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SMBlues's picture

Saturday proved to be an interesting day. My SO's parents were visiting from out of town. SO and his mom decided they would surprise OSS and YSS. Because we went out to eat Friday night with other relatives SO and his parents came to our apartment for lunch. By the time SO came back to the apartment with OSS and YSS his parents were there. They haven't seen their grandparents in over a year.

When they arrived YSS came in first. We all yelled surprised. SO's dad has dementia, but he was still excited to see YSS. YSS gave both his grandparents a hug. OSS walked in a few minutes later, and said a dry hello and sat down. His grandmother asked him how he was doing and he said fine. She tried to have conversation with him but he kept giving one word answers. OSS eventually warmed up well sorta of. He made a comment about his grandmother's car not being high end and proceeded to ask questions about how much this and that cost.

The next day we went to visit SO's great aunt. SO's parents rode with us. OSS and YSS did not go. On the drive there SO's mom said YSS was a sweetheart, OSS was very standoffish and not friendly. SO said OSS was just hungry. His mom just replied with an is that so. She dropped the subject.

I was really surprised at OSS's behavior, but I stayed out of it.

Rags's picture

Grrrrr! Time to apply the total confrontation, zero tolerance, life of complete misery campaign on OSS IMHO.

Have fun! }:)