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Halloween Weekend

Ninji's picture

Good points
We had a nice Halloween night. Kids got loads of candy. I watched my favorite movie, Poltergeist, and cried.

Bad points
SO was sick and spend almost the entire weekend either in bed or complaining
SS didn't turn in any of the homework I spend 10+hrs helping him with the previous weekend.
SS also told SO that SF is his first dad and SO is his second. SO is heart broken.

Only one more year and I'm done trick or treating. I'll be the person sitting in the driveway with a glass of wine handing out candy. Smile


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I took my kids to Boo at the Zoo. It was like a two hour line, no kidding, and my baby developed this weird rash all over her face and fell asleep. It was very alarming. She was fine after I dosed her with Benadryl but I didn't get to go trick or treating. I had to stay at home with her and dole out the candy.

Why does Poltergeist make you cry?

Ninji's picture

We used to take them to Boo at the Zoo as well, never really dealt with lines, but didn't really get to see many animals.

It' makes me cry because it's so sad. The mom can't find her daughter. Carol Ann is crying for her mom saying she's scared, where are you, help me. My SO makes fun of me for crying because it's supposed to be a scary movie. Smile

Ninji's picture

SS did ask SO for something (I can't remember what) and SO told him to ask his first dad. LOL. SS wasn't too happy about that.