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Disheartening conversation with BM

Nymh's picture

I had a conversation with BM today which has left me down in the dumps at best. While I try to take the things she says and does in stride, I was genuinely concerned with what she said this time. We were discussing what progress had been made regarding the situation, and of course she used it as an opportunity to start an argument though I asked her kindly not to. Here's a transcript:

BM: I don't take SS places where I know hell's gonna break loose when someone finds out
BM: I don't have him around another man
ME: I don't see why hell should break loose
BM: I don't want him at your apartment
ME: Why?
BM: Because it's NOT his home and WON'T ever be and he doesn't like going there.
ME: It not being his home doesn't mean anything. The store isn't his home, neither is Wal Mart but he goes those places. If BF and I are to get married, would he not have to stay there at some point in the future?
BM: No
ME: Why?
BM: BF only gets him 2 Sundays a month from 10-6 and is lucky he has that. That's the best he can hope for
ME: That has been told by both you and him to be a temporary arrangement until BF declares a residence, after which the regular order of every other weekend would kick in
BM: but given the history he won't get that
ME: I'm not asking about his history or the current child support situation
BM: his visitation soon may change to supervised
ME: I'm saying that if BF gets overnight visitation and he and I DO get married, would SS not end up staying there anyway?
BM: Not if I could help it
ME: Why?
BM: Because he doesn't want to be there and I don't want him there.
ME: Why don't you want him there?
BM: He bitches each week about going.
BM: I don't want him exposed to you two sleeping together
ME: If that's the issue why didn't you just say that so we could address it and move on?
BM: I need to

Conversations with her are really surreal. Often they start off with an argument, then diffuse to pleasant conversation, then cycle back into an argument, et-cetera. The argument started off with us discussing Christmas presents, then we talked about how nice things used to be when both of us were vowing to work together despite our problems...then she started off on how BF is supposedly in all this legal trouble and will be forced to shut down his business and lose his driver's license over the CS situation. She asked if we had gotten the letter from the attorney (remember the one where she said BF called her 50 times in 8 hours?), which I politely let her know was ridiculous. She went on to say that BF still calls her daily when SS is in school to say that the divorce was a mistake and that he's still in love with her (which is a violation of the restraining order don'tcha-know)She claims that all calls to and from her home are recorded by the police, and that she has good records of these "conversations" and phone calls which BF may not have due to him tampering with his own phone records. Apparently BF has connections in the phone company and he can get the records of him calling her erased off the record. (??)

I can't imagine living life that way. Even with everything that BM put me through, all the stalking and harrassment over the course of several years, I never went through such insane lengths to ensure my own security (if the things she claims are even true...). How scared would a person have to be to do the things that she's doing? Scared, or pissed...I feel so sorry for her.


Nise's picture

I think this woman is dangerously deceitful and that maybe you should cut her off completely! People who are in litigation against each other usually don’t communicate casually…only deal with her when you have to and formally!

Make a GREAT Day!

Anne 8102's picture

Sounds like my husband's ex-wife a little. She's one of those people who isn't happy unless she's downright MISERABLE and making everyone around her a party to her misery. She must thrive on the drama.

~ Anne ~

sosmomof6's picture

from the BM in our case :o

She definitely sounds similar~ like Anne said, a drama queen. They act nice sometimes, but it always comes back to them letting you know in no uncertain terms that they intend to cause trouble. I guess they get a power trip by making threats. Sad~ almost like they're allergic to the idea of things staying amicable. As we said before~ you don't need this extra stress near the holidays, don't let her push your buttons like that. Try not to deal with her directly if you can avoid it. Take care!

OldTimer's picture

What is up with these women?!?!? Yeah, like everyone else, I think she's quite the drama queen. She's an addict... to chaos. I also think that by the conversation, she's baiting you, trying to provoke you.

I think you need to get an answering machine... let her leave you a message, and move on.

monica68's picture

Communicate with her as little as possible! There's really no point in trying to reason with a crazy person.
Aloha, MJ