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After reading a post of one of the forums about a SM trying to conceive but having problems and resenting SD, a lightbulb went off in my head. I have BC and of course SO has his daughters but there was a time that I wanted a baby with him and of course I can't because he got a Vasectomy because the BM of his daughters refused to go on birth control. I realize I have alot of resentment towards his daughters because of this. I knew he had the big snip snip before we got together but I never thought that I would want another baby (imagine that.) resentment towards his daughters has nothing to do with the real reason I dislike them. I don't like their attitudes, their lying, stealing, destroying things, and many other reasons I have listed in my past blogs.

With everything going on, I guess maybe it s a blessing and I don't realize it. I'm not sure now if he is the person I really want to spend the rest of my life with. He is wonderful with my kids but he has no clue how to parent his own (neither does the bimbo BM.)

Just a thought....