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"Say Hi to your wife for me DH" -- Princess Mofo

princessmofo's picture

These are the only words DH has heard from me for the last two days. I make sure to say them as he is exiting the house to go to work. You know... the job where the inbred knuckle-dragging swamp cunt is also employed. It's been fun really. I know that sounds petty and passive-aggressive but truly I don't give a crap anymore. I'm the one saddled with the wifely responsibilities but she's the one who gets the respect. (see my previous blog) I have moved dh out of the marital bedroom. And eventually, he will be moving out of MY house. He just doesn't know it yet. I have stopped wearing my ring also. What's the point? I don't see myself as married.

This has become too much. It's emotionally draining. All twat waffle has to do is play the "child" card and I become the invisible woman. He skips off to do whatever she requests because it's "for his son". Oh and don't forget my favorite excuse of, "I have to communicate with her for my son." That one is a dandy.

For whatever reason, my dh and horseface bitch devil cunt are still not done grieving their marriage. I think they want to be together still. And it's not noticeable to the untrained eye. To the average observer he seems to be a loving and devoted husband to me, until she enters the picture (literally). Then you can feel the shift. It's like watching two people try so hard to ignore one another that they actually aren't ignoring one another. Does that make sense? I feel it in my gut. I wonder if twat waffle's flying monkey husband senses it too? It would be reassuring to know.

So again dh is off to work, to be with his true "wife". And me, well I'm formulating a plan... }:)


Queencow's picture

I have to say that its pretty clear you have checked out - which is an unfortunate situation in any marriage but completely understandable. Our counsellor told DH the day he concluded I was having an affair was the day HE decided to kill our relationship - you position screams much of the same to me. At least you are moving "forward" in looking after the most important person - YOURSELF.

BTW - I too have/had a man who is still (after 11 years) not done grieving the relationship - in his case its more of the hurt, anger, and emotional part vs the love - but regardless it fricking SUCKS to be marriad to someone who brings that into your relationship - I feel ya girl.

Take care.

Onefootout's picture

Sorry this has turned out this way. Your DH is disrespecting you on all levels. I'm glad you're standing up for yourself. Definitely trust your gut. I could never live like that and you shouldn't have to either.

thinkthrice's picture

The litmus test is when you refer to the "ex" as "your wife" and they don't even bat an eyelash. Any NORMAL person would OBJECT vehemently to their ex being referred to as their current spouse. Not Guilty Daddy. I would sometimes say stuff like this to try and get him to denounce her as his "wife." Nope.

princessmofo's picture

I know right! When I said it this morning, in my mocking undertone, his reply was "Oh I will!". All I did was smile. You know you are truly done with someone when indifference has overwritten emotion. And that's how I felt...indifferent.

DaizyDuke's picture

How long have you guys been married? Has he been like this the whole time or gotten progressively worse over the years. I would never in a bazillion years be able to handle the fact that my SO/BF/DH was strolling off to work every day and spending that work day with BM. I can't stand DH even looking at BM... GAH!'s picture

Maybe it's just me but I would also turn my bitch game up a few notches with SD- You have nothing to lose }:)

Have you told your bios yet?