.  As usual its in sales... 

YSS was very proud of himself as he is the first person the company has ever hired without a college degree.  He got the highest ever score at the recruitment assessment day.  He was also excited because he was being sent on a external residential training course for a week the next day.  

DH went to lunch yesterday with YSS yesterday to catch up and see how the course had gone.   There were 3 other new starters from his company plus a bunch of other people from other organisations.

When DH came back from lunch he said that YSS was talking about a couple things I'd imprinted on him while he lived with us:

- drinking to get drunk is a waste of time and money (other people on his course wanted to get drunk every night and tried to pressurise him into joining in)

- respect other people's life style choices (other people where using the word "gay" as a pejorative term and YSS told them that this wasn't cool)

It makes me pleased that I've managed to imprint some values on him and that he acknowledges that they came from me.  We can never live together but at least we can get on.


Maxwell09's picture

That’s a nice update. Some days our only goal is the skids will learn something positive from us eventually....but even get the credit for it so that’s a double bonus! 

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

I am happy for you that things are "dull" so much better than emotional drama Smile

Thank you for posting an all round positive thread, its nice to see this. And thank you to you for the positive role you play for YSS. May not always seem so, but you can be a role model for the better for these skids who often dont have one Smile

Enjoy that ski trip with DH Smile