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CS Question

Sarahjc's picture

When does CS offically stop being paid to BM? Is there a general guideline-I understand it's probably based on which state you live in, but was just curious. I'd like to start a countdown... Smile


doll faced sm's picture

Definitely varies by state. When I was getting CS in AR, it was until I was 18 or graduated HS whichever came later.

*BUT* talk to some of these poor souls living in NJ. Apparently there, it can continue indefinitely. Sad

Anon2009's picture

In most cases, it's when the child turns 18 or graduates high school. I know in some states it's 21 (which I think is ludicrous).

Check out your state's attorney general's website. Usually they have a lot of information about CS there.

Sarahjc's picture

Yikes. We live in WA-thank God not NJ. I just tried to look it up and I think it's until 18 or HS grad, whichever occurs later. I've also heard that it can go until the age of 23 in WA. Although based on the behavior of SS11, I doubt there will be any post-secondary support! Kid barely passed 5th grade! I think I'll count down until 21 and if it ends earlier, I'll consider it a gift from God! Smile

buttercookie's picture

Its 18 or until the class the child entered school with graduates, whatever is the later, in IL. I have read some people say they were stuck with college costs in IL. That is not customary, it depends on what the lawyers fight for and what the parties agree to.

12yrstepmonster's picture

Indiana is 21 unless they a) marry, b) are self supportive, c) join the military. And then

IF they go to college, you pay a portion of support to BM, and a breakdown of the college expenses, which will include dorm living even if the custodial house is in commuting distance. And support continues until they graduate from college from my understanding. Unless both parents agree to emancipate. The only stipulation I've seen on college is it can be limited to state school amounts.

B22S22's picture

My DH's CO (Indiana) is writtten for 18 or graduates from high school, whichever comes first. NO provisions for college.

mcnat's picture

Our custody paper work was done in Ark. we are waiting for the new stuff to be finalized here in tx, but generally it is until the child turns 18 or graduates from highschool, whichever comes last. As far as college, I certainly hope they don't court order child support while the ADULT "child" is in college, that would just be ludicrous! Best of luck!

Rags's picture

In general it ends at 18 or graduation from HS whichever is last. However, it does vary state by state.

For my SS's Custody/Visitation/Support case it is 18 or HS graduation whichever is last unless he is a full time college student in good standing. Then it ends on his 22nd B-day though CS for college is not paid to my wife but directly to SS by payroll withholding from the SpermIdiots check. This is not a special ruling by the judge and is is stipulated by the standard jurisdictional rules in the state/county the CO was ordered.