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The good, the bad... the ugly

no1smaid's picture

We got midterm report cards:
The Good:
skid#1: 3A's, 3B's, 2C's high c's, she is excited that she might for the first time in years hit A/B honor roll.
Bio Brother: Currently holding a 3.3 at the university
Bio Sister: Currently holding a 3.2 at the university
The Bad:
Skid#2: 1 D, 1D-
Skid#3: 1 D
Skid#4: 1 F 1D
Three heavily grounded skids. And just when they got everything back.

The ugly was my reaction when DH told me today he was going out with the guys hunting all day Saturday. Um, no. You grounded them, you are not leaving me at home again all day, to deal with their attitudes and play warden. That was a not so fun discussion, it was not until I broke it down for him that I could not guarantee all of them would live through the day with their attitudes that he seemed to understand that I was serious. His first solution was to send them to pawpaw, then I pointed out pawpaw didn't ground them, he did so it was his responsibility to see it through. DH isn't happy. The skids getting grounded effectively grounded him as well. Thank you ladies, once again you have helped with me remember the mantra of not my kid, not my problem!

On a positive note: skid#1 is actually impressing me. I thought at first it was all an act but considering she has maintained this act for well over a month now, it is either habit or she learned and matured from skid boot camp. No, she is not perfect but she is actually starting to become fun to be around, I can sit and talk with her, even shop with her. Even better, the latest boy she has brought home wears pants that fit (around his waist, not the waist line at his mid thigh like the last few boyfriends), does not speak ghetto, has a sense of humor and on the two dates they have been on has had her home 15 minutes before curfew!

A few steps forward with one, multiple steps back with others.


young_step_mom's picture

Good for you for putting your foot down and making DH actually PARENT the skids!!! And good for skid#1 for getting her act together!!! Now if only the other 3 could get their priorities straight...