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Need to time to give up?

lil_teapot's picture

I came home Friday and brought groceries in to find the BM in my family room. I knew she was there cuz I saw her car outside and she wasn't in it. I tried hard not to be angry, so I grunted hello and went up stairs to put away my purse. I came back down and tried to calmly tell her that I didn't feel good about her being in my house and that our agreement was that she didnt' do please wait outside next time. She launches into a full scale attack on me yelling in front of her kid and saying that she can put me out of there anytime she wanted to. My H never said a word as I battled with her and told her, really, huh? is that true? So I turn to H and he says nothing, not a word. I ask him this time if it's true, and he says nothing. BM is beaming with enjoyment. I tell her she doesn't live here anymore and she continues to get lippy with me. Finally H screams at her to get out and practically throws her out. I wheel around on H and ask him if it's true...does she own our home? And he won't answer. So I say you're a liar and con man and I went upstairs all hysterical. I grabbed my suitcase and started throwing stuff in it. He comes up and asks where I'm going...I tell him I'm leaving you! He tries to stop me and talk, but I'm screaming at him the whole time...why do you always take her side, why don't you defend me, what are you lying about, etc...the usual stuff. He just tries to calm me down, but offer no answers so I'm seriously pissed and grab my stuff, practically knocking him down, and take off in my suv. He comes out to the driveway, probably to try to say something, but I put that baby in reverse and peeled out and took off a hysterical wreck. (I apologize to everyone on the road for driving in such a state...that was my bad and I am very sorry to have put others at risk because of my being so hysterical).
So I stay with my mom, who says he's a dirt bag and a liar and gets me groceries and stuff so I can go stay at my old condo...which I still haven't given up yet since being with H...something just wouldn't let me part with I can't get rid of the damn thing.
So I go back to my own place late Saturday afternoon and decide to make H move my essentials back to my place so I can be there while we sort out stuff. He at first refuses and says "I promised never to TAKE your stuff...I never said I'd move it back if we broke up..." (Rotten ass-weasel!) But finally after alot of talking on my part he decides to bring the stuff over. Then he leaves my keys and takes off to his house...I find out later it's because he's so broken up he's going to cry and doesn't want to do it in front of me (oh, but it's ok to show rage and anger in front of me all the time?)
So Saturday night I'm loving living alone and thinking how great it will be to get my stuff outta his place and leave him for good. I'm just sick of all the ex wife crap.
So Sunday I go over and ignore him, say hello to the skids and go get my coats out of the closet cuz it's cold now and I need them. And I go up to our room to get 'a few things'. Out come the packing boxes and I'm stuffing things in them at light speed. H comes up and sees what I'm doing and we have a discussion/fight. He doesn't want me to leave, and he knows for sure I mean business this time. So we have a discussion/fight for a couple hours and I go back to my place to rest while he feeds his kids.
While at my place I decide to go back to him at least temporarily because: my mom was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and will be having surgery soon and I absolutely need him as support; if I leave now he will make damn certain I don't get my stuff and have to fight him for it all or pay people to come get it and I have no money for that; he has many good qualities and treats me very, very well in alot of ways--this exW crap is just our achilles heel.
Anyway, I wind up back there Sunday afternoon, moved back in the stuff I had taken out, and back to cooking and trying to keep house. The kids went to their bm's house that afternoon so we were alone all afternoon and last night so we talked alot. He explained it was his bad by letting her in...he is a gentleman and does alot of things like changing people's tires, and walking coworkers to their cars...just generally a good guy. But I don't feel the same about him now. I feel(and I told him all this) that he betrayed me because we had the agreement that she waits in the car...and by him inviting her in, he was betraying our agreement. But I also see that he didn't mean any offense by it...they aren't romantically interested or anything... However, I don't feel the same about him anymore. He let me down, betrayed me, whatever...and I'm not over it. And I'm not secure in our house. They did some fancy financial stuff when they divorced so they share deeds to two houses, he's got one house, she's got one house, but she's still on our mortgage because it saves us money (she works at the same bank). I would like to sort it all out and get her outta our life, but it seems really complicated...and at this point I'm not sure I care enough to. I'm not sure how I feel about him.
He told me during our long, long conversations that BM is a dirtbag and he hates her, yadda yadda yadda, and that her old man cheated with her and on her, and she's probably gonna wind up dumped again which she deserves. But in the back of my mind I keep wondering if one day when she gets kicked out, he'll want her back....
But anyways, I'm just still angry at him and hurt and way, way not trusting. He said and did some things that made me feel like, if I try to leave, he'll make it the worst experience of my life...and if he gets sick enough of me, he'll toss my stuff out in the street. In essence, I feel very, very unsecure in my "home" with him.
I'm going to stay a while so I can get through my mom's illness...but I am looking to get out. I'm checking to see who can move me on short notice and get everything lined up so I can leave while he's at work. I'm not sure that leaving is the right thing though so I'm just at the planning stage. Like I say, he does alot of things right, but there a few wrongs here, and they're hugely wrong. Mostly I'm afraid because I have no's his house, she's on the mortgage...where is "mine"? Where is my security?
I know it's not here because I trusted him until this weekend, and he's show in his words and deeds that he does not mean what he says.
I'm proably wrong for using him like I am...but I don't have a choice right now.
Maybe you guys could offer me some advice or encouragement one way or another? I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on my situation because I'm lost...


missangie1978's picture

and don't turn back. Hell if my husband let BM into the house and didn't stick up for me I'd be gone so fast his head would spin. It also sounds like he's a bit of a jerk when he doesn't get his way, how dare he threaten to keep your stuff.

YOu deserve better than all this and you should make a run for it.

lil_teapot's picture

that he acts like a jerk when he doesn't get his way. he's like a giant over-grown child. I definitely am plotting my escape...I just want to make sure its the right move at the right time so I don't get sucked back in...if I decide to leave.

Conflicted's picture

This sucks. I'm so sorry that you are having to go through and man that would burn me up if BM acted that way to me! Its horrible that DH didn't stick up for you and I can completely understand how you would view him differently now. You must have lost a lot of respect for him and that is certainly hard to get back (if it even can be gotten back).

I think that the whole situation sucks but I don't think you're a bad person for staying until you feel you can leave. Your hubby certainly sounds like a snake and I wouldn't trust him nor would I feel badly for getting your ducks in a row so that you can successfully move on.

lil_teapot's picture

I'm not sure how this is all going to turn out but I have to look out for seems like there's alot here I don't know about and he's keeping me in the dark on. Maybe he cares and will take care of it, but if he doesn't, i'm not going to be the one with no home and no belongings..I'm going to look out for me first.

stuckinthemiddle's picture

If you have to stay for a while, you have to do it. I allowed an ex to stay for a while even after we called it quits. I know that is a little different than your situation, but it worked out because I couldn't leave him homeless. He stayed until he got a new place, and that wasn't long. I even helped him move. I am really nice ex.
My FH would never allow BM to put me down in my own house or have her argue with me in front of the kids and not stick up for me. Forget that. She used to be welcome in our home but that was until she started throwing fits and storming out.
Things sound a little shady and I would be careful. Who knows what arrangements he has with the ex and you do not want to jeopardize your safety or possessions. Watch your back and rely on friends. Let us know how it goes.

lil_teapot's picture

I think it all sounds shady too..and if they're shady with the IRS, what makes me think he isn't capable of beign shady with me?
I'm trying to be very quiet about my leaving and get it all planned out because he has been such a jerk about these fights, I'm afraid I'll get really royally boned if I try to leave w/o a good plan.
I've tried to get along with BM and i haven't said anything, not one word, to her kids about her...the problem is like what you have, her storming in and disrupting our home...I'm simply not having it.
I wish H would help me out if I want to leave, but I don't think it's likely...he thinks he's got me stuck there, but I'll make sure I get myself out.
Thanks again Smile

lil_teapot's picture

is that he does tons of good stuff for me and others all the time...leaves me dinner when I'm not home in time, washes my clothes when i'm busy, helps others change tires, you name it. but when it comes to the BM, I'm always wrong. It seems like in alot of ways she bullies everyone around her, and she seems to have him by his b*lls...but that doesn't excuse his behavior as far as I'm concerned.
That's why this is all so weird. H is normally my rock, but when it comes to BM he turns into a tub of crap. I'd like to believe it's because she's smooshed him down all these years, but I have a feeling he's not done with her or something. He claims to be done with her, but like I tell him, he's constantly angry around our in general has him p*ssed off lately (since he got put on 3rd shift) and we all suffer because of it...but he never, ever lets her have it the way I get it all the time. He can talk to me like crap, be angry and hold a grudge but when that little freak in go-go boots causes trouble, he doesn't say a damn thing. A friend of mine said maybe he's doing the best he can with her because of the kids, but its like he doesn't get that when he doesn't stand up to her he's hurting me, and I'm tired of the betrayal. I'd stand up for him if the tables were turned.
I just wish BM would move least then I could sort out my issues with H w/o having her cause more disruption.

Rags's picture


Go now and don't look back. The stuff is not worth your mental well being or your safety. I think his letting his XW and you fight it out while he stood there doing absolutely nothing until he got the message that you were at the end of your rope is telling. He has no character. He may be nice a majority of the time but he has been shown to be bankrupt as far as integrity and character.

If the stuff is that critical I would call the movers ASAP and have an off duty police officer come supervise your move in case HE gets out of control.

Just my thoughts,

Good luck and best regards,

lil_teapot's picture

to avoid a drama like what happened. He just wanted to have her give the skid his pants she'd brought over cuz it was cold and he only had shorts at our house at the moment. So he invited her in to give the kid his pants. I think he was trying to do what he thought was the right thing, but obviously it wasn't. We're all human and make mistakes. What I told him was though, in making that particular mistake, and how you made it, you showed that BM has the power over you, us and our home...and to allow her to be disrespectful to me showed her that you wouldn't stand up for me...although I have to admit he was never one to stand up for her either from what I'm getting.
Anyway, I'm still unsure about the true nature of his character so I'm making my plans just in case this doesn't pan out.

melis070179's picture

Um...her being on the mortgage does NOT give her rights to the property, the deed does. So if she's not on the deed then she has no right to it. Are you guys married? If he's on the deed, not her, and you guys are married, then you have every right to throw her out, not the other way around. I would look up the deed with your county & see who's listed on it. Its public record.

lil_teapot's picture

but they're both on the mortgage. her name is on their rental property and i believe his name is also on that mortgage. but their divorce decree gives him deed to our house and she got the rental. I looked it up and he's deeded to our house, and her to the rental...the way the mortgages are still joined is really p*ssing me off though. If we were to stay together, he's going to have to get her off of there(so what we pay more?! I don't care!!!) and we'll pay it ourselves, or he can or whatever...just not her.

Most Evil's picture

Since you have to pay on it anyway, why not stay there? or at your mom's? I too am not clear on why you would want to stay with him at all if you have other alternatives. I would be truly pissed if my DH stood there and watched me and BM argue and said nothing!

It would be great and you would feel better if you took back your power, took back your stuff and moved out (especially since you already have a place). Then you can cut to the chase of who and what he wants, without going thru more BS.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

lil_teapot's picture

but he's made it clearhe won't help me get my stuff there.

That's what's really really p*ssing me that he stood there and let her scream at me....ok, he DID scream at her and throw her I guess that's the best he could do. Like I told him though, he COULD have just said, calmly (since he wanted to avoid a scene).."No, that's cannot throw her out because this is not your home..."

Quite honestly in the pit of my stomach, my deepest darkest fear is that what we have (which was pretty damn good for the most part before this) isn't strong enough against the 13 years they spent together. He claims he doesn't want her back...and she definitely doesn't want him (according to him). I personally feel like she either wants him back or wants to have her oldman AND him...or just have him around to kiss her butt. I really get the sense that she is a control freak, and controlling him really gets her off. They both are very direct in saying the marriage sucked for a long, long time, so I don't think they're having any illusions that it would be better now. But I think he's so USED TO being controlled by her and she's so USED TO controlling him that they can't act in any other way.

You're sooo right about taking back my power and it is definitely going to start today. I'm not going to let him mess me over anymore.

wendymh's picture

You are a WONDERFUL person and don't need this crap. These are boundaries that he has crossed (with the ex in your home) so you A. Have an issue to be upset about
B. Can't believe this jerk would not defend you in (your home) and in front of this person.

B is the big deal for me. If you are anything like me or most of the world you need to be accepted. Accepted for most is having a home and a family. You deserve what you want, and it sounds like this JERK cannot give it to you. I know it sounds strong but you are so desperate for a family you will put up with this but we deserve more.

There are many men out there that will appreciate you and treat you as family. What happened here with the EX is DISGUSTING!

Take care of yourself and move on. I know you want to stay but gather strength and get out. He is not treating you well until the house is your home.

If there is some legal issue, it needs to STOP, because you are in charge now - it is yours.

If he doesn't get it - I'd be highly suspect of her position in his life.


lil_teapot's picture

That's what I'm trying to figure does the ex rate in his life. It seems that she rates higher than me, so I'm to see if that really is true...if it is, I'm sooo gone!

stepwitch's picture

and I went ballistic ! I mean absolutely ballistic ! Hell NO ! Oh Fck NO !! This is my house, she is not welcome and all be damned that think that she is !! HELL NO !

I totally understand the rage, I would absolutely not tolerate her having some type of ownership either. Just leave, it is obvious that he is OK with her coming in. NO NO NO NO NO NO

You have struck a nerve with me, can you tell. You need to come first and first always! If he can't or won't understand this, he is not the ROCK you think he is. Right now, your mom needs you, I'm sure you have friends to lean on and other family members. If he is who you may think he is, he will support you whether or not you are living with him, that will tell the tale. Good luck sweetie, you don't deserve to be second best on anything, you are your best advocate, gather your things, get some help moving and just do it....

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

lil_teapot's picture

That's how I was...I was a picture of complete It is so insane for them to think it's ok to bring an ex into our home. I told him, I could go out and get a male friend to come over and spend time with me when he's at work and see how he likes it...he claims he wouldn't be jealous, but I'm sure if I did it, he'd be heated.

I really appreciate you writing, because you seem to really feel the way I do about this. It just seems so crazy what they're doing...and the worst part is that H told me that the therapist his kid goes to also see's him sometimes and said he should be "commended" for having such a positive relationship. WTF?!!

stepwitch's picture

the sublime attitude that they have some kind of ownership on you your home or your hubby...........THAT IS WHAT IS IN SANE !! Why do you think that she thinks its ok to barge into you life whenever she feels fit and why do you think that it is ok with hubby. I know that they will always take the path of least resistant that is not a huge mystery, but what this is - is one of those things that is not negotionable ~ What are you going to do??

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!