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Sad update, but we already knew...

Last-Wife's picture

Princess 22 has struggled with depression for years. Now that she is in a somewhat steady relationship, and closer to finishing college, she is starting to think about the next step in her life- getting a job, getting married, having kids.

She's been working with a therapist, who finally required her to see a psychiatrist. Together the three of them have been working through different things in her life. She has been diagnosed with BiPolar II, Borderline Personality Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. And the docs have hinted to her there might be more!

She has seemed to deal with it all very well. Her biggest turning point was the fear she had cancer earlier this winter. She decided to get it all together. She's been trying to come home a bit more often for family support. She had a big week, but I'm not giving details in case her BM stalks me here. Due to events of the week, she spent several days with family and told them her mental issues and some things she had kept from these particular family members for years. With the help of her therapist, she had decided it was time to level that all out, get it all in the open so trust could develop.

When she was home 2 weeks ago for her brother's graduation, she was a jittery mess because her BM was around. She stuck close to my mom's side so BM couldn't get her off alone, and she actually left the party early with other family to avoid BM. She did not go to the graduation party the next day that BM had planned for her brother. She did not want to be at BM's new house and pretend everything was fine. She did not want to add to her mother's delusional world either...

It is a little bit easier to approach her know that she has official diagnoses. I can think of better ways to handle her rather than just think she's "being crazy like her mom." It'll be a long road, but it provides some relief to us all.

For the time being, she doesn't want BM to know her own medical diagnoses. She doesn't not want to add to her mother's mental instabilities... It really could push Loca over the edge if she fully realized how much damage she did to her own kids...


bearcub25's picture

Do you really think Loca would acknowledge her role or take responsibility? It is fantastic that Princess is accepting the help and moving forward with her life.

IDK what our BM official diagnosis is: Borderline for sure. She did a number on the skids before and after her and DSO divorced. Only SD seemed to be able to mentally handle it better than the 2 boys. YSS will spend his life either in treatment, jail or sorry to say, dead bc his mental problems are very overwhelming.

I can't see our BM taking 1 ounce of responsibility for what she has done. Maybe one day she will get off the pills and have a Come to Jesus moment but those types of thoughts and accountability just aren't in her at this point in time. Really the only thing I seeing as pushing BM over the edge is if DSO and I actually married. She truly feels that as long as we just live together, DSO may come back to her one day. She doesn't understand that we are committed to each other and not marrying to bc of mine and my kids financial futures.

HungryEyes's picture

I'm so sorry. I can't imagine the struggle ahead. SO has said that he's scared that Skids will have mental illness like their mom and I'm terrified for my bios and my EXH suffers from depression and anxiety. I think she's doing the right things for sure. Keep up the good work to her.

DPW's picture

Princess22 shouldn't disclose unless she feels comfortable doing so. As someone who struggles with mental illness, tell her from me that she should be on medication and in active therapy, preferably CBT, even when her illness tells her she shouldn't be doing these things to take care of herself. Her life will be a lot easier to manage. I wish I would have known earlier myself instead of the constant struggle of a life I have led.